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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-16 09:17:31

At 9/16/09 09:10 AM, Aci6 wrote: I change my aura with every level and when I saw it I thought it'd probably be better to use when I go up a level and change my aura to green. Yeah, I don't know what I want these days lol

Fair enough. I'm always dark and I doubt I'm gonna change it, so this sig probably goes rather well with that scheme.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-16 10:01:44

At 9/16/09 09:29 AM, Aci6 wrote: A lot of new people seem to opt for Dark, hell even Holly chose it for when she signed up (later changing it to blue). I don't mind it but you've got to get sick of seeing the same icon over and over.

Meh, to be honest I don't really care. It's just an aura, and unless it was fab, I don't really care all too much. I'd probably prefer it to be how it was before the redesign, since then at least there was some point to it, other than just aesthetic.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-16 14:20:36

At 9/11/09 11:37 PM, ParadoxVoid wrote:
At 9/11/09 03:21 PM, verycoolguy wrote: Struggle isn't a normal type move. It's typeless. And it hits everything neutrally.
Is it of the same type as Curse, or is that completely different?

I named my shuppet "Emo" due to curse.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-22 17:57:53

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-22 18:38:36

At 9/22/09 05:57 PM, Whoshotdabear wrote: this one's givin meh greif to!

Can we get rid of this guy?

I maek lolz. I play Steam. I fight for genital integrity.

Anything else you need?

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-22 19:41:41

At 9/22/09 06:38 PM, HibiscusKazeneko wrote: Can we get rid of this guy?

Just ignore him, he's such a poor excuse for a troll it's kinda sad. If it bothers you, PM a mod about it.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-23 13:54:43

I'm always trying to develop, improve, and refine my team for the battle frontier. Right now this is what my team will look like:

Garchomp@focus sash
Jolly nature
- outrage
- stone edge
- earthquake
- fire fang (simply here for type coverage and so I don't get walled by Bronzong or Skarmory)
So he's a demon for a lead, and my main attacker. If I can't get a super effective hit and my opponent's name isn't Weavile, I usually outrage away.

Heatran@choice scarf
modest nature
- Fire blast
- earth power
- explosion
- dragon pulse
With a choice scarf, Heatran can become an effective revenge killer that can sweep if the need arises, as very little resists this set. Once Heatran is done attacking, I'll switch to Bronzong, and if I'm switching in while low on health, I'll immediately try to blow up my enemy.

I forget the nature, but I know it's not the best choice.
- gyro ball
- earthquake
- hypnosis
- explosion
Standard wall. I chose Bronzong because of all of his "lol I'm a steel type" resistances combined with levitate, making for a safe switch-in on almost anything. While in, I'll try to status the opponent, then switcgh out our start attacking. Again, if low on health, I'll go kamikaze on the opponent's ass. Because of this and the fact that he doesn't hit very hard, I usually try not to send out Bronzong as my last Pokemon.

Opinions? I'm just testing out this team at the battle tower so I'll post results later.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-25 17:56:45

At 9/24/09 07:13 PM, Aci6 wrote: You're better of opting for flamethrower since its got better accuracy, also if its only for Bronzong and Skarmory is a must since both of them have a dangerously high defense stat.

I guess an 80 special attack with a base 95 power move has some decent KO potential behind it if it's used to take down physical walls with a 2X or 4X weakness to fire.

Switch Fire Blast for flamethrower, there's nothing worse than missing when you need to hit D:

Someone seems to be a fan of flamethrower :D

Oh well, you do have a point. Maybe the mistake I've been making in the past was going the high-risk, high-reward route. The raw power in fire blast is really appealing to me, but as you said, there's nothing worse than it missing when I need it to hit the most. And I doubt heat wave would be much better. the 100 base power doesn't make up for the 90% accuracy.

Thanks for the advice.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-26 02:58:27

At 9/25/09 05:56 PM, Fox wrote: Oh well, you do have a point. Maybe the mistake I've been making in the past was going the high-risk, high-reward route. The raw power in fire blast is really appealing to me, but as you said, there's nothing worse than it missing when I need it to hit the most. And I doubt heat wave would be much better. the 100 base power doesn't make up for the 90% accuracy.

Thanks for the advice.

Fire Blast isn't that bad though. If you were talking Thunder or Blizzard, I'd say go thunderbolt/ice beam all the way unless you had Rain/Hail support. Fire Blast is a little different though, since with a base 85 accuracy, it's actually not going to miss all that often.

