At 5/25/05 06:32 AM, jonthomson wrote:
I mentioned this in the level up thread to see if this was happening to anyone else but it was ignored...
Not ignored, jon ;)
I replied to you on page 1131, but there's no point in posting it again, since I was unable to help you. Apparently, there's nothing you or I can do, Firefox just tabs selectable things as they come on the page. Besides, even if you do could get past the character limit box, you'd still have to hit tab 6 more times to reach the 'Post It!' button, making a mouse click the much easier option :)
But, maybe it'd be possible for liljim to code the page in such a way so that the tab order is changed, I've done it for Forms in Microsoft Access, I don't see why html/php/whatever couldn't do it as well.
At 5/25/05 07:19 PM, Kaabi wrote:
I think a nice link in the page after you vote would be a link to the next under judgement movie. It would encourage voting on UJ movies, although there are a lot of voters already, but it would make it easier for people with the slow computers.
You need ShittyKitty's Portal Advance. Damn, I just checked, and it seems his whole site is down. If you're using Firefox, go to Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks... > New Bookmark. Then just call the new bookmark 'Next Flash' or something, and paste the following into the 'Location' field:
portal') > -1) { if(document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('/vote') > -1) { history.go(-1); } else { if(window.document.title == 'Newgrounds: Portal Error') { location.href = document.location.href; } else { location.href = document.location.href.substr(0, document.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + (Math.floor(document.location.href.substr(document.location.href.lastIndexO
f('/') + 1)) + 1); } } }
Code written by ShittyKitty :)
Click OK and drag the new bookmark to your Bookmarks Toolbar Folder for easy access.
You need to be in one of the UJ Flash pages or the button will have no effect. You can vote on an UJ flash, press the button to go back to the flash page, and press it again to jump to the next movie in line.