At 6/28/07 02:18 PM, Jamie wrote: I like how I don't have to run the bicycle shop and be like "CAN I HAVE THE OTHER BIKE PLZZZZ"
At least the bike is red, and it's all that matters.
Because the red ones are three times faster.
At 6/28/07 02:18 PM, Jamie wrote: I like how I don't have to run the bicycle shop and be like "CAN I HAVE THE OTHER BIKE PLZZZZ"
At least the bike is red, and it's all that matters.
Because the red ones are three times faster.
At 6/28/07 04:30 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: Do you have to order it.
no i bought it at my local game stop
I just picked up my old copy of Pokemon Ruby and started playing again.
It's fun.
My favorite combo is using Groudon and Sceptile against Glacia.
Fire Blast, Drought, and Solar beam are an awesome combo.
At 6/28/07 04:53 PM, Grammer wrote: Pearl version pokedex is 100% complete.
only need one more.
I already have 2 stars on my Trainer Badge even Battle Tower soon.
Already did it and i have 3 stars, im better.
also i just got battle revolution
You guys really like this game don't you?
At 6/28/07 11:19 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: ERHHRM I HAVE A SHINEY CHARMANDER.
I just started on my Emerald file...damn, this is really confusing. Anyways...NICE!!!
Anyways what do joo guys think of tis pick
this club needs more mudkips lol
That can be arranged...I just happen to leik Mudkips...
At 6/28/07 05:53 PM, Fremen wrote: You guys really like this game don't you?
Isn't it obvious? Everybody likes Poke'mon Diamond/Pearl that's ever played it! My nephew loaned his DS to me and his Pearl version, and now I'm addicted too!
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 6/28/07 08:37 PM, StevensA wrote: I just started on my Emerald file...damn, this is really confusing. Anyways...NICE!!!
its charmelon now and a green zubat
At 6/28/07 09:17 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:At 6/28/07 08:37 PM, StevensA wrote: I just started on my Emerald file...damn, this is really confusing. Anyways...NICE!!!its charmelon now and a green zubat
Cool... A zubat is generally blue right? It took me forever just to get my DS to work so I could play Pearl, and then it kept crapping out on me so I had no such luck.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 6/28/07 11:50 PM, Andrea364 wrote:At 6/28/07 09:17 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:Cool... A zubat is generally blue right? It took me forever just to get my DS to work so I could play Pearl, and then it kept crapping out on me so I had no such luck.At 6/28/07 08:37 PM, StevensA wrote: I just started on my Emerald file...damn, this is really confusing. Anyways...NICE!!!its charmelon now and a green zubat
A green Zubat? Now, to me, that's very unheard of...yes, they're normally blue with purple under their wings.
...I guess somebody needs a new DS then, am I right?
At 6/29/07 03:03 AM, SenorPresidente wrote: You found a shiny zubat. All pokemn have a chance of being a different color
I almost had a chance to get a shiny Buizel and it was a bit golden yellow. I wonder what DVS said something about a button cheat to help catch shiny pokemon. Oh and I just caught a Drifloon this morning.
Hey guys. I'm looking for a Skorupi, Piplup, and/or a Chimchar.
If you have any of these I would love to trade something for them. Thanks. :)
Add me.
Name: Dart
Friend Code: 2492 1185 0476 /777777 My freewebs website. Check it out dog.
My old NG profile ID: 1321019
At 6/29/07 08:18 AM, MetalDart wrote: Hey guys. I'm looking Piplup.
I got a level 2 piplup
Name: Sachiel
Friend code: 1375 4112 3363
what are you going to trade
I need a damn DS, sigh. I'm mostly sticking with first to third generation Pokemon for my fanfiction, because I'm not familiar enough with the fourth generation to talk about many of them. It's one thing to look them up, it's another to fight them and/or use them in battle.
Some of my antagonists have some of the more hardcore fourth-gens, though, heh. Rhyperior looks pretty bad-ass...
