Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Everyone geuss wut =D there will infact be a 2nd mystery dungeon game in 2008 (U.S) and Fall 2007(Japan o__O)
I have proof. but I don't know how to post a picture T_T so go to google and type in pokemon >:(
Sorry somthing random happened go to google and type in pokemon mystery dungeon 2 : time and darkness expidition. This game will be avalible in 2008(U.S.) and Fall 2007 (Japan) Help lake valor won't let me go to sunyshore city.
P.s. sorry 4 double posting.
Alright, here is the latest of the Fanart, and this one is from Stick-Man-Dude.
And if you want my opinion, I love Mew more than any Pokemon in the Universe. Unfortunately, the artwork does not synchronized with my affection with Mew. All I can say is improve! If you have a scanner, sketch first then scan.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Oh yeah I know all of the personalities of mystery dungeon 2!! Read em
Pikachu: Impish
Charmander: Hardy
Squirtle: Jolly
Sorry don't know chikorita it's a girl
Totodile: Naive
Cydaquil: Timid
Treeko: Sassy
Torchic: Hasty
Mudkip: calm
curse u eevee can't get you male
Chimchar: quirky
Piplup: Loyal
Turtwig: stubborn
That's all I know.
At 7/20/07 10:09 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Alright, here is the latest of the Fanart, and this one is from Stick-Man-Dude.
And if you want my opinion, I love Mew more than any Pokemon in the Universe. Unfortunately, the artwork does not synchronized with my affection with Mew. All I can say is improve! If you have a scanner, sketch first then scan.
If only I could draw...some good drawings there...kudos.
By the way, I'm getting really frustrated with not being able to find Feebas.
PS: I'm starting to think about getting an Action Replay. It sucks not being able to catch rares that can only be found at Nintendo events. Bastards. More on that later.
PSS: Where in Meteor Falls is Bagon? I've been searching for one as much as Feebas. And now I'm even more frustrated.
At 7/20/07 10:37 PM, StevensA wrote:
PSS: Where in Meteor Falls is Bagon?
They're up in an individual cave. Just keep exploring in Meteor Falls- Its relatively easy to find. The room is very narrow retangle, with about 78% of the room covered in water seperating the two slices of land. I find that the opposite side from the entrance has more Bagon, but that's just me. Anyways, Bagon's still largely outnumbered by Zubat, Golbat and Solrock (Or Lunatone, depending on the version). I can easily tell you that Bagon is a hell of alot easier to catch than Feebas.
I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.
At 7/20/07 10:20 PM, blakster6 wrote:
Sorry don't know chikorita it's a girl
So, the "beads" around Chikorita's neck is not a dead giveaway for you.
At 7/20/07 10:49 PM, Kurofelis wrote:At 7/20/07 10:37 PM, StevensA wrote:They're up in an individual cave. Just keep exploring in Meteor Falls- Its relatively easy to find. The room is very narrow retangle, with about 78% of the room covered in water seperating the two slices of land. I find that the opposite side from the entrance has more Bagon, but that's just me. Anyways, Bagon's still largely outnumbered by Zubat, Golbat and Solrock (Or Lunatone, depending on the version). I can easily tell you that Bagon is a hell of alot easier to catch than Feebas.
PSS: Where in Meteor Falls is Bagon?
That is right. You are finding Bagon in the Third-generation Pokemon game (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald).
If anyone else wants to know where Bagon is in the Fourth-generation game, look down below.
According to this website that refuses to consider me as a long-term Pokemon fan and Mew lover, Bagon is only avaliable in Pearl and must required a PokeRadar, and you use it on Route 210.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 7/20/07 11:35 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:At 7/20/07 10:49 PM, Kurofelis wrote:That is right. You are finding Bagon in the Third-generation Pokemon game (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald).At 7/20/07 10:37 PM, StevensA wrote: BAGON!!!!
Thanks Kurofelis and DVS for helping me out. While I was wandering the web, I took the time to jot down the Hoenn Pokedex. Well, not to it's entirety, but just the basic Pokemon and their evolution chains and what not.
Am I dedicated or obsessed? You be the judge?
If anyone else wants to know where Bagon is in the Fourth-generation game, look down below.
