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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-24 22:03:57

they are freaking fearless they will go againist every rule on reviews they will say stupid things like "THIS MOVIE SUCKS BLAM BLAM" (they repeat the blam portion till the use up a third of a page) people who writes reviews like that should be banned from writing abusive reviews like this for a year (yes a year) or so.
hmm...maybe a filtering system.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-24 22:48:55

I don't have the time to read all 22 pages of suggestions so sorry if someone has allready written something simmilar.

Has anyone payed attantion to the fact that Genres and Series section of Newgrunds is seldome updated? Wouldn't it be nice if the authors of a movie with a high score (over 3,50 or something) could direct his movie to the collections, so that their movies that they put alot of efford into would get their deserved attention instead of dissapearing into the portal?
Here's how it would work: before submitting the movie an author can choose where the movie should be placed (video game parodies for instance) in a checkbox or something. After getting a high enough score a link to the movie would be automaticly created in the selected category (kinda like posting a post with a link in the BBS) Then the author can go in and write a little presentation.
I think this system would work very well because those who submit quality content would want for their work to be seen , but the way it works now, only about 200 people get to see their work that they put so much efford into. And that's not fair.
I actually mailed the idea to Wade and he liked it!

Another suggestion is a some kind of a change of the General Forum, because few topics get to be longer that a page or so, plus many topics just suck ass. Pherhaps if we split it in different fields like: video games, movies, celeberties, personal stories etc. then people with interrest in that field would get a better chance of a REAL discussion, cause there are just so many people who just write "I agree" or some bullshit like that without actually making a statement based on the topic.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-24 23:03:33

At 5/24/05 10:48 PM, ample wrote: Has anyone payed attantion to the fact that Genres and Series section of Newgrunds is seldome updated?

Here is some proof that the admins are working on a better way to manage the Genres and Series section (don't worry the posts get more recent on the second page).

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-25 06:32:24

I mentioned this in the level up thread to see if this was happening to anyone else but it was ignored... anyway, when I'm typing up a message like right now (in Firefox, don't know if it's also the case in IE), I can no longer tab down to the post it button, instead it nips down to the characters remaining box then back to the main text box. Anyone else having this? Glitch? Can it be fixed? (reaches for mouse)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-25 11:49:04

At 5/25/05 06:32 AM, jonthomson wrote: Can it be fixed? (reaches for mouse)

OMG leik stop being so lazy :p

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-25 17:29:47

At 5/25/05 06:32 AM, jonthomson wrote: (reaches for mouse)

Yeah, same thing here. I have no clue why it does that. Had you been able to do to before now? Or have you recently started using the tab key more often and just noticed it?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-25 19:19:42

I think a nice link in the page after you vote would be a link to the next under judgement movie. It would encourage voting on UJ movies, although there are a lot of voters already, but it would make it easier for people with the slow computers.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-25 20:08:22

At 5/25/05 07:40 PM, OsAmARaMa wrote: I'm probably not the first one to say this, but I do think it would be nice if the user profiles were to updated match the current NG theme. Not a big deal if doesn't happen though.

I think Liljim said something about leaving the GG menus until later for their redesigning, and profiles kinda fall under the same catagory, meaning he might do it, but not now.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-25 20:10:02

At 5/25/05 06:32 AM, jonthomson wrote: I mentioned this in the level up thread to see if this was happening to anyone else but it was ignored...

Not ignored, jon ;)
I replied to you on page 1131, but there's no point in posting it again, since I was unable to help you. Apparently, there's nothing you or I can do, Firefox just tabs selectable things as they come on the page. Besides, even if you do could get past the character limit box, you'd still have to hit tab 6 more times to reach the 'Post It!' button, making a mouse click the much easier option :)

But, maybe it'd be possible for liljim to code the page in such a way so that the tab order is changed, I've done it for Forms in Microsoft Access, I don't see why html/php/whatever couldn't do it as well.

At 5/25/05 07:19 PM, Kaabi wrote: I think a nice link in the page after you vote would be a link to the next under judgement movie. It would encourage voting on UJ movies, although there are a lot of voters already, but it would make it easier for people with the slow computers.