At 6/29/07 09:03 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: Name: Sachiel
Friend code: 1375 4112 3363
what are you going to trade
I'm willing to offer a Carnivine, Drifloon, or a Golem. There's many more, but I hope these stand out. Plus something like a NG offer like make a sig plus profile pic or something along those lines. /777777 My freewebs website. Check it out dog.
My old NG profile ID: 1321019
At 6/29/07 11:45 AM, MetalDart wrote: or a Golem. There's many more,
ill take that please
At 6/29/07 12:13 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:At 6/29/07 11:45 AM, MetalDart wrote: or a Golem. There's many more,ill take that please
Out of curiousity, what moves / nature is the Piplup?
I want to make sure its usable. Do you have AIM/ MsN by any chance?
Golem's stats:
Jolly Nature
Level 45
Attk: 109
Def: 123
Sp Atk: 56
Sp Def: 72
Speed: 49
Rock Blast, Earthquake, Explosion, and Double Edge /777777 My freewebs website. Check it out dog.
My old NG profile ID: 1321019
At 6/29/07 09:03 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: Name: Sachiel
In before the room name (if any) is called "Angel Attack".
At 6/29/07 09:06 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I need a damn DS, sigh. I'm mostly sticking with first to third generation Pokemon for my fanfiction, because I'm not familiar enough with the fourth generation to talk about many of them. It's one thing to look them up, it's another to fight them and/or use them in battle.
Same here. Course, I need to get paid again before I can even think about it.
Also, does an Electrike evolve? If so, what level?
(PS: Also, what Fire-types are good on Emerald, assuming you choose the other two starters? I got a Numel, Torkoal, and a Slugma. Anything better? Course, I also need them to be able to know Strength.)
(PSS: I try to space out HM moves on my team.)
Before I go, my Emerald team, at the moment (don't laugh; I only started this file 3 days ago)
Marshtomp: Lvl 26
Kirlia: Lvl 22
Torkoal (bad idea?): Lvl 16
Gloom: Lvl 24
Swellow: Lvl 24
Electrike: Lvl 24
Could someone rate this? Thanks.
At 6/29/07 09:03 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:At 6/29/07 08:18 AM, MetalDart wrote: Hey guys. I'm looking Piplup.I got a level 2 piplup
Name: Sachiel
Friend code: 1375 4112 3363
what are you going to trade
At 6/29/07 08:18 AM, MetalDart wrote: Hey guys. I'm looking for a Skorupi, Piplup, and/or a Chimchar.
If you have any of these I would love to trade something for them. Thanks. :)
Add me.
Name: Dart
Friend Code: 2492 1185 0476
Got it. I am in need of a Ditto so incase someone needs a pokemon to get and so I can raise for you. I can throw in some shield fossils too if you want?
At 6/29/07 03:41 PM, StevensA wrote: Also, does an Electrike evolve? If so, what level?
Yes, it evolves into the (quite awesome) Manectric at level 26.
(PS: Also, what Fire-types are good on Emerald, assuming you choose the other two starters? I got a Numel, Torkoal, and a Slugma. Anything better? Course, I also need them to be able to know Strength.)
Camerupt is pretty good (Numel evolves at level 33, but it's worth it), even with the quadruple weakness to can teach it Sunny Day to protect it a bit, as well as power up its fire attacks...and rapid-fire Solarbeam, which it can learn.
And, of course, anything that can STAB Earthquake is a big win in my book. Camerupt CAN learn Strength, too.
Torkoal isn't really that good in serious battles, but you can beat the storyline with it just fine.
Slugma evolves really late (level 38) and Magcargo is also very vulnerable to water and ground attacks...and doesn't have the high stats to make up for it like Camerupt does.
Before I go, my Emerald team, at the moment (don't laugh; I only started this file 3 days ago)
Marshtomp: Lvl 26
Kirlia: Lvl 22
Torkoal (bad idea?): Lvl 16
Gloom: Lvl 24
Swellow: Lvl 24
Electrike: Lvl 24
Could someone rate this? Thanks.
