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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-30 02:26:01

If some one sends in a bunch of crappy blamed animation, dont ban then from the portal for sooo long. just for a week or so.

How come we're still alive? In these kingdoms of filth, when heaven's so abstract and hell is so real...

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-30 07:13:06

At 5/29/05 11:42 PM, B1ader wrote: Crap dude, i doubt u acounted for near 25 pages long, but just in case no one's said this already, one way i think it would help NG is if they added a way to search peoples profiles, who haven't submitted a flash. There are a lot of reasons it could help, and... lol, it could also be a sortof match.com thing, but watever.

Hope this hasn't already been said :(

It's been said thousands of times, and it's always been shot down because the servers cannot handle profile searchs, or text searchs either.

At 5/30/05 02:26 AM, tator_tot1 wrote: If some one sends in a bunch of crappy blamed animation, dont ban then from the portal for sooo long. just for a week or so.

It'll take more than a week to be able to make a decent flash, take those 15 days and LEARN SOME FLASH. :P

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-30 14:37:24

At 5/28/05 01:45 PM, LamboFactor wrote: I was thinking when you click the link that says like read reviews or something you can read your reviews. Underneath like the title you gave your review it shows the entry you reviewed. I was thinking (now look at the picture)... And the entry being grey and unclickable would signify that it got blammed.

I like that idea, but why not make it still clickable and have it link to its page in the graveyard? It'd be cool if the reviews still stayed in the system entirely, as well as the info about the flash and everything that you see currently in the Graveyard. You know, keep the "this flash has been blammed" page for every flash that had been blammed. It wouldn't take up too much extra space, but it would go a long way to catching abusive reviewers. That way you could expand the graveyard to include all the blammed flashes with those pages, it would just be a whole bunch more text stored, no new pictures or flash content, so it would take up next to nothing storage-wise.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-30 15:43:16

Whoa, another idea from me. :O

Anyway, this time I have the idea of HTML aids for your signiture, in the thing that lets you type up your signitures there should be HTML aids like there are in the "Post a message!" pages.

There could also be a "Characters remaining" thing for the signiture text thing as well.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-30 20:54:58

At 5/29/05 02:54 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
At 5/28/05 07:39 PM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote: I know that some of the review moderators occasionally go through the reviews in the graveyard, but it would certainly help them out if the normal users were marking the abusive reviews for them. What do you think?
The problem is that when they're in the graveyard, there's no way to connect those reviews with the reviews by a person on flash that had survived... So you don't know if it's an isolated incident that the person just randomly got mad for some reason and broke a rule, or if they do the same thing on almost every submission. And going through all of the flash in the graveyard, reading every review that was made trying to find if that person had done it before is just a waste of time. There's also the fact that they may not have done it for a week or two, but have still broken the review rules dozens of times before then, so you don't know where to look for them.

I'm not positive, but the perception that review mods "go through the graveyard to find abusive reviews" may be due to me once saying, probably in RageVI's abusive review topic, that I'd been reading and marking one asshole's reviews abusive and then I'd hit refresh or gone to a different page, and the review was gone due to the movie getting blammed, so I had to go into the graveyard to find the movie (it was right at the top of the listing, of course) so I could quote the abusive review for my ban log.

I don't make a habit of COMBING through the graveyard to find offenders, though.

I find assholes who spam "BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM" in reviews to crapflash that gets blammed while said crapflash is UNDER JUDGEMENT. That's far easier than searching the graveyard. And just such a case was the above case I mentioned.

At 5/29/05 11:42 PM, B1ader wrote: one way i think it would help NG is if they added a way to search peoples profiles, who haven't submitted a flash. There are a lot of reasons it could help, and... lol, it could also be a sortof match.com thing, but watever.

Hope this hasn't already been said :(

It hasn't already been said, so don't worry.

However, the reason it hasn't already been said is that there WAS a profile search, years ago.

Back in 2002 and 2003, you could search for ANY username on the site.

You could search for names STARTING with "bla" say, or names ending with "er" or for names containing "stupid" or whatever else. It was a very useful and interesting feature of the site, but it was too taxing to the database as someone else mentioned in reply to you already, so it was axed.

And it isn't coming back. Some form of the BBS text search is probably more likely to one day return than the profile search is, because it would be more useful to more people than the profile search. But don't hold your breath on either of them. liljim doesn't need more headaches.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-30 23:10:30

You know how when you're banned, the ban screen shows up before you get to the post screen?

well, liljim, that was an awesome update, how about you do the same for the four posts per 30 minutes?

