At 10/15/07 07:20 PM, StevensA wrote:At 10/15/07 09:28 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:Nice. This could come in handy for the future (if I ever decide to make another team). Maybe this can teach one of my buddies to stop hacking a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard. (the ability where only Super Effective attacks hit)At 10/15/07 06:14 AM, Tanooki-John wrote:Well, speaking of ghost vs. normal, I have a Gengar that knows focus blast and that comes in handy against any normal type opponent I have.Neat Trick: if you have a Fight-type move and you are trying to use it on a Ghost/Dark Pokemon, use Foresight or Odor Sleuth before it, so that you can deal with a Super-effective attack.
Now, could someone who battles on Wi-Fi PLEASE explain to me these conditions people can battle on like Sleep Clause and Evasion Clause? I have no idea what the hell they are when people talk about it and I'd hate to rush head on into a battle not knowing what I'm up against.
Thanks ahead of time, and thanks for bringing those tricks up. I'd have never thought of it myself.
Another way to defeat Wonder Guard Spiritomb is with a Miltank or Kangaskhan that has the Scrappy ability and a fighting type move. Also, the clauses I know are:
Sleep Clause- Putting an opponent's pokemon to sleep while another of their pokemon is asleep is not allowed.
Evasion Clause- Evasion increasing moves are banned.
Item Clause: Items held must all be different.
Freeze Clause- Like sleep clause, but with freeze status effect.
That's all I know, but if there are any others you don't know about, I'll try to remember what they are.