At 11/30/07 08:28 PM, Seamonky wrote:
At 11/30/07 07:08 PM, TheBlackDahliaMurder wrote:
2nd Generation Bird / Ice type.
Also, trade went great, thanks.
I remember that ice bird was a bitch to catch in that ice cave. I believe he was in the Gold Version. Damn, it took me forever. I never liked that bird. I needed it for collecting Pokemon though. >:(
Correction: Silver version. Yeah, that little fucker always fled, so I had to have someone with Mean Look. Even then, he was a pain to catch.
Also, I'm so damn close to hitting 400 caught tonight. Damn, this is an accomplishment for me. Too bad it'll come to a grinding halt until the events for Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arceus come out :( ...