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-31 09:03:27

At 5/30/05 11:10 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: You know how when you're banned, the ban screen shows up before you get to the post screen?

well, liljim, that was an awesome update, how about you do the same for the four posts per 30 minutes?

Hey! I already suggested that idea! >:(

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-31 11:21:49

I don't know if this has been suggested, but we should be able to mark review responses as abusive. You know, like people who always respond with, "Flash by WorldOutkast: none. OMFG J00 SUXx GET A FUKIN LIyF3!!!1" or something like that.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-31 18:12:40

At 5/30/05 11:10 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: You know how when you're banned, the ban screen shows up before you get to the post screen?

well, liljim, that was an awesome update, how about you do the same for the four posts per 30 minutes?

Not quite as important, as it's fairly simple to look at a topic page and notice you've posted four times already within the past few minutes. Do you really need a warning message to tell you that you're being overly spammy? If you type out a post and can't post it and then it's gone from the posting window... it's your own fault.

But speaking of these awesome updates liljim has been making, my two favourite are this:

1) the review rating being visible on the main entry pages.
2) if you click "review this entry" on a movie you've already reveiwed, it tells you you already reviewed it and at what time and date (though it doesn't include the year, just the day/month, so oh well).

Two great updates to the review system. Thanks, liljim!

At 5/31/05 12:01 PM, Zendra wrote: Now RedCircle came with the best solution: removie the Turd of the Week award. Because that is motivating people to submit crap to the portal. But they do it after their movie has passed judgement and then they change the whole file to something else, that is crap.

I already posted several times in your topic and laid out several reasons why getting rid of the TOTW award is NOT the best solution. And that if the admins disagreed with me, they would have removed that award YEARS ago.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-02 16:58:23

I was wondering what it would be like to have a Favorite threads feature...
-It could show up in your profile as a list like fav. movies.
-there could be a button on each thread to "Add to favorites"
-you could organize them so that your top 5 favorites (which could be set to most recent, by default) would show up in that sad, empty space next to your sig.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-02 19:50:07

So after liljim took my first idea and turned it into reality, then my second idea got no feed back at all, and finally after all the positive feed back on my last idea i thought i'd lay down one last idea (for a while)...

Ok so theres a little story behind my idea... Ok so I let my friend use my computer, and hes a NG fan too but never really created an account... Since its my computer i rarely sign out, so im usually logged in when i get to NG... So I went away on a trip to Chicago, and my friend was taking care of our pets, he asked me, I had Gooch depositing points for me so i didnt really worry about NG. So like i had submitted a recording of me playing the Flea Bass Solo... It got three reviews all three clarified that it was my original work (which it was)... So i had recorded this at my friends house... He is a guitarist, and he had seen the positive feedback i got from my Bass Solo, so he asked if he could put up some of his music... Thinking he would actually put his music up, I said he could (big mistake)... He submitted some stuff that wasnt his original work or mine... It resulted in me getting banned from the audio portal... I finally got a hold of Wade and he deleted all the music files that had been submitted under my username... I am still to this day banned from submitting work to the audio portal...

Ok now to my idea... This sort of adds to da_popes idea... He said that you should be able to update/remove your audio submissions in cause you update them... If that was true i would have been able to save my banning of the audio portal... So i was thinking (both for Flash and Audio) lets say somebody gets banned (like for stolen work) i think NG should allow them to have one last chance (under close inspection of course, 1 more infraction would result in a permanent ban or deletion of account) to submit something thats the authors original work. I'm still vary dissapointed in my ban, especially because I joined a band and we are recording music, and i got garage band and such so i'm creating my own music.

Lets say NG considers this idea... To ensure that the music is the original work of the artist, maybe there could be a special portal for banned people where they can only submit their work to try and justify themselves. There could be a special review team to make sure its original, and if it is, they could like say it is, and then it would get submitted to the flash or audio portal... I know that this wouldnt affect many people but i still think it would make a difference...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-02 21:10:12

At 5/31/05 06:36 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Im sorry if this has been suggested before

It has been suggested before. Several times. And you're asked that you read the whole thread (I know it's a monster now, but even in this late stage of the thread, you should extend some courtesy to those of us who read through new posts to the thread every day. If you haven't read the whole thread before, as instructed in post #1 by Denvish, then you're not really following any of his guidelines. I may do what's never been done and edit the initial post, to include another footnote that if the idea has been suggested before, it will be deleted - even though (IIRC) both JonThomson and I have already posted stuff in this thread along those lines)).