You need ShittyKitty's Portal Advance. Damn, I just checked, and it seems his whole site is down. If you're using Firefox, go to Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks... > New Bookmark. Then just call the new bookmark 'Next Flash' or something, and paste the following into the 'Location' field:

portal') > -1) { if(document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('/vote') > -1) { history.go(-1); } else { if(window.document.title == 'Newgrounds: Portal Error') { location.href = document.location.href; } else { location.href = document.location.href.substr(0, document.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + (Math.floor(document.location.href.substr(document.location.href.lastIndexO
f('/') + 1)) + 1); } } }

Code written by ShittyKitty :)

Click OK and drag the new bookmark to your Bookmarks Toolbar Folder for easy access.

You need to be in one of the UJ Flash pages or the button will have no effect. You can vote on an UJ flash, press the button to go back to the flash page, and press it again to jump to the next movie in line.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-26 12:20:22

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not really happy with the NG login system. My username and password are stored unencrypted in cookies. There are lots of cookie thief malicious codes out there. I was thinking about implementing sessions, although that would add too much strain on database. James could code at least the md5 encryption of the password(and maybe salting). I know I'm asking too much, but it would increase site's security a lot.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-26 13:36:06

At 5/26/05 12:20 PM, juraj wrote: Comments?

Yeah, there have been problems in the past with that, people were persuaded to follow links in the forums that led to some cookie-reading script or something. I've noticed that the cookies are unencrypted before, and I was kinda surprised to see that. I also noticed that Retrogade password cookies are encrypted, which is good.

Anyway, I agree with you that the passwords should be encrypted, but the fact that they aren't isn't common knowledge, how to read someone else's cookies certainly isn't, and as far as I know, there's only been one such attack, so it's probably not top priority.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-26 13:39:15

Yes, but if one good hacker really wants to get someone's NG username and pass, using a little social engineering... Disaster. :)

I think it wouldn't take too much code changes to implement md5 hashes. It would increase overall security alot.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-26 14:27:30

At 5/25/05 07:19 PM, Kaabi wrote: I think a nice link in the page after you vote would be a link to the next under judgement movie. It would encourage voting on UJ movies, although there are a lot of voters already, but it would make it easier for people with the slow computers.

Well, that seems like a bit of work to save you 1 mouse click

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-28 06:06:24

I've got a nice, small idea for the flash animators out there, an optional field in your profile for "Flash in progress", it'd kinda be like showing the title of the flash, and a description, and you could maybe supply a link to your alpha in the NG alphas and provide a link to screenshots and stuff, and to prevent malicious linking there should be an ID system like how you credit audio from the audio portal.
This might bring some more life into the NG alphas!

Btw, there isn't actually any alpha for Tails and his GBA 2 (which I've already finished, gotta wait for the right time to submit...) but still it gives you an idea of stuff.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-28 13:45:56

I had a question... Lets somebody submits something that isnt that good, so lets say i write a review telling them how they could make it better... Then the movie gets blammed and i lose the review. I was wondering if its possible make the reviews of blammed movies count toward your reviews. I was thinking when you click the link that says like read reviews or something you can read your reviews. Underneath like the title you gave your review it shows the entry you reviewed. I was thinking (now look at the picture)... And the entry being grey and unclickable would signify that it got blammed.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-28 14:27:47

Where the reviews and everything is removed from the NG registries, and your reviews are viewed through a review system like the old flash used to have, it isn't possible.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-28 17:07:53

I read 5 pages of this and these didn't come up so...

-It would be cool to be able to see what people vote on your flash moives... I.E. You click something and it opens up a new window telling you how many people vote 5,4,3,2,1,0.

-Allowing people to edit there Audio Submissions! I have uploaded 3 diffrent versions of one song because I've improved it or something.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-28 17:59:33

At 5/28/05 01:45 PM, LamboFactor wrote: And the entry being grey and unclickable would signify that it got blammed.

That would actually help getting rid of idiots that say stuff like "Blam this crap!" and other abusive shit on movies that they know will be blammed. Even though it's bad enough to be blammed, it doesn't mean there's a free invitation to write abusive reviews for it and most of those people don't get caught since their reviews die along with the movie.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-28 19:39:59

At 5/28/05 05:59 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: That would actually help getting rid of idiots that say stuff like "Blam this crap!" and other abusive shit on movies that they know will be blammed.