My Metagross's main attacking move is Meteor Mash, also with an 85 accuracy, and it rarely ever misses. I don't know why, but I'd probably be fairly comfortable with Fire Blast. I'd go the same with Garchomp though, since with a non-EV boosted special attack, you'll need the power.

Don't go Heat Wave under any circumstances though.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-29 00:59:07

I have a new Gardevoir and I already figured out it's final moveset:

Gardevoir -Naive Nature -Expert Belt
Focus Blast
Calm Mind/Shadow Ball

Tell me which should I get rid of, Calm Mind or Shadow Ball. Or tell me other
moves I should let it learn.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-29 16:01:02

Preparing for PtHGSS when I eventually get it (my b-day is in 1 1/2 months, so I might have a shot of getting Pt then, at least), I built a test team on Shoddy; I haven't broken it out yet, and figured I'd bring it up here first. Keep in mind, I'm the unconventional type. I'd like suggestions on the order, since I'm still new to the 'lead' concept.

Claydol (Shiny)
Bold / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 SpA
@Light Clay

Light Screen
Stealth Rock
Earth Power

With both defenses at 339, this becomes one bulky little bastard, perfect for setting up defensive measures early on. Can't touch Levitators/Flyers, but it ain't meant to have to.

Machamp (Shiny)
Adamant / 252 ATK / 68 Def / 188 SpD / No Guard

Bulk Up
Stone Edge

Been wanting to utilize No Guard Machamp for some time now; it'll be fun to have Dynamicpunch actually hit. :P

Modest / 4 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
@Choice Scarf

HP Grass
Focus Blast
Lava Plume

Saw this variant on Serebii, and it looked awesome. Nice to have a Pokemon who can actually make use of Eruption at full power - even those who resist it oughtta take a giant dent. I went LP over Flamethrower for the added Burn chance when necessary.

Modest / 12 HP / 252 Spe / 244 SpA
@Petaya Berry

Energy Ball
Dragon Pulse

One of the other Typhlosion variants showcased on Serebii inspired me to make a version for one of my personal favorites. After Overgrow and the Petaya both kick in, Energy Ball should be scary enough. Endeavor was an idea to make giant special walls more manageable.

Tentacruel (Shiny)
Timid / 252 Spe / 4 SpA / 252 SpD / Clear Body
@Black Sludge

Rapid Spin
Toxic Spikes
Ice Beam

Removes entry hazards, then goes & lays some, all while being able to take a few hits & dish 'em back out.

Jolly / 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe / Scrappy
@.........not sure on the item yet........

Milk Drink
Heal Bell
Body Slam

A horribly underused choice that pretty much does everything; hopefully HGSS will remind everyone else of its worth on a team - esp. with the addition of Scrappy. Chose Body Slam over Return for paralysis, which helps keep it around longer.

Suggestions welcome here, since I'm still a noob to this gen's scene.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-09-29 19:48:12

For Claydol, if you want to to be bulky, you gotta max out that low base HP before anything. Same goes with Tentacruel.

For Sceptile... I guess it's a nice idea to use Endeavor to deal with things like Blissey, but if you're running a SubPetaya set, it might seem like a better idea to just use another move for more coverage, I'd recommend Hidden Power Fire.

For Tentacruel, if you want to use him as a tank that does the job of laying entry hazards, why are you worried so much about its Speed? It isn't a sweeper. Tentacruel's base stat for HP is lower than his Special Defense base stat, so if you want to take as many Special hits as possible, max his HP, then add some EVs on Special Defense. Remove the 252 EVs from Speed and put them in HP. I also recommend you put in some EVs in Defense, because it's really weak, and use a Bold or a Calm nature.

Give Miltank Leftovers.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-01 07:12:11

For those of you that are interested, the Shaymin Wifi Event has started.

I got mine yesterday... might train it up, might not... I'm undecided as of yet, and it kinda depends on what kind of IVs it has, which I haven't checked yet.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-01 16:51:36

At 9/29/09 07:48 PM, verycoolguy wrote: For Claydol, if you want to to be bulky, you gotta max out that low base HP before anything.

Alrighty, I've adjusted it to:

252 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpD

So it's still almost even on both defensive ends, but with maxed HP.

