At 7/18/07 04:03 PM, Seamonky wrote:At 7/18/07 03:48 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: If you like battling other people over wifi or want to play something like the old pokemon stadium (even do they were better then this one) then yes its good. if you are looking for anything else then no it sucks.Do thay have mini games in the new Pokemon game for the Wii? I remember in Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, they had mini games and those mini games were fun as hell to play with your friends. :/
no they don't have mini games. this is why the stadium ones were better. the only thing superior to te stadium game is the wifi play. you can't even freely rent all the pokemons. you have to be given this passes that are a team of six pokemon. you know what PBR sucks ass.