According to this website that refuses to consider me as a long-term Pokemon fan and Mew lover,
Ah, you're a Mew fan too? Cool. I just happen to be a fan of Mew (as well as a fan of Mudkips).
Anyways, thanks again, both of you (Kurofelis and DVS). Later, people.
Behold my new pokemon team
I just caught Azelf so that's why It's still lvl50.
Ash stumbles upon the main hideout of Team Rocket, and takes Brock and Misty to help him defeat the organization after realizing he needs to take them out. Ash and co. make their way to the top floor, where Giovanni waits. Ash yells for Giovanni to reveal himself, and Giovanni does...Showing himself to be Ash's father. Right as this happens, the World Government's military forces burst through the ceiling and spray bullets everywhere, killing hundreds of Team Rocket members and mortally wounding Giovanni. Ash runs up to his dad, and in his last breath Giovanni asks Ash to carry on the name of Team Rocket.
In a burst of GARness, Ash orders Pikachu shoot the military forces straight through their hearts with his thunderbolt or something, but Pikachu fails as his power levels aren't high enough. Ash then escapes with Brock and Misty along with a few members of Team Rocket including Jesse and James.
Out of the base, they stare as its torn apart from the inside. Vowing revenge, Ash learns how to fire a gun, and Pikachu trains to LEVEL 100.
With his Team Rocket forces and his allies, Ash mounts an attack on the headquarters of the World Government. After a long, protracted battle in which all of his allies die (isn't it sad, Misty? ;_;) Ash comes face to face with the head of the World Government.
A brutal knife fight ensues, and Ash ends up slitting the leader's neck, but Ash is severely injured in the process.
From a hole in the building, a single ray of sunlight shines down, directly on Ash as he stands as triumphantly as he possible can. The sunlight is blocked for a minute as a Ho-Oh (the same one that Ash saw on the first day of his Pokemon journey) flies by. As the room is brightened again, Ash's figure is slumped on the floor. As Ash's hat falls to the ground, the credits roll.
A friend sent it to me and i taught it was funny.
Say Sam... Where is the scanner to get through to SunyShore City cause I can't seem to find it. So... Tell me where it's at .
At 7/20/07 11:54 PM, StevensA wrote:
Ah, you're a Mew fan too? Cool. I just happen to be a fan of Mew (as well as a fan of Mudkips).
I only love Mew for its cute appearance. I do not care if it can learn every moves or is somewhat powerful. I just adore its appearance. So yiffible!
At 7/21/07 10:04 AM, blakster6 wrote: Say Sam... Where is the scanner to get through to SunyShore City cause I can't seem to find it. So... Tell me where it's at .
What scanner? You don't need it to enter Sunnyshore.
I am not sure exactly how to follow the story, but I think it goes like this.
In a point that you received the sixth badge, talk to Prof. Rowan at his lab, and he may request you to go to Cavalave City's Library. There, you will talk about the three Legendary Pokemons. This is Team Galactic's plot, to seek out those Pokemons from the three lakes. So, you will need to Lake Valor first. Before that, seek at the grunts from Pastoria City. After that and about Lake Valor, visit the other two lakes. Afterwards, visit Team Galactic's base from Veilstone City and battle the Grunts from the entrance for a Keycard. Then, enter the building from the basement and use the Keycard to open the door.
After the maze, you will find the leader. Win the battle to proceed to the laboratory, where you must release the three Pokemons.
After that, you must required the seventh badge to learn Rock Climb. Use that HM inside Mount Coronet. Climb up the mountain until you reached Spear Pillar, where you can find Team Galactic and a Legendary Pokemon.
Once that is done, you may enter Sunnyshore City.
I do hope it helps.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Sorry, I've been gone at camp for two weeks. So what has happened?
At 7/21/07 12:16 PM, Jamie wrote:At 7/21/07 12:00 PM, Jamie wrote: Also, I like that picture of Sam in your profile, DVS, is that from the movie?Lol@obvioustypo.
I obviously meant Mew.
Not really. I have a collection of Mew images, and this is one of them. So, found any more Mew pics?
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 7/21/07 01:53 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Not really. I have a collection of Mew images, and this is one of them. So, found any more Mew pics?