For Sceptile... I guess it's a nice idea to use Endeavor to deal with things like Blissey, but if you're running a SubPetaya set, it might seem like a better idea to just use another move for more coverage, I'd recommend Hidden Power Fire.

I'll think about it, but I want to give the Endeavor idea a test drive first.

For Tentacruel, if you want to use him as a tank that does the job of laying entry hazards, why are you worried so much about its Speed? It isn't a sweeper. Tentacruel's base stat for HP is lower than his Special Defense base stat, so if you want to take as many Special hits as possible, max his HP, then add some EVs on Special Defense. Remove the 252 EVs from Speed and put them in HP. I also recommend you put in some EVs in Defense, because it's really weak, and use a Bold or a Calm nature.

Actually, I meant more that it CAN take hits if it needs to, not so much being made specifically to do it. It's supposed to be a fast Rapid Spinner that just happens to be able to throw down its own set of hazards when the moment arises & be able to take the occasional hit.

However, with that said, I think I'll take the EVs out of Special Defense & stick em in Defense instead.

Give Miltank Leftovers.

Uh, Item Clause - Machamp has em already, and I'm quite happy keeping those on him.

I'm starting to debate Miltank anyway; I just wanted an excuse to use it, and I didn't want a damn Blissey - way too many of those already.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-01 17:59:32

At 10/1/09 07:12 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: For those of you that are interested, the Shaymin Wifi Event has started.

I got mine yesterday... might train it up, might not... I'm undecided as of yet, and it kinda depends on what kind of IVs it has, which I haven't checked yet.

I just got mine too. Even though 99% of us will never use our ubers, it's still really cool that Nintendo is finally giving away all the really good event items.

twiddles thumbs waiting for azure flute giveaway

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-01 20:02:24

The Speed on Tentacruel is absolutely useless. If you just waste your EVs in Speed instead of using them on defensive stats, Tentacruel won't live long enough to throw in a second layer of Toxic Spikes, or maybe even a first layer.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-01 22:25:32

At 10/1/09 05:59 PM, Fox wrote: I just got mine too. Even though 99% of us will never use our ubers, it's still really cool that Nintendo is finally giving away all the really good event items.

Yeah, they're nice to show off to friends who don't have them >:)

twiddles thumbs waiting for azure flute giveaway

Me too...

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-06 00:35:12

At 10/2/09 12:07 AM, Aci6 wrote: Jokes aside I don't think I ever mentioned that I started a game once and named everything after my favourite band System of a Down.
The main character was called 'Soad' and my *adamant* Starly was named 'P.L.U.C.K' while my electric dog thing was called 'Roulette'. I though it was neat anyway :(

That sounds like fun, but I would think something TOO gimmicky like that would get old quick. Well, for me, anyway.

I've actually thought of putting together a different kind of gimmick team, like my "turtle team" - Venusaur, Blastoise, Lapras, Shuckle, Torkoal, and Torterra. It would be fun to use a team like this, but due to the inevitability of getting raped in any standard battle, they would only be used in-game.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-06 20:24:53

At 10/1/09 08:02 PM, verycoolguy wrote: The Speed on Tentacruel is absolutely useless. If you just waste your EVs in Speed instead of using them on defensive stats, Tentacruel won't live long enough to throw in a second layer of Toxic Spikes, or maybe even a first layer.

Ok, took the advice & stuck Speed EVs in HP.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-06 20:28:39

Ahem, I slightly screwed up that post........I meant to say I took out all of the Speed EVs & stuck them in HP.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-09 17:30:07

Taken from Bulbanews today regarding the 2010 Pokemon video game world championships:

Another update of the World Championships site features some of the rules of the Video Game World Championships. Among these is the notable new rule regarding legendary Pokémon. It is now confirmed that not all legendary Pokémon will be allowed to enter, with Pokémon that can only be obtained from events being ineligible. These are Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys (all Formes), Phione (an offspring of an event-only Pokémon), Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin (both Formes) and Arceus (all types). The Pokémon legendary Pokémon no longer banned are Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina (both Formes). Of these Pokémon, only two at most may be used in the same team.

What the HELL just happened? I think the entire metagame just turned upside-down.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-09 18:58:52


Well, on the upside, only two out of those per team.........on the downside, they're usable period........... >_< WTF!?!?!?!?!?

