At 9/11/07 02:43 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:At 9/11/07 02:25 PM, StevensA what's this shit about Digimon? That shit was horrible and it didn't even get over like Pokemon did.I never did watch that. Well, I watched one episode and didn't get it so I never tried to watch it again. How did they summon those things? Through cards?
Eh, I don't remember. But, it was so lame I didn't bother watching (my siblings did, but they're morons.)
Anyhow, after about...erm, 8 or so hours, I finally caught Mesprit. Normally, I'd be excited, but not now. I'm mentally drained from doing the whole chase and shit. Anways, here's a breakdown of how many balls I used to get the job done:
Ultra Balls- 7
Dusk Balls- 6
Quick Balls (including the one that did the job)- 11
Poke Balls (it had to be done, for great justice)- 1
...oh, how I wish the Wi-Fi at my college would just fucking work :(...