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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-02 17:47:00

At 5/2/05 05:04 PM, Agatha wrote: Theoretically, one could earn up to 10 points per day with this system.

Well that really makes it even sillier.

Dedication!? What requires more energy: Creating excellent Flash animations, or pressing a "vote" button? As the NG FAQ says, "Higher levels often command respect." Level indicators are more prominent than batting averages.

You are missing the point of what exp is all about. Experience is rewarded to those who show dedication by returning to the site daily (how else do they make money?). And sure, making flash can be difficult... I have made a few myself, and it is a pain. I have yet to make one I felt would earn me any awards... however, I don't feel that artists should earn exp for submitting. Maybe if there was a stipulation stating they had to have so many animations per year, otherwise I could make three and never show up again and barely miss a deposit.

I understand what you are getting at, and I agree, animators deserve something a little special, however, Tom already has that in place = the money award each month.

I also hope that animators do it for the passion and love and not to earn respect on NG... like really, what is respect on NG worth? Very little. I know I do it because I love art and making flash movies really helps me improve and expand my art skills.

And to be honest... as for dedication to the site... you are more dedicated by voting everyday, because that dedication supports the site. As where making a flash takes much more dedication, but it is a personal dedication and not a dedication towards the site.

I hope that cleared up my thoughts that were slightly vague before.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-03 02:06:48

How about a name saver?
A little feature we can use. It can save, say two or three nicknames for you.
No need for another account.
what do you think?

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-03 13:19:49

At 5/1/05 03:36 PM, Agatha wrote: About authors gettign exp for submissions

What do you think?

Well this is extreamly simular to the old concept of others getting exp from submissions based on scrore. It was turned off due to abuse. The biggest issue with that it could be abuse, with mass voting, so I don't think it woudl be a good idea.

At 5/3/05 02:06 AM, IncorporeaI wrote: How about a name saver?
A little feature we can use. It can save, say two or three nicknames for you.
No need for another account.
what do you think?

I could see that leading to people posting saying I have this name who wants to buy it off me. I really don't see a need or it an alt account for name saving reasons works just fine right now. This would just add more coding for the staff to do.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-03 15:42:10

You know, I just realised.....

The link to the rules? Maybe people keep missing it because there is a distinct lack of the word RULE anywhere in the topic title... It may help to make it more noticable.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-03 15:44:56

I'd like more secrets. Most of the secrets I saw before and would really like some more.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-04 19:24:12

Another idea could be a front page award. It would be on the portal submission page and it would say "Front Page from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx"

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-04 19:38:41

At 5/4/05 07:24 PM, NorwayClock wrote: Another idea could be a front page award. It would be on the portal submission page and it would say "Front Page from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx"

that will be nice. but i think NG has quite enough of awards already

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-04 22:44:43

At 5/2/05 05:47 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: You are missing the point of what exp is all about. Experience is rewarded to those who show dedication by returning to the site daily (how else do they make money?).

Yeah, who's more dedicated, the person who's been coming every day since some time in 2000? Or the guy that spent a few weeks on a flash, made an account, submitted it and has never been seen since? Just because it may take longer to complete something doesn't mean those people are more dedicated to the site itself. Hell, they may just be looking for another place to show their work to get more exposure, doesn't mean that they are dedicated to the site.

You should be submitting flash to express your opinion on something, express your feelings, express your talent or just want to give people something decent to watch... not for experience points.

At 5/3/05 02:06 AM, IncorporeaI wrote: How about a name saver?
A little feature we can use. It can save, say two or three nicknames for you.
No need for another account.
what do you think?

I believe someone already mentioned that a few pages ago. I don't see why you'd need to save that many nicknames though. One should be all you'd ever need to save if for whatever reason you feel like changing the name of your main account but don't want anyone taking it. Saving a bunch of nicknames that you'd probably not even use anyway would just be pointless.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-05 15:57:53

At 5/4/05 10:44 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: Yeah, who's more dedicated, the person who's been coming every day since some time in 2000? Or the guy that spent a few weeks on a flash, made an account, submitted it and has never been seen since? Just because it may take longer to complete something doesn't mean those people are more dedicated to the site itself. Hell, they may just be looking for another place to show their work to get more exposure, doesn't mean that they are dedicated to the site.

I completely agree. And i am glad you pnted out the 'exposure' part, because that it is an important argument i forgot to make the first time. Exp is rewarded for dedication to the site and that is truly they way it should be.

You should be submitting flash to express your opinion on something, express your feelings, express your talent or just want to give people something decent to watch... not for experience points.