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-09 22:14:56

At 10/9/09 06:58 PM, Assi9 wrote: O_O


This will completely ruin the metagame, like you said Fox. I have no idea what the organisers were thinking with that one. Also, it's going to be much more boring, since we all know that everyone's going to be packing two Ubers now, and most likely a Blissey to deal with the Special attack threat posed by these.

Seriously, if you're going to allow some Ubers, it might as well be all of them, at least then there would be some variety.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-09 22:42:18

At 10/9/09 05:30 PM, Fox wrote: Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia allowed


Kyogre's Water Spout anyone? ...Not only are the offensive stats of these Pokemon are too good, but all of them, can be walls...

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-12 12:54:52

Just now I encountered a shiny Lairon, but unfortunately that asswipe used roar. Although I didn't save the game but I don't think it would've matter anyway, oh well.



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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-12 23:39:13

Once I get the HGSS moves into Shoddy, I'm going to switch the Miltank to a Poke I've REALLY wanted in there since its return announcement - ExtremeSpeed Dragonite.

Hmmmm.......if they're really going to go through with this 'some Ubers allowed' crap, then fuck it - I'll pop in a Modest CB Mewtwo with BoltBeam, Aura Sphere & Pysychic for the lulz. Or maybe a Lugia.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-13 00:50:26

At 10/12/09 12:54 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Just now I encountered a shiny Lairon, but unfortunately that asswipe used roar. Although I didn't save the game but I don't think it would've matter anyway, oh well.

Damn, I feel your pain. I hate it when you encounter shiny Pokemon with Roar, SelfDestruct/Explosion or in the Safari Zone.

At 10/12/09 11:19 PM, Aci6 wrote: Quick Balls are your friend.

No more so than any other type of Ball that gives a x4 catch rate multiplier. Unless he was extremely lucky, there would have been only a minute chance that he would have caught a Lairon in a Quick Ball while it was undamaged/high health.

Also, I was messing around with Photoshop and made a crappy picture of what Weavile might look like in real life. Don't ask me why I was thinking that, but I was.

Aussie Club | TF2 Crew | TJPPC

Steam, Xfire: ParadoxVoid | Gamertag: TheFinalParadox

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-13 11:30:46

At 10/12/09 11:39 PM, Assi9 wrote: Hmmmm.......if they're really going to go through with this 'some Ubers allowed' crap, then fuck it - I'll pop in a Modest CB Mewtwo with BoltBeam, Aura Sphere & Pysychic for the lulz. Or maybe a Lugia.

I hope to God you meant choice specs.

At 10/13/09 12:50 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: Damn, I feel your pain. I hate it when you encounter shiny Pokemon with Roar, SelfDestruct/Explosion or in the Safari Zone.

A wild Abra appeared!
Oh wow it's a shiny-
Wild Abra used teleport!

Also, I was messing around with Photoshop and made a crappy picture of what Weavile might look like in real life. Don't ask me why I was thinking that, but I was.

That reminds me of that IRL Pokemon contest Worth1000 had a few years ago. You've probably seen pictures of them floating around the internets.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-13 15:57:48

At 10/13/09 11:30 AM, Fox wrote:
At 10/12/09 11:39 PM, Assi9 wrote: Hmmmm.......if they're really going to go through with this 'some Ubers allowed' crap, then fuck it - I'll pop in a Modest CB Mewtwo with BoltBeam, Aura Sphere & Pysychic for the lulz. Or maybe a Lugia.
I hope to God you meant choice specs.

Fuck.....yes, I meant Specs. Thanks for fixing that. :P

At 10/13/09 12:50 AM, ParadoxVoid wrote: Damn, I feel your pain. I hate it when you encounter shiny Pokemon with Roar, SelfDestruct/Explosion or in the Safari Zone.
A wild Abra appeared!
Oh wow it's a shiny-
Wild Abra used teleport!

I think that happened to me with a Shiny Tangela in Ruby once......or was it Crystal?........I can't remember......

Also, I was messing around with Photoshop and made a crappy picture of what Weavile might look like in real life. Don't ask me why I was thinking that, but I was.
That reminds me of that IRL Pokemon contest Worth1000 had a few years ago. You've probably seen pictures of them floating around the internets.

I've seen some really shitty ones in that vein - like an IRL Squirtle made with a squirrel....

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2009-10-13 16:14:00

Is it bad that I'm having trouble getting over the incident with shiny Lairon? Right now I trying to hatch a shiny by turning the game off every time a normie hatches before turning it back on.

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