It's pretty glaring weaknesses or type problems. Kirlia/Gardevoir is an awesome Pokemon (and the center of my fanfiction, heh)...Vileplume is also very powerful (I prefer Vileplume over Bellossom, myself). Swellow ain't no Pidgeot, but it's still good, and Manectric can be deadly if you get its Special Attack high enough.
At 6/29/07 08:07 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:At 6/29/07 03:41 PM, StevensA wrote: Also, does an Electrike evolve? If so, what level?Yes, it evolves into the (quite awesome) Manectric at level 26.
Woot! One more level and I'll get him tonight!!
(PS: Also, what Fire-types are good on Emerald, assuming you choose the other two starters? I got a Numel, Torkoal, and a Slugma. Anything better? Course, I also need them to be able to know Strength.)Camerupt is pretty good (Numel evolves at level 33, but it's worth it), even with the quadruple weakness to can teach it Sunny Day to protect it a bit, as well as power up its fire attacks...and rapid-fire Solarbeam, which it can learn.
Yeah, I think I'll put Numel back in my team.
And, of course, anything that can STAB Earthquake is a big win in my book. Camerupt CAN learn Strength, too.
I haven't an idea whatcha mean by STAB-ing Earthquake. Is it a special ability?
(I wouldn't know. I'm new to this special ability stuff.)
Torkoal isn't really that good in serious battles, but you can beat the storyline with it just fine.
Although when you're facing Flannery (4th badge) it gets really tough and crap. Made my Marshstomp faint twice before I finally beat it. She used two Hyper Potions on it. That and it's combo of Sunny Day/Overheat...damn, that will do some damage!
Slugma evolves really late (level 38) and Magcargo is also very vulnerable to water and ground attacks...and doesn't have the high stats to make up for it like Camerupt does.
Another reason I love Mudkip. If water attacks can't beat 'em, the ground attacks certainly should.
Before I go, my Emerald team, at the moment (don't laugh; I only started this file 3 days ago)It's pretty glaring weaknesses or type problems. Kirlia/Gardevoir is an awesome Pokemon (and the center of my fanfiction, heh)...Vileplume is also very powerful (I prefer Vileplume over Bellossom, myself). Swellow ain't no Pidgeot, but it's still good, and Manectric can be deadly if you get its Special Attack high enough.
Marshtomp: Lvl 26
Kirlia: Lvl 22
Torkoal (bad idea?): Lvl 16
Gloom: Lvl 24
Swellow: Lvl 24
Electrike: Lvl 24
Could someone rate this? Thanks.
I tried to get types that can be formed into a super team. Since I'm taking a break from playing the first generation games, I've been extensively playing this game.
I (personally) found Swellow pretty good for a Pidgeot substitute. Vileplume is pretty awesome (Bellossom? How do ya get that? A different stone?). And Kirlia/Gardevoir (assuming I can do it, it'll be a Gardevoir tonight) is a great Psychic type I enjoy using a lot.
Thanks a bunch, SlashFirestorm.
At 6/29/07 09:45 PM, StevensA wrote: Yeah, I think I'll put Numel back in my team.
Yep, you just watch out for Water types and you should be fine.
I haven't an idea whatcha mean by STAB-ing Earthquake. Is it a special ability?
STAB stands for same type attack boost; the 1.5x bonus in power you get when a Pokemon uses a move of the same type as itself. Earthquake is always an awesome attack (base power 100, 100 base accuracy), but with a ground type like Camerupt, it goes up to 150 base power, which is as strong as an unimproved Hyper Beam. Kablam.
Warning, though; in a 2-on-2 battle, Earthquake affects ALL other Pokemon. So make sure that, if you use it in a 2-on-2, that your partner is a flying type, has the Levitate special ability, or can shrug off Earthquake fairly well.
It does the same thing in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon...I didn't teach my Golem Earthquake because it'd kill my homies. :-(
Although when you're facing Flannery (4th badge) it gets really tough and crap. Made my Marshstomp faint twice before I finally beat it. She used two Hyper Potions on it. That and it's combo of Sunny Day/Overheat...damn, that will do some damage!
