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Sig Makers Guild

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Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 13:23:24


Sig Makers Guild

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 14:08:15

At 5/16/05 10:19 AM, lde wrote: Could i get a retro sig with the colours, pink and (maybe blue or green, you choose) with Donkey from Retarded Animal Babies on it with a qoute saying "Could'nt find a rusty coat hanger in her closet eh son? heh heh". Thank you in advance

Sorry, i don't mean to be rude or ignorant but you have completely missed my request. I'd be really greatful if one of you did this thanks. And if you don't mind, would you care to give me the PSD or PSP (whatever you use) file aswell?

Again, thanks in advance.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 14:23:15


Hi could someone please if they could find the time make me a decent sig. Basically
Could I have kind of a foresty green Background with Forest write across it please
anyone. thanks in advance.


I would like to have a dark sig that has my name: omegalpha with the symbols of
omega and alpha somewhat arranged to show that they share a letter and in the
order my username uses. The rest you can decide upon. E-mail me if you have any
questions.my email is Cranial_Explosion@yahoo.com


yea its pritty good. I like it more then my other one good job. But I would still like to see
if some one can do my other idea. Sorry but I will use it for now and thank you.


Hey i have a some work for anyone, i need as much as possible they are avatars for
my forums...
the avatars must be 80x80 and must have a 2x pixle red border
As for what the avatar image well be artistic, im looking for more artistic and great
use of color, all sorts of designs and stuff that stands out...
So anyone feel free to make as many as you like, and as much styles i need many...

:plz help me make a sig I really want to look down there and not have to see blankness

under my every post......

(to other requestees. please make a detailed request so we can be more accurate.)


I would also like a sig made
it only has to reflect on the website in my current sig other than that just have at er
if anyone nothers to make one send it to my email ufossuck@yahoo.ca


Well ii never really asked for a sig till now, even when i only had MS paint i seemed to
do just fine, (i even made a sig for SlipperyMooseCakes) now i use some microsoft
program kind of like photoshop, you know the one with the "magic wand"...but i have
finally broke and will break my spirit and ask for one.....*sigh*
could you make me an animated one with a pastel green background and pastel pink
letters (kind of like the layout of Modest mouse new album) saying DeadPerson and
on the far right a pixelated broken heart </3 flashing, like appearing and disapearing,
kind of when neon lights make false contact. thnx in advance -.-


Could i get a retro sig with the colours, pink and (maybe blue or green, you choose)
with Donkey from Retarded Animal Babies on it with a qoute saying "Could'nt find a
rusty coat hanger in her closet eh son? heh heh". Thank you in advance
Sorry, i don't mean to be rude or ignorant but you have completely missed my
request. I'd be really greatful if one of you did this thanks. And if you don't mind, would
you care to give me the PSD or PSP (whatever you use) file aswell?
Again, thanks in advance.

also please be aware that only members may post siggage. so if you are not a member please only posts requests or thank you's. and please dont ask to join because if we want someone to join WE will ask them. son't come to us to avoid embarassment. any askage to join will result in me giving you a very embarassing e-spanking. and stop posting sigs if you are not members. yeah...

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 14:38:51

i'm intrested in the looks of this club....can someone make me a sig......can it be an animated nirvana one with a grunge theme to it. thanks in advance.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 15:13:37

At 5/17/05 12:34 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote: MOST SKILLIAU (good) REQUEST EVER!

Well done my friend its awesome \m/>.<\m/

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 15:18:19

At 5/17/05 03:13 PM, smok3t3ch wrote: Well done my friend its awesome \m/>.<\m/

You know what you should do to make it better. Take something close to the grungie look of your sig. Change it to red and black. Go to google search for Leatherface and get the one that looks like real a photo of him. That was supposed to be the real photo of him (even though the real guy it was based on didnt even use a chainsaw to what they know). Throw that in and there ya go. Its just a suggestion.

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 18:35:09

At 5/17/05 01:23 PM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote: meh.

too big, make it smaller and i will wear it, it is super cool.. thank you!!!

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 18:36:35

Wow all of them nice sigs

My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son of a bitch

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 18:41:26

can sumbody please make me a real cool sig with VANdau in orange grafitti, black background and super mario mushrooms and goombas and koopas ontop of the black?

thanks-Van landau

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 19:00:42

hello...i am a new newgrounds user who after lurking around the BBS have viewed many awsome sigs....and mine is quite boring campared to most so if anyone here would be kind enough to make one for me nothing too impressive...just want my name on it "d_unit87" thank you very much ;) my email address is d_unit87@yahoo.ca if you want to send it there as well? thank you again

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 19:28:11

hey, can I join...I am on different forums and im a sig maker...i would like to help out and make some sigs

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 19:28:42

At 5/17/05 05:20 AM, SMG-Bot wrote: SECOND and last warning this is not the amature sig makers,its not an open club it is MEMBERS ONLY we only have 5 rules and your breaking the biggest one right there,jedi more then dead person because he actually made someone a sig but that still goes for the both of you.

first...what are you gonna do about it eh? second i didnt mean to be rude or somewhat intrusivee i just wanted to show NOT MAKE a sig i had done earlier, no need to get all defensive :D i'll stop doing that but dont take it as an attack

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 19:39:33

for the XWayneColtX or whatevers forums, I made some avatars... here is one...and I unno how to post 2 up : \

Sig Makers Guild

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 19:54:44

At 5/17/05 07:39 PM, woahzer wrote: for the XWayneColtX or whatevers forums, I made some avatars... here is one...and I unno how to post 2 up : \

Jesus christ.....this is more rhys department but i just cant help myself.........
you obviously know how to read because you did the request,(badly i might add) so how in the hell did you miss the rules on page one and the big thing that just went on about people posting sigs ???hell just about every member made a post so are you just stund and think it doesn't apply to you or what???
theres a reason theres an AMATURE sig makers for amatures such as yourself................

