Hey everybody , I'm back.
Sorry for not posting in a long time.
Anyway, here's my team.
Torterra_ Lvl. 72_Bold Nature_ Leftovers_ Overgrow
Stone Edge
Wood Hammer
I'm got Leftovers for the recoil of Wood Hammer and I'm no sure to pick
Superpower or Crunch.
Togekiss_ Lvl.69_ Quirky Nature_ Life Orb_ Hustle
Shock Wave
Sky Attack
Aura Sphere
Sky Attack is for the Hustle ability and I don't plan to change it soon.
Magnezone_ Lvl.68_ Adamant Nature_ Focus Band_ Magnet Pull
Mirror Coat
Iron Head
Signal Beam
Mirror Coat is great with special Fire and Fighting attacks and combined with the Focus Band
makes a great combination.
Floatzel_ Lvl.70_ Timid Nature_ Razor Fang_ Swift Swim
Ice Fang
Rain Dance(Soon to be.)
Rain Dance is for the Dry Skin ability of my Toxicroak.
Houndoom_ Lvl.69_ Rash Nature_ Power Herb_ Flash Fire
Shadow Ball
Heat Wave
Dark Pulse
I don't want to waste time and find a sunny day TM so I gave it a Power Herb instead.
Dragona(Flygon)_ Lvl.58_ Careful Nature_ Yache Berry_ Levitate
Fire Punch
Dragon Claw
Ice Punch
I'm trying to max it's Atk stat.
Toxicroak_Lvl.69_ Gentle Nature_ Muscle Band_ Dry Skin
Poison Jab
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Clearly you guys can see why I gave it this moveset.
Gardevoir_Lvl.51_Naive Nature_Lum Berry_Synchronize
Focus Blast
Thunder Wave
I'm trying to balance inflicting status conditions and attacks for this Gardevoir.
That is my team so far and feel free to comment any time.