Yeah, that would pump it up to...let's see, Overheat has a base power of 140, STAB'ed up to 210, Sunny Day'ed up to 315...dayum, that's more powerful than an Explosion attack. Even with the sharp Special Attack drop, it's still a killer.
Another reason I love Mudkip. If water attacks can't beat 'em, the ground attacks certainly should.
Yep. Just watch out for grass (an Ice Beam can handle that little weakness).
I (personally) found Swellow pretty good for a Pidgeot substitute. Vileplume is pretty awesome (Bellossom? How do ya get that? A different stone?). And Kirlia/Gardevoir (assuming I can do it, it'll be a Gardevoir tonight) is a great Psychic type I enjoy using a lot.
Swellow's a hell of a lot better than Hoothoot/Noctowl from the second generation, that's for sure. You'd get a Bellossom by using a Sun Stone (found in Mossdeep City, late in the game) on Gloom. Bellossom is a pure Grass-type, and is decent, but I like Grass/Poison better.
Gardevoir owns, because it evolves quickly (final form at level 30) and is damned powerful. Teach it Psychic and Thunderbolt and it'll be unstoppable in most situations.
At 6/29/07 05:26 PM, Tanooki-John wrote: Got it. I am in need of a Ditto so incase someone needs a pokemon to get and so I can raise for you. I can throw in some shield fossils too if you want?
I would like the fossil needed in order to get a Shieldon because I have diamond.
I would love to trade with you sometime.
I logged on to Nintendo Wi-Fi and IMMEDIATELY, I get a Skorupi. I do not know why I got one, how I got one, etc. I did offer any trades, I just logged on and BOOM. It went to the Pokemon screen.
It's so weird lol. /777777 My freewebs website. Check it out dog.
My old NG profile ID: 1321019
Sorry I didnt replay I Tried to install Wifi but somehow disconnected the internet. Anyways im still playing battle revoultion It's a lot easier than I thought it would be.
At 6/29/07 05:44 AM, Tanooki-John wrote:
I almost had a chance to get a shiny Buizel and it was a bit golden yellow. I wonder what DVS said something about a button cheat to help catch shiny pokemon. Oh and I just caught a Drifloon this morning.
There is no button cheat!
If there is a shiny Pokemon, make sure you have enough Quick Balls. Use them at the very beginning of the fight.
If it fails, your second option is using balls that actually has a high capture rate. If it is a water Pokemon, you can either use a Dive ball or a Net ball. If it is a bug Pokemon, use a Net ball only. If it is a psychic, ghost, dark Pokemon, or you are playing this game at Night, use a Dusk ball. If this battle takes more than 10 rounds, use a Timer ball. If this Pokemon has a low level (at least lower than LV 10), use a Nest ball.
If that fails, use the move "False Swipe". You can lower the wild Pokemon's health down to 1, giving you an advantage to use the ball easily. Of course, if that Pokemon has a self-harming move, it may be a disadvantage. Capturing a wild Beldum was a bitch because of that "Take Down".
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/29/07 08:07 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
It's pretty glaring weaknesses or type problems. Kirlia/Gardevoir is an awesome Pokemon (and the center of my fanfiction, heh)...
So, you are not the only one who likes Kirlia/Gardevoir. Dr. Mack Foxx favorite Pokemon is Gardevoir because he likes Psychic Pokemons, and he probably uses it in his fan fics, just in case you probably have not visit this site. I love Kirlia because of . . . how well you know about me, Slash? I bet you can answer that yourself.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
I love Pokemon. People think it is dorky, but I don't let that bother me. I just beat Diamond, and it is really fun. I was wondering if I could join. =)
At 6/30/07 12:25 PM, txc2011 wrote: I love Pokemon. People think it is dorky, but I don't let that bother me. I just beat Diamond, and it is really fun. I was wondering if I could join. =)
What is your friends code, that is if you have Wi-Fi connection? I am willing to trade my Pearl-exclusive Pokemon for your Diamond-exclusive, like a Stunky. Or, maybe you want some starter Pokemons you have not own yet.
And TJ, read your PM.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!