Damn it man i usually don't go nuts but we just got this place started and were trying to build a reputation and when the rules are so obviously stated time and again and nonmembers still post sigs people who are just dropping by are going to think your a member and that the club is full of low talent shitheads,pardon my french.............

and once again, sorry for the rant guys....................

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 19:58:21

At 5/17/05 07:54 PM, Makaio wrote: and once again, sorry for the rant guys....................

When you made a members only club, that is selective, you have to deal with people not reading the first page. You don't have to post a rant, because this is bound to happen. You just need to tell them that they are not wanted. Don't get all worked up about it. Some retards just don't learn about a club before they want to join.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:11:05

Ok, im sorry, jesus fucking christ...

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:15:00

At 5/17/05 08:11 PM, woahzer wrote: Ok, im sorry, jesus fucking christ...

No, you shouldn't be, you didn't do anything wrong. Matt just over-reacted..

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:24:48

This is honeslt the first time I've seen this club. And I ofund it by looking in xdrepx's posts...

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:30:43

At 5/17/05 06:41 PM, VANdau wrote: can sumbody please make me a real cool sig with VANdau in orange grafitti, black background and super mario mushrooms and goombas and koopas ontop of the black?

thanks-Van landau


Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:33:49

At 5/17/05 08:24 PM, zedonk wrote: This is honeslt the first time I've seen this club. And I ofund it by looking in xdrepx's posts...

Why were you looking in my posts?

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:35:59

At 5/16/05 05:48 PM, forest_kickassonleft wrote: Hi could someone please if they could find the time make me a decent sig. Basically Could I have kind of a foresty green Background with Forest write across it please anyone. thanks in advance.

Umm.. like this? I dunno you were kinda vague.

Sig Makers Guild

"I span the genre Vince. They call me the genre spanner."

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 20:45:21

Someone can make me a profil pic ?

Coz mine suxx loooots...


Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:02:57

At 5/17/05 05:20 AM, SMG-Bot wrote: SECOND and last warning this is not the amature sig makers,its not an open club it is MEMBERS ONLY we only have 5 rules and your breaking the biggest one right there,jedi more then dead person because he actually made someone a sig but that still goes for the both of you.

Second? I didn't even have one excepy this? And also,

Fuck you~! I was posting this as a judging sig to see if I could join you and I though it would be COMVENIANT that I did that sig, So if you see my OFFERED HELP as an insult or even as a sign of hostilisty, then you can shove it~! All I wanted to do was to help out as a possible member, so YEAH~!.
Thank you anyway.

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:04:23

At 5/17/05 10:02 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Second? I didn't even have one excepy this? And also,

Fuck you~! I was posting this as a judging sig to see if I could join you and I though it would be COMVENIANT that I did that sig, So if you see my OFFERED HELP as an insult or even as a sign of hostilisty, then you can shove it~! All I wanted to do was to help out as a possible member, so YEAH~!.
Thank you anyway.

Yes... there are some mistakes but who gives a fuck...


Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:15:17

At 5/17/05 10:04 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote:
At 5/17/05 10:02 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Second? I didn't even have one excepy this? And also,
Yes... there are some mistakes but who gives a fuck...


Pudding cups. I stash pudding cups in my boxers to eat during dinner. :D

Anyways, I want to aplogise for any offense you took to those 'don't post your sig' posts. We mean no harm. It just needs to be established that we don't accept walk-ins. Much like hair-dressers are we.

I feel silly posting without having a sig to go with it, so I'll get back to the one I'm working on.

"I span the genre Vince. They call me the genre spanner."

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:15:38

At 5/17/05 10:02 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Wahhhh! I have a rant!

Here, use this word.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:16:47

At 5/17/05 10:15 PM, Blue_Hoody wrote: I feel silly posting without having a sig to go with it, so I'll get back to the one I'm working on.

Are you still doing those killer/killee sigs? Just wondering..

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:22:06

At 5/17/05 10:15 PM, xDrepx wrote:
At 5/17/05 10:02 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote: Wahhhh! I have a rant! No I didn't... who are you? YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DADDY!
Here, use this word.

Damn right! wait... what? I'm an aussie I could never do that... all I would like to know is,
can we start on a new slate by me asking,

May I please join you're club, I'll be a slightly good addition. Please mummy?
(Controll your mind Controll your mind Controll your mind Controll your mind Contro...)

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:23:22

At 5/17/05 10:22 PM, Jedi_Coconut wrote:
I'm an aussie

Ha! this guys an aussie! What an idiot... So... you... wan.. ta.. have sex?

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-05-17 22:24:42

At 5/17/05 10:16 PM, xDrepx wrote:
At 5/17/05 10:15 PM, Blue_Hoody wrote: I feel silly posting without having a sig to go with it, so I'll get back to the one I'm working on.
Are you still doing those killer/killee sigs? Just wondering..

Yes, I haven't posted anything up in a while. I think I have about 20 (which sucks hardcore because I lost all the ones in the laptop meltdown, so basically I'm finally back to where I was) to go up or something like that. I haven't had the time recently. Don't tell anyone though, they'll be on my like flies to poo.

"I span the genre Vince. They call me the genre spanner."

BBS Signature