Hey Guys well you know how In ALL pokemon games you and evryone else starts out weak and eventualy everyone has Lv50s? Well I thought of an idea for nintendo to make this actually work.
It starts out with Some pepole Discovering a new region, along with new pokemons. After expolration, they decide to colonise it. Your around 17, and have moved to this new region to get away from everyone (Or you could eb younger with your parents, But that wouldn't work as well) . Everyone here is from different regions. Your choice of regions will choose your starter. Johto will be grass, (As its mostly feilds and stuff) Hoenn would be fire (As it has that huge Volcanno) and the other would be Water (I haven't decided which yet) These options will be explained in game, probally by a train ticket check who would say somthing...
"Are you from Hoenn, the land of FIRE..." Stuff like that.
After you get to your new home town, You will be told that as pepole are new to this region, and most of the wild pokemon are dangerous, everyone must have a pokemon for protection. After reciving yours, you are told to go bond with it or something. You get to the next town, the pokemon centers are all mobile vechicles and stuff, and the pokemarts are all small-time traders.
After some more stuff happens, you get your pokeballs and go off catching pokemon. You have no pokedex, that comes later. Instead you write down and draw all the pokemon you encounter. This is automatic of course, that'd take to long. After defeating the Third makeshift Gym, you think your unstoppable. Then Team __________ Come, (Probaly Rocket) and start Destroying the town. You try to stand up against them, but their leader comes up. You challenge him to a battle, but he declines simplybgetting his pokemon to throw you aside.
Some more stuff happens, and you wake up in a Pokemon center/hospital. Its been 2 months and you were in a coma or somthing. Now everything is advanced-ish. The pokemon centers are normal, as are the opkemarts. There are actual houses, and the gyms are propaly set up.
Then more stuff happens, with you ending up destroying team rocket, catching the legendary and defeating the league. The time of the coma would differ though, probaly after the 5th badge or somthing so your pokemons are at least in their 30s, and when you wake up most trainers would be in their 40s. Although I'd have to have a better think about this, Good idea or not?