At 3/16/05 11:17 AM, WadeFulp wrote: I want to wait for Liljim's thoughts before I go any futher, but I do want to clarify something.
I do not think all stats are stupid! I think all the stats we provide our users in their profiles, portal view pages, our user section with lists, etc, are GREAT! I was responsible for the idea behind many of them! Especially the blam/save point system with ranks, sticker stat, whistle level, etc.
Well, I thank you very much for saying that, Wade. I do realise you're responsible for many of the systems some of us take for granted, but those of us who love NG stats are the ones GUARANTEED to never take them for granted. So you should be happy about that, if nothing else. #;-}>
When I said stupid stats, maybe I was being to general. I was referring to some of the things certain people were listing. Like how many posts to the forums an hour, etc. Things that really aren't important. Sure they are cool to know, but if they are going to put strain on our servers it isn't cool.
Gotcha. It's only natural for people to be curious about more and more than what is already given to us, though. And to rank things that aren't ranked (right now, only b/p and exp are ranked in our profiles). Now... in the past, all of us listmakers simply opened profiles. Many of them, but only as quickly as we are able to with our eyes, fingers, and computers' speeds. And thus, NG wasn't affected any more than it is by the hundreds of people opening profiles all the time from the BBS or portal or top 50 lists.
But the advent of a program to HELP us with these tasks HAS certainly made us aware/cautious/concerned. Trust us, it didn't take your posts in this thread to let us know that they might be having an impact, and it was CONCERN over this, as ShittyKitty has said in this thread now, that led SK to limit access to his program to only a select few... who I have listed before and SK has now officially listed (I left out one person, I think?).
And, of course, as I've said like three times in this thread now, it was the same issues that came up with liljim in mid January. He and I had a short e-mail conversation which I relayed to most of the people in this thread here on this forum. The concerns were never made to be IMMEDIATE and EMERGENCY-INDUCING in nature by liljim, though. And that is why a lot of people are shocked and taken aback by many of your posts from pages 1, 2, 3 of this topic... Because if liljim OR you OR Tom or Tim had said that we SHOULD stop, we all would have back in January!
(snip bandwidth vs database stuff)
I just feel the stats we provide should be what are important to people and that should be enough for them. However, I'm sure we can come up with some more stat lists over time. Like if people want to see the Top 500 vote power users maybe we can spit out a list like that on a regular basis, rather than limit it to 50 or 100. LilJim is very busy and has some things he would like to wrap up, so I hate to bother him with these things. Hopefully they won't be to hard for him to modify.
It might have been enough back when they were created, or even a year afterwards. But come on, Wade, the top 50 b/p list is over 2 years old now. Maybe closer to 3 years old? And the top 50 exp list is even older. There hasn't been a new top 50 list aside from the sticker list and the "most bookmarked artists" list in a LOoooooooooooooooooooong time. And those aren't stats that most of us are that interested in the listing of beyond a vague, shallow interest/curiosity. So it isn't really about what STATS exist on NG, it's more about how many LISTS of them there are. And how that hasn't really increased/changed so much in the past couple of years. People DO like new stuff, yanno. And sometimes it seems like the lists area/profiles are the only parts of NG that don't get any attention/changes nowadays.
liljim has known that MANY of us would have liked a top 50 Voting Power list (and more importantly, VP to be listed in ALL our profiles, just like b/p and exp are) for more than 2 years now. We understand that it's not a priority, and that's why none of us bitches at him too often. #;-}>
It's also why we started making our OWN unofficial lists. Captain_Bob started the user-run Voting Power lists... Newgrundling continued it... and now I've been running it for almost 1.5 years. It may not seem it to you, but it is now a long-running part of NG BBS history and has been viewed by hundreds and hundreds of users, most of whom found it either interesting or informative.
And it's all based upon Voting Power! Another stat that you gave to us. Another stat that pulls in so many hundreds of users to come to NG again... and to stay. And to come back. Again and again. And to care about their say on how flash in the portal should be ranked. And to care about the time invested in collecting experience and blams/protects.
It's all just numbers stored in a database server... but it's important to many of us. And it will be GREAT once liljim can get an official top 500 Voting Power list up, like you just referenced. I was just happy to be able to provide that service in the MEANTIME, you see?
Also I apologize if I over reacted, but Liljim is in Japan, Tom is on the road, and I'm sitting here watching the site error and then I get people emailing me about these scripts they have that are crawling our forums for data and I flipped because I don't have any other way to deal it than to flip out. :) I guess I should try asking nicely, but I guess I feel some of these people should realize their scripts could put a lot of load on our servers and shouldn't do it in the first place, like pieoncar.
I told the guy who made this topic exactly that (that liljim is away, Tom's away, etc. etc.), and that you're the only one around. This was obviously bad timing. Thanks for the apology, Wade. You flipping out/overreacting over things isn't as shocking as say liljim (or even moreso TOM! #;-}>) doing it, because you do it somewhat often... but it's still nice to read posts from you when you're calmer. :::nods:::
Again, Wade, thanks for the last two posts in here. They were full of info and free of conflict. Much appreciated.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)