There are lots of Mew Pics on Google if you haven't been there already, which you probably did. Some otehr pokemon site have good pokemon art as well. :)
At 7/21/07 05:44 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: I found this hilarious.
Ha ha ha, I could see mew saying that.
ok this should be better. /SenorPresidente/1185051909542.jpg
HEY GUYS! Sorry I havent posted in awhile. But anyways im in new york.
Im made a new pokemon team too.
Gengar 81
Regigiges 92
Arceus 100
Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85 / Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86
Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86 / Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85
Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86 / Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85
I also got a Ho oh, Mantyke and Metang dolls and last but not least MAGIKARP.
Off to the Nintendo (pokemon center) World too PWN
At 7/21/07 09:12 AM, SenorPresidente wrote: story
I lolzed...really hard.
At 7/21/07 11:32 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:At 7/20/07 11:54 PM, StevensA wrote:Ah, you're a Mew fan too? Cool. I just happen to be a fan of Mew (as well as a fan of Mudkips).I only love Mew for its cute appearance. I do not care if it can learn every moves or is somewhat powerful. I just adore its appearance. So yiffible!
Granted, it's adorable, but I wouldn't think about yiffing or whatever you call it...
...wait a minute...are you a furry? (just wondering)
At 7/21/07 05:44 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: I found this hilarious.
Again...I lulz...harder.
On a final note, I finally got Bagon. Only a matter of hours before it comes a Salamence...
At 7/21/07 03:57 PM, blakster6 wrote: But where is the HM rockclimb?
Snowpeak City's Gym. To go there, you must enter the mountain from Route 211. Push the boulders North of the rightmost doorwith Strength. Proceed North until you reached a snowy place. Proceed more until you reach the city.
At 7/21/07 05:44 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: I found this hilarious.
I love Mew but . . .
Is anyone willing to expect me to do something amazing? Does anyone think I can make draw well or do art well?
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 7/22/07 09:47 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
I love Mew but . . .
Is anyone willing to expect me to do something amazing? Does anyone think I can make draw well or do art well?
I get confused with pink.
Still, does anyone believe I have what it takes to become better than anyone willing to make humor?
Is anyone rooting for "Gar's Pad"?
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 7/22/07 09:50 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
I get confused with pink.
Still, does anyone believe I have what it takes to become better than anyone willing to make humor?
Is anyone rooting for "Gar's Pad"?
Sorry for yet another post.
I am just upset to know that no one will be able to know who I am! Am I really that important? Just because I do not make up a comic does not mean I am inferior! It is just that I work with the media under my own terms! People will never grasp that! They will never know the truth! All of them will always assume about me as if they know. Bunch of liars!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Lol I gotta storyline from mystery dungeon 2 behold
Human: Where am I?
Human: I feel a pleasant breeze.
Human: I hear a voice. Who could it be
Turtwig: ... Wake up come on
Human: Where am I
Turtwig: I'm glad your awake I'm turtwig pleased to me you.
Turtwig: and you are I havn't seen your face around... Your a human? But you look like a normal Pikachu.
Pikachu: It's true I've been turned into a Pikachu!
Turtwig: This is a stone I found known as a ruin shard Wanna make an Expidition team
Pikachu: Sure.
Turtwig: but 1st we'll have to talk to the guild leader Wigglytuff
That's all for now
Sorry I've been gone but my dragon team is almost done. Just need to level up a little bit.
Horsea/swablu-15/27 Which one do you guys think I should go with?
Now read
HEY GUYS! Sorry I havent posted in awhile. But anyways im in new york.
Im made a new pokemon team too.
Gengar 81
Regigiges 92
Arceus 100
Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85 / Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86
Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86 / Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85
Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86 / Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85
I also got a Ho oh, Mantyke and Metang dolls and last but not least a MAGIKARP DOLL.
At 7/22/07 02:29 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: Im made a new pokemon team too.
Gengar 81
Regigiges 92
Arceus 100
Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85 / Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86
Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86 / Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85
Tyranitar 99 / Dragonite 96 \ Deoxys 86 / Lugia 85 / Ho oh 85
You can't use other pokemon besides legendaries? The only pokemon that I see that are not legendaries are Gengar and Tyranitar. I consider Dragonite as a legendary for some odd reason. :/