i was wondering if you guys know the horror movie called the leprechaun. well if you guys have the time i was wondering if someone could make me a sig based on that movie with my name in it.

i was wondering if you guys know the horror movie called the leprechaun. well if you guys have the time i was wondering if someone could make me a sig based on that movie with my name in it.
Can you make me one that has an awsome pair of evil red eyes and the saying should say "My Evil Eyes Are Watching You-JAB1400"
At 5/17/05 10:22 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: May I please join you're club, I'll be a slightly good addition. Please mummy?
If I say no, will you go away? It's not that I don't like you, any of you. However, I'm not trying to be arrogant in any way, shape, or form, but you'd be better off in the ASM.
Can someone make me an animated sig of a stickman making many attempts to shoot a moth, then he gets pwned by the moth in some way.
At 5/18/05 12:40 AM, JAB1400 wrote: Can you make me one that has an awsome pair of evil red eyes and the saying should say "My Evil Eyes Are Watching You-JAB1400"
Like so? Not red, but pretty evil.
At 5/18/05 03:16 AM, LazyFuckingBastard wrote:At 5/17/05 10:22 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: May I please join you're club, I'll be a slightly good addition. Please mummy?If I say no, will you go away? It's not that I don't like you, any of you. However, I'm not trying to be arrogant in any way, shape, or form, but you'd be better off in the ASM.
I feel the same way,i was capping things to stress thm it wasnt because i was pissed(in my first post) and im sorry if i came off that way but i just found out that my grandmother has cancer so that kinda puts ya in a bad mood.
At 5/17/05 10:02 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote:At 5/17/05 05:20 AM, SMG-Bot wrote: SECOND and last warning this is not the amature sig makers,its not an open club it is MEMBERS ONLY we only have 5 rules and your breaking the biggest one right there,jedi more then dead person because he actually made someone a sig but that still goes for the both of you.Second? I didn't even have one excepy this? And also,
At 5/17/05 07:58 PM, xDrepx wrote:At 5/17/05 07:54 PM, Makaio wrote: and once again, sorry for the rant guys....................When you made a members only club, that is selective, you have to deal with people not reading the first page. You don't have to post a rant, because this is bound to happen. You just need to tell them that they are not wanted. Don't get all worked up about it. Some retards just don't learn about a club before they want to join.
ok1 who was talking to you?
are you a member?did a member talk to you?whay are you posting?
all that said i had just said that and so did rhys in the same post that he posted the request list so he did know better,
i dont really want to get in a fight right now so just.............leave please?if you want to have a conversation thats fine but if all you want to do is start/continue fights please leave.
hey!, can u make me a sig with this pulp fiction pic in it?
.:'':.Nick Candy
*sniff* i thought you guys said youd make one *sniff*
At 5/18/05 06:11 AM, d_unit87 wrote: *sniff* i thought you guys said youd make one *sniff*
If you would have read the first post you would have seen that they dont fill every request if they dont want to. Post a more specific request.
Anyway, Blue_Hoody, could you make me one of those violent animated sigs? If so, id like a guy with a green shirt having a baton (you know, the one with a handle underneath) and poking some other guy in his chest. Make it really violent please. >:)
(PS, i also posted this in your sig request thread in general)
guys! a polite reminder. all sigs will be made. it will just take us a little longer cause we want to make them prefect for you all.
also. please dont request to join. im sorry but we will ask you if we want you to join. just dont start flaming about when someone gets rejected because they havent read the rools. thank you all.
p.s i know i spelt rules wrong.
At 5/17/05 10:04 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Yes... there are some mistakes but who gives a fuck...
I do.
why don't you go eat daddy's meat and stop posting shit.
here you go master. incorporating sigs into my posts so they arent off topic. :)
At 5/18/05 06:04 AM, Nick_Candy wrote: hey!, can u make me a sig with this pulp fiction pic in it?
.:'':.Nick Candy
English, motherfucker? You speak it?
At 5/18/05 01:11 PM, LazyFuckingBastard wrote: English, motherfucker? You speak it?
Damn if thats not owned i dont know what is haha, funniest thing i heard in a long while...
At 5/18/05 01:13 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Roffl
Damn if thats not owned i dont know what is haha, funniest thing i heard in a long while...
You do know he wasn't making fun of him, that's a quote from the movie, it's just when iread your post it sounded asif you thought LFB was making fun of that guy...
Anyway, c'mon, that guy asked for a sig way after me and you still made his first, could you please make my sig LFB? My request was to have a retro style sig with a picture of Donkey from Retarded Animal Babies and have a quote saying "Couldn't find a rusty coat hanger in her closet, eh son? Heh heh" The colours i would like are pink and white and maybe a bit of purple or blue. Thanks again in advance if you do this. And please could you try?
At 5/18/05 01:26 PM, lde wrote:
My request was to have a retro style sig with a picture of Donkey from Retarded Animal Babies and have a quote saying "Couldn't find a rusty coat hanger in her closet, eh son? Heh heh" The colours i would like are pink and white and maybe a bit of purple or blue.
that request makes me happy in my pee pee place XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eh im not good with bright color sigs,im really should look inot some happy go lucky tutorials :)
At 5/18/05 02:32 PM, Makaio wrote: that request makes me happy in my pee pee place XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eh im not good with bright color sigs,im really should look inot some happy go lucky tutorials :)
Heh heh, that's cool...and by the way what do you mean by happy go lucky tutorials? Never heard of them before. I am also a sig maker, but i am terrible at trying to make retro sigs (the kind that quikfox makes) i'm kind of stuck on the whole grunge thing which is kind of amature, but everyone seems to like them so all is not lost :D
Also, does anyone know The_Puppet's email? I need to ask him a question...he hasn't been on NG in ages and i really need to ask him something.