At 6/2/05 04:58 PM, ChasmyrSS wrote: I was wondering what it would be like to have a Favorite threads feature...

Chaos. :) And I'm not too interested in introducing new forum features at the moment, there's a lot of other stuff that needs doing first.

At 6/2/05 07:50 PM, LamboFactor wrote: stuff.

I'm dead against this idea, for obvious reasons. You can remain signed in to a great deal of sites across the net - and they all advise, as we do, that if you're on a computer that is shared at any time, to log out once you're done with your visit.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-02 22:06:48

Also, it would be nice to have a feature that didnt allow you to start a thread if you have less than 10 posts :) just something to get people going.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-03 12:40:57

At 6/2/05 09:10 PM, liljim wrote: I'm dead against this idea, for obvious reasons. You can remain signed in to a great deal of sites across the net - and they all advise, as we do, that if you're on a computer that is shared at any time, to log out once you're done with your visit.

Yeah i figured as much... So would it be against the rules to create a new account o be able to submit stuff? I couldnt find anything in the rules/faqs but i think i remembered hearing from somewhere (i might be making this up but im pretty sure i heard it in the forums) that if you get caught with an alt it gets deleted... Am i correct to assume this?

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-03 12:50:31

At 6/3/05 12:40 PM, LamboFactor wrote: but im pretty sure i heard it in the forums) that if you get caught with an alt it gets deleted... Am i correct to assume this?

No, alts are OK. The only time when an alt is against the rules is when you use it to circumvent a ban.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-03 14:08:11

Ok my last idea... When you search in the forums your search has to be greater than 3 letters (like you cant search SK8) there are several clubs that die because their names are only three letters... I think searches should be allowed with 3 letters, so i could search SK8, or Sci Fi (both are clubs that are dying because you cant search for them using the search bar...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 03:05:09

At 6/4/05 02:37 AM, -Gooch- wrote: I have one crazy idea: Newgrounds Spell Checker

You know how some people do get tired of people shortening every word, kind of like they were on a messenger chat? Well, there should be some automatic process where things like that can be corrected by the click of the button, and a post cannot be posted unless the button is hit.

Lame idea, I know, but it's the only I can think of after seeing all the rest. Plus, it's really early here, and my brain doesn't think very well when I'm tired.

I don't like it.

What about names that aren't words or misspellings done on purpose?

Then there's movies that have the name spelled wrong spelled wrong.

If users want a grammar perfect post they can type it up in Word or Gmail then copy and paste. It isn't NG's job to help people with spelling.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 03:23:39

At 6/3/05 02:08 PM, LamboFactor wrote: Ok my last idea... When you search in the forums your search has to be greater than 3 letters (like you cant search SK8) there are several clubs that die because their names are only three letters... I think searches should be allowed with 3 letters, so i could search SK8, or Sci Fi (both are clubs that are dying because you cant search for them using the search bar...

Well there are lots of three letter words mostly acroynm but it was to keep out words like a an the is it out of the search. I would like to see the old text back why just serach your alias to see the responds you got.

Spell checker maybe a warnig should popup saying do want to post this would be fine, but it would just annoy more people has in new commers A fully equiped spell checker would not be helpful. Just let grammar nazi correct you or just do what gfox does.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 16:15:47

I got a little idea, I don't know if it's possible but it could be nice.

Say there was a HTML aid button made for linking profiles, you click it, enter in a username, and it'll generate the HTML to provide a link to that persons profile?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 17:20:28

I got another idea.

Maybe someone can program a firefox extension like Gamefox? (For gamefaqs)

Installing it will allow you access to all sorts of useful new features in the BBS, the portal, or maybe the Platinum section can use this rather than having to install spyware?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 18:05:05

At 6/4/05 04:15 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: I got a little idea, I don't know if it's possible but it could be nice.

Say there was a HTML aid button made for linking profiles, you click it, enter in a username, and it'll generate the HTML to provide a link to that persons profile?

Thats quite a good idea acctually, im not sure how hard it would be to do though i suck at knowing stuff.

However im not sure there is enough demand for this to make the effort to implement it worth wile.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 18:21:12

At 6/4/05 06:05 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: However im not sure there is enough demand for this to make the effort to implement it worth wile.

It could help provide links to those who haven't posted a review, post on the BBS or flash.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 18:40:23

Add a "Topics By" search.

its sort of a subliminal thing, we need it we really do. You see these threads that were made be people. but you forget the topic name. But you always know who the user who made its name is. Like this thread i lost it for like two weeks, but for those two weeks i remember that denvish made it. :S

Understand? :P

So you should make a search where you enter a username and find topics by that user.