Another way to do that would be to allow people to mark reviews on flash in the graveyard. It would certainly get peoples' attention if they start getting banned for reviews on flash that were deleted. I don't think it would be very difficult to implement either, it should just take a bit of tweaking in the coding.

I know that some of the review moderators occasionally go through the reviews in the graveyard, but it would certainly help them out if the normal users were marking the abusive reviews for them. What do you think?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 01:37:46

I like the new AIM a friend idea.
Or has this been around for quite some time now?
I just noticed this...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 07:40:22

At 5/28/05 11:47 PM, Tal-con wrote: This flash should be in the Madness collection page

This is the wrong thread for suggesting things to collections, this thread is for ideas to help improve newgrounds.

The ability to suggest flash to collections will hopefully be added soon.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 10:37:05

At 5/29/05 01:37 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I like the new AIM a friend idea.
Or has this been around for quite some time now?
I just noticed this...

Yeah i just realized this yesterday too... I think its a great idea...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 10:49:10

I olso like the new AIM button. Too bad I have MSN (yes, I know it's lame :: prediction of a nvm reply, ignore this ::) :P

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 12:49:30

How about for movies underjudgement the little voting bar with 0 - 5 on it shows up AFTER the movie is done, since ppl judge a flash by its cover. If it takes a while to load they automatically think its good enough and vote five. Im not sure if that has been brought up but I think its a good idea for the vote bar to show up after the movie is done. If it has been suggested, sorry.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 12:59:30

At 5/29/05 12:49 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: How about for movies underjudgement the little voting bar with 0 - 5 on it shows up AFTER the movie is done, since ppl judge a flash by its cover. If it takes a while to load they automatically think its good enough and vote five. Im not sure if that has been brought up but I think its a good idea for the vote bar to show up after the movie is done. If it has been suggested, sorry.

And how is the portal going to know when the movie ends? HMM?

Maybe, to prevent malicious voting an author can put in a prefered time limit on the UJ voting bar, so they can add a minute to the time it would already take for it to load, meh?
But of course, there would have to be a limit on how long they can delay it, you know, otherwise you'd have to wait days for it to pass judgement? (Maybe a maximum of 1:30 secs is a good idea.)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 13:09:52

I like the "In your profile alphas" idea... Thats a pretty good idea.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 13:29:28

At 5/29/05 01:09 PM, da_pope wrote: I like the "In your profile alphas" idea... Thats a pretty good idea.

Thanks, but urm, read the first post of this thread...

2) Don’t spam up the thread with comments that merely agree with another poster.

So, yeah.

I had another idea, in the signiture pic upload bit, there could be a mini archive of recently used signitures, for easy reuploading, max of 3 of 5 recently used sigs, clickable and stuff so that you can use them again or something, ya know?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 14:54:56

At 5/28/05 07:39 PM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote: I know that some of the review moderators occasionally go through the reviews in the graveyard, but it would certainly help them out if the normal users were marking the abusive reviews for them. What do you think?

The problem is that when they're in the graveyard, there's no way to connect those reviews with the reviews by a person on flash that had survived... So you don't know if it's an isolated incident that the person just randomly got mad for some reason and broke a rule, or if they do the same thing on almost every submission. And going through all of the flash in the graveyard, reading every review that was made trying to find if that person had done it before is just a waste of time. There's also the fact that they may not have done it for a week or two, but have still broken the review rules dozens of times before then, so you don't know where to look for them.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 19:17:22

So often I've wondered, why do under judgement flash appear in the search? This only causes a nuisense because then if they get flagged... ya know? Why would you need to search for something under judgement anyhow? I mean, portal listing!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-29 23:42:41

Crap dude, i doubt u acounted for near 25 pages long, but just in case no one's said this already, one way i think it would help NG is if they added a way to search peoples profiles, who haven't submitted a flash. There are a lot of reasons it could help, and... lol, it could also be a sortof match.com thing, but watever.

Hope this hasn't already been said :(