At 6/27/07 01:54 PM, DrMackFoxx wrote:At 6/27/07 12:36 PM, Tanooki-John wrote:Not cool at all. Maybe someone should E-mail that link to Nintendo or the Poke'mon Company? I bet they with it. Wha ha ha...At 6/27/07 07:48 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Does anyone wants to sue the one responsible for creating this mostrosity?!WHO IN THE &%#$ MADE THAT!!??
Click here if you cannot see this unfunny web ad.
Oh yeah, we should tell them about NG's material and try to rid NG of anti-pokemon filth.
On the upside, that certainly was a cool way to write your fan-fic. You even picked out the music you wanted, among other things. Definately very clever.
Next time, Im thinking about avitars too. I will see if I can increase my collection of avitars to use in the next sequal. Although, I need them all to be the same size and all, but if I cant pull that off then the hell with it. By the way, do you know where I can get a Megaman ZX players guide or a nice website to find the enimies and zones? (not the boss's and other shit) I already been to Atomic Fire and they have good stuff but not for what I was looking for but a bunch of good art. I even tried to google it but no luck. Im also gonna use music from Texas Faggott if I can get my hands on some free .mp3s. I also plan to use music used in popular and great classic and awsome flash movie titles like Super Mario Bros Z, Sonic's quest for power, and video game titles like Devil may cry, MMBNT (more use), Thunder force 5 (more uses again), and some other titles with some good music. I also used some tracks from Pokemon Colluseum in Megaman Heroes. (battle tower theme used for the mall and Cypher grunt battle for me and the 4 guardians + the semi final battle for the fight with the Bonnes in the old city). So if you want to help me find some good useful rescources, you can either post it here or gimmie a PM about it. Well, thanks.