At 5/19/05 04:35 PM, xDrepx wrote:
Ok first, drop it. It was never a war. You never flamed me. Respect is something you earn, you aren't born with it. Respect is what you get from not acting like a dickhead all the time. Yes, everyone does have authority, but other people have a lot more than you. You never kicked my ass, you never have. I'm don't mean to be an asshole, but you can't flame people worth shit. Get your facts straight before posting them on the BBS, no one cares about how you "kicked my ass." I guess I'll have to post this pic again, just for you, the lone retard.
Rhys: I got your point, I won't take up your club anymore for something as stupid as this.
im really getting sick of this kid,you joined ng a month before me but ive been alot more active,ive been making sigs for a few months and been active in c&c and general so what gives you the right to start going on at me and if calling me a retard isn't a flame i don't know what is now please just shut up,if i say you win will you be happy?
and on a semi related note:get a life,this is a hobby for me and i really don't care how respected i am or not,im 99.9% of the time a very good helpful user when i made that post i had just found out about my grandmother and i don't care who you are that puts you in a bad mood,you obviously are a disrespectful person by nature otherwise i would not have to make this post.
At 5/19/05 04:05 PM, enigma- wrote: ay!!! id like to join
email: enigma91@gmail
send us some of your work and we may consider you for a trial
happy drep?