At 5/17/05 10:31 PM, Mr_leprechaun wrote: i was wondering if you guys know the horror movie called the leprechaun. well if you guys have the time i was wondering if someone could make me a sig based on that movie with my name in it.
That movie sucks, not scary at all.
ok1 who was talking to you?At 5/17/05 07:54 PM, Makaio wrote:
are you a member?did a member talk to you?whay are you posting?
all that said i had just said that and so did rhys in the same post that he posted the request list so he did know better,
i dont really want to get in a fight right now so just.............leave please?if you want to have a conversation thats fine but if all you want to do is start/continue fights please leave.
Ok one, I don't care if you were talking to me or not because I was just notifying you that instead of posting a rant, you could have posted one simple sentence which would have gotten the point along quite well, and not imply that you are a dumbass by posting a few paragraphs with tons of mispelled words, when it would have been much easier, and waaay more conveniant to post a few words.
I know I'm not a member, and I sure wouldn't want to join if all the current members start flaming everyone who walks in asking to join. He was just wondering, and you can't put the burden on people to read every single fucking page. Most people just read the title and post.
Start a fight? Since when am I starting a fight? All I said was to take it easy, and not to have a heart attack over something as small as someone asking you something. I'm not going to leave, because that would just give you satisfaction of how you "pwned" me. Instead I'm going to hang aroung making constructive comments, or until someone with decent respect, and authority asks me to leave.
At 5/18/05 01:11 PM, LazyFuckingBastard wrote:At 5/18/05 06:04 AM, Nick_Candy wrote: hey!, can u make me a sig with this pulp fiction pic in it?English, motherfucker? You speak it?
.:'':.Nick Candy
Woah!!, thanks sooo much LazyFuckingBastard! that is sooo awesome!!!
lol, yea! best line!!! i love Pulp Fiction
plz help me make a sig I really want to look down there and not have to see blankness(to other requestees. please make a detailed request so we can be more accurate.)
under my every post......
Bleh, my lack of originallity hurts.
"I span the genre Vince. They call me the genre spanner."
-=Sig request=-
Hey can I get a sig, something to do with Samurai any BG can make it grunge if wish, My name Bushi somewhere and a Tech border? Plz thanks ^.^
At 5/18/05 01:26 PM, lde wrote: You do know he wasn't making fun of him, that's a quote from the movie, it's just when iread your post it sounded asif you thought LFB was making fun of that guy...
Ya i know, but still it was damn funny, oh well...
At 5/18/05 05:31 PM, xDrepx wrote
Instead I'm going to hang aroung making constructive comments, or until someone with decent respect, and authority asks me to leave.
do what you want. in the end no-one can really stop you. though in the end you have great potential in sig making that i'd hate to see wasted because you will have no respect from anyone in this crew. just calm down. sure that comment had nothing to do with anything put put your e-dick away and chill. i don't know if i have authority or respect but could you please leave until you are invited or are requesting a sig
- AAR -
At 5/19/05 01:16 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote: At 5/18/05 05:31 PM, xDrepx wrote
Instead I'm going to hang aroung making constructive comments, or until someone with decent respect, and authority asks me to leave.do what you want. in the end no-one can really stop you. though in the end you have great potential in sig making that i'd hate to see wasted because you will have no respect from anyone in this crew. just calm down. sure that comment had nothing to do with anything put put your e-dick away and chill. i don't know if i have authority or respect but could you please leave until you are invited or are requesting a sig
- AAR -
ok first fuck him im not gonna get into a flame war and 2 what do you mean you dont have authority?maybe not on the rest of ng you certainly do in here.
I dont know what he means by decent respect because well it doesnt make sence but in here both of us has authority,hell if it wasnt for us the damn club would never gotten started,im only home for a little while because of my grandmother im going to go visit her again and her having cancer is alot more important then some ass kicking up shit.
At 5/19/05 03:31 PM, Makaio wrote: ok first fuck him im not gonna get into a flame war and 2 what do you mean you dont have authority?maybe not on the rest of ng you certainly do in here.
I dont know what he means by decent respect because well it doesnt make sence but in here both of us has authority,hell if it wasnt for us the damn club would never gotten started,im only home for a little while because of my grandmother im going to go visit her again and her having cancer is alot more important then some ass kicking up shit.
Ok first, drop it. It was never a war. You never flamed me. Respect is something you earn, you aren't born with it. Respect is what you get from not acting like a dickhead all the time. Yes, everyone does have authority, but other people have a lot more than you. You never kicked my ass, you never have. I'm don't mean to be an asshole, but you can't flame people worth shit. Get your facts straight before posting them on the BBS, no one cares about how you "kicked my ass." I guess I'll have to post this pic again, just for you, the lone retard.
Rhys: I got your point, I won't take up your club anymore for something as stupid as this.
Hey, been looking for a sig, hard to find.. do you think you or someone in your guild could please make me a sig? if so thanks, if not well...thanks anyway
Thanks blue hoody thats really mint. Sorry i havent thanked you sooner I haven't been on for a while.
an animated one if possible.. Jimbo_Franklin and then a flying stick man with a cape chasing a clown...make the Jimbo_Franklin part cool..thanks
lol...um.......my request please
At 5/15/05 09:01 PM, Killha wrote: Don't wanna sound like a n00b but what about my request
At 5/14/05 09:04 PM, Killha wrote: I wish you the best of luck also,,,,,GL
May I have a sig pertaining my name and something to do with anime plz and thx ^_^