At 10/22/07 06:22 AM, DragonsGrief wrote:
At 10/21/07 10:12 PM, Grade-Zero wrote:
At 10/21/07 10:02 PM, DragonsGrief wrote:
At 10/21/07 08:12 PM, StevensA wrote:
By the way, does anyone have an Elekid with Electricizer?
Yar what are you offering for it?
Geez, you guys are killing me...just take the time to look at your Pokedex to see what you need and I'll try to get it.
Tell me what you need, and I'll see if I have it, or can get it.
Current search list:
-Jirachi(I don't expect anyone to give up those two, but if so, cool and thank you)
-Elekid w/ Electricizer
And...that's really about it for now.
Any pretty shinies?
You kids and your want for shinies...HARUMPH!
Ok, getting serious...the only shiny I got is a shiny Pidgey...ot. Yeah, I evolved and just put it back in the box. I'm not sure what a good nature is, or how the hell I'm supposed to know how to EV train (seriously, what?), but it's shiny.
(No, you can't have it)
Aside from that, I decided that when I'm done with my first team, I'll make a second team, just for kicks. I still don't know who I want on my team, but eventually I'll decide.
That, and I caught a Magnemite with a Adamant nature. It's not Modest, but is it close enough?
(I'll be damned if I mess with trying to catch a bunch of Magnemite's)