At 3/15/05 09:04 PM, DrLavaGoddess wrote: Have you considered that this may not be a knee-jerk reaction? You know it is possible for things to be happening behind the scenes that you are not privy to.
I'm the only one who used the term "kneejerk", so I'm going to assume that this is in part directed at me (despite the claim in a later post by you that it's directed at Dogma).
Have you considered that some of the problems may have been ongoing? And that maybe, just maybe, this was stuff happening BEFORE the upgrades?
If you're referring to the load balancer that NG was supposed to get installed about 10 days ago, and the site was going to be taken down for 4-5 hours for, but was delayed because Tim's friend's wife went into labour early, that has nothing to do with this, AFAIK.
But anyway, this all comes down to this: liljim knows about these uses of the "malicious scripts" listmakers are using, he's known about them for longer than half a year. He brought up the end of this era in January but never said it had arrived. He never ordered us to stop using them, he never even REQUESTED that we put an immediate stop to them. He didn't even suggest it. He just talked about the FUTURE. The future that hasn't arrived yet (new NG official lists).
You know, it's possible that at times, you're not completely informed. I mean, you're not working for NG are you?
Well, I am. As a volunteer. Modding the BBS. Modding NG's review system. For thousands of hours. Over the past 1.5 years. I've never asked for anything. I love this site, I don't want it slowed down by the things that I and a few other people enjoy about it, but those things were provided TO US by longrunning systems here. Do you think that every person who uses NG and loves the flash on this site... would have 0 problem whatsoever if the exp system was suddenly completely eliminated? Do you think that the site would retain the exact same amount of users or even gain them?
Stats are not the enemy of NG. Stats are the CHILD of NG, in fact. Wade is painting stats as if they are a completely separate, divorced entity... from NG itself. And that anyone who enjoys them, tracking them, listing them, etc. etc... is a leech on the bloated belly of NG's servers.
That's just not cool.
Now, to comment about Wade's point. IF someone is running something which in effect screws a site and makes it unaccessable to other users, then it can be seen as a DDOS attack. Another point, having one or two people running a script may not screw it up, but since it's become an issue due to this topic, you think that may maybe more than just a 'few' people are running them?
They're not. SK has to give people a code to use the program. He only gives it to people he knows and trusts will not mis use the program. And indeed, most of the usage of the program each and every week is by himself, not others.
The only people, AFAIK, with access to the program, are:
... I think that's it. I might be wrong.
Stop acting like we're all a bunch of careless, responsibility-lacking assholes.
I seriously think you need to stop and think. All Wade is trying to do is keep this site going. If you have a problem with that, deal. If you think that Wade is just blowing off at the mouth, it just shows to me how little you *really* know about what is going on.
What's the point of keeping the site going if you scare away all the old, hardcore fans of the site? Can't people do more on this site than watch flash and post on the BBS? Are those really the only two TRUE NG activities?
Personally, I'd rather the forums be deleted than the exp and b/p systems be changed or eliminated. A lot of forum whores feel the exact opposite way. To keep both groups of people happy, Wade and the other admins have to keep ALL of that going. But obviously optimising the site's performance is a primary obligation of an admin. Destroying everything that made the site popular isn't the way to do it, though. NG would still be a great site if it was nothing but a flash portal. But if it weren't for the voting bar NEXT to movies in the flash portal... far fewer people who be on it all the time. That'd be both bad AND good for NG, of course. Less strain on the servers, less bandwidth use... less cost to run the site. But... less people enjoying the site, less people submitting flash, less people looking at advertising.
gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!
blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!