Anyone else agree?

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-04 18:43:50

At 6/4/05 06:21 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote:
At 6/4/05 06:05 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: However im not sure there is enough demand for this to make the effort to implement it worth wile.
It could help provide links to those who haven't posted a review, post on the BBS or flash.

thats exactly what the admins don't want.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-06 08:30:47

At 6/5/05 08:11 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Im sorry James, I did look though some pages. I posted other times too on like the first 12 and I dont recall seeing about that, and i checked the last few links it showed, but i didnt really see anything. im sorry about that.

It's alright - you're not the only person making this mistake....

At 6/4/05 06:40 PM, Acid-Rain wrote: Add a "Topics By" search.

Already been suggested in this thread.

Spellchecker is a bad idea; too many resources, too much work. Use a dictionary.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-06 10:18:45

At 6/2/05 09:10 PM, liljim wrote: I may do what's never been done and edit the initial post, to include another footnote that if the idea has been suggested before, it will be deleted

If you're planning on doing that, I'd wait and let one of us go through the topic and make a note of a few things that are regularly suggested (edit post etc.) and rejected to include in it. Just so the big ones are hit right off the bat and they've got no excuse whatsoever.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-06 10:38:10

At 6/2/05 09:10 PM, liljim wrote:
I may do what's never been done and edit the initial post, to include another footnote that if the idea has been suggested before, it will be deleted

So if anyone plans on making a suggestion... you expect them to read 27 pages worth of posts before making their suggestion? I guess you're the boss.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-06 14:31:32

I have some ideas for NG:
1)How about in "other submissions by this author" menu marking
submissions with a decent score, great sore and awarded submissionds?
2)How about showing blammed submissions in the public profile?
ehh... i've forgot other...
So, what do you thinki posted this some time ago, but i was too lazy to post it at this topic =)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-06 16:05:30

At 1/31/05 08:48 PM, MuyBurrito wrote: I'm just reiterating a good idea basically

It would be good to have a more advanced search for posts by people, by topic, by date, and so forth.

I've always thought this. I'm sick of having to look through pages when I know who made the topic, and I think It would be so much easier if we could have something along the lines of Search for ____ posted by ______ on _______ The fields offcourse being optional.

Since pieoncar already went over the idea of having string search for within topics throughout the BBS, I'd like to point out that the current search just doesn't cut it. It is based entirely on the idea that everyone follows the rule of keeping a thread title related to the subject matter.

Yes, annoying as it is, people still won't follow the rules.

I think that in addition to adding text searches, we should be able to sort results by:
date [before, after, and on]




title relativity

I don't understand, how could we implement this?

locked or not locked


pieoncar's suggestion


poster level/status [above level, below level, or on level]

People level up, you know.

new posts since last view [or not]


results per page [just adjustable, not really necessary]


number of replies [less than, greater than, equal to]


All available to sort the information interchangably.

I'm not sure exactly how much bandwidth would have to be supplied to have such an advanced search, but it is more in tune with server power to search and sort things dynamically.

Do you even know what bandwidth is?

Try finding the topic for BBS screenshots and it may take you a while. That's because the topic is actually "BBS Screen Shots." It's these differences in semantics that really irk me. Another great example is my hour-long search recently for Wade's thread about modding Ron. Since the name had absolutely no relevance to the post, it didn't turn up in my searches and I had to narrow it down by crawling through Wade's posts and "Ctrl+F"ing every page within cronological distance to my estimated date. Very frustrating.

Hah, I've been there before.

Second idea:
Mod-Elves. Little regular users who are selected by the mods to be able to "suggest" administrative action on a user/thread. The user would be allowed to suggest mod action to a certain rule being broken or circumvented, and the request would be given to any mod or admin online/available by means of a nonobtrusive alert, such as a mod message box. Rules:
-The user can only do a certain number per day or something like that (to keep the mods from being flooded with requests)
-If the specific user or thread has already been marked that day, the request will not go through.
This would also eliminate the idea that lots of retards get that "No mods are online... I'm gonna post a hardcore porn/spam topic", which makes people like DrMoxley send emails to Wade demanding to be modded, etcetera.

We already have mod elves, and they're not useful.

There's also a rule against back seat modding.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-06-06 17:17:52

I got an idea that could help fight against those damn portal spammers.

You know how some upload crap with a brilliant preloader so it gets past, then change it's name to hentai or something?

What if they added a restriction, so that you CAN'T change the name of the flash whilst it is on the 50 most recent list?