Exactly. You hit that right on the button and i could not agree more.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-07 14:11:17

Ok, what about if G-bot had more of a purpose in the forums, rather than just being there he actually did bot things like the portal bot, for example he would inform you of any new news topics, or maybe inform you of bans and warnings from mods?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-07 14:13:10

At 5/7/05 02:11 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: Ok, what about if G-bot had more of a purpose in the forums, rather than just being there he actually did bot things like the portal bot, for example he would inform you of any new news topics, or maybe inform you of bans and warnings from mods?

Well, a G-bot is currently being designed by MindChamber,
Or, he will be soon. Perhaps when the bot is complted he'll have tasks

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-08 18:13:14

Ok, what about if say, you know when you get banned and if now takes you right to the ban message instead of you having to type out the message then find out?

What about if they did the same thing with the double post or 4 post in 30 minutes thing? Rather than having to type out that message is takes you right to the point of you can't post again yet?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-09 05:06:07

At 5/3/05 03:42 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: The link to the rules? Maybe people keep missing it because there is a distinct lack of the word RULE anywhere in the topic title... It may help to make it more noticable.

Yeah, there is a huge lack of links to the rules in the forum. If there were a more obvious rule link on more places it would be alot better.

There is also rather hard to find the little add which says that you can sign up on Newgrounds.

Newgrounds is great on advertising, but that stays to other companies.
Newgrounds should advertise itself a little more on the site, so people acctually registrated and so on.

I think I've said this before somewhere, but anyway. I know alot of people who spend time watching Newgrounds subsissions unknowing that you can sign up.

Especially for free!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-11 08:46:19

How about moving the search bar?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-16 21:12:01

New styles and catagries maybe even an new and a bigger BBS or more lvs.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-16 21:58:11

I have a suggestion.
I think that the top 2000 b/p users should be allowed to vote for the monthly award winners as well as the top 2000 exp users. They may not seem dedicated due to their lack of experience points, but if they are dedicated enough to spend hours in the portal each day, then they will have a good idea of what deserves to win an award.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-16 22:15:03

At 5/16/05 09:58 PM, Agent_B_Animation wrote: I have a suggestion.

I was always thought it was just top 2000 frequent users, and then it went from highest lvl down... or something? How does that work exactly then?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-16 22:44:07

I was always thought it was just top 2000 frequent users, and then it went from highest lvl down... or something? How does that work exactly then?

I think it's the 2000 users with the most experience points, so they basically are the most frequent users as they have the highest exp levels. I think that the top 2000 b/p users should be alowed to vote as well, as they are dedicated to voting on new submissions to the portal and they would have a good idea on what deserves to win.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 00:58:35

At 5/16/05 10:15 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: How does that work exactly then?

The judging panel consists of the top 2000 users EXP-wise, anyone who has ever won any Portal awards, the moderators and the administrators. I think it might be a good idea to have some of the top B/P'ers able to vote as well. But not the top 2000, that would just be too easy. Maybe the top 500 or 1000. It's certainly an interesting idea.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 01:38:39

first i think there are too many postst too read them all...
then i think there should be less pop-ups (unless there is a good perpouse)
i also think people should be less critzied on their FIRST flash cus they're new
in stead help them
i talk too much

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 01:39:47

i also think exp points should be easier to get cus we all cant go on every day!!!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 01:58:04

At 5/17/05 01:38 AM, Project_Tom23 wrote: first i think there are too many postst too read them all...

I have no clue what you are talking about. Sorry : \

then i think there should be less pop-ups (unless there is a good perpouse)

The ads on the site are what supply Tom and Wade with enough cash to run the site
and give them money to live on.

i also think people should be less critzied on their FIRST flash cus they're new
in stead help them

Simple rule here. Bad flash = Blam. The reviews are supposed to be used to help the author gain ideas on how to improve their flash. Unfortunately, they are not normally used for this purpose.

i talk too much

Yes. You do : \

At 5/17/05 01:39 AM, Project_Tom23 wrote: i also think exp points should be easier to get cus we all cant go on every day!!!

This has been suggested an uncountable number of times and shot down in flames an equal amount of times.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 03:01:30

At 5/9/05 07:16 AM, BonusStage wrote: normally i just use the alt one time and then wait for the rest, but it'd still be helpful to all those that indeed have a good opinion on a topic, that is simply GROWING FAST, and they may not be alt users :)

I'll never understand people who use alts to get around the 4 post limit. I mean, bloody hell, do you really need to say something that badly? You guys should compose your posts a bit better, if it's a thread you plan on having multiple replies in. Seriously, using an alt in that way should earn you a ban.

At 5/3/05 03:44 PM, NorwayClock wrote: I'd like more secrets. Most of the secrets I saw before and would really like some more.

I have seen this one come up quite a few times, and I don't understand why new secrets still haven't been added :(

It would give so much more incentive to the long exp points haul, and there are so many cool things they could potentially add there. A new secret every 1,000 points would work well I think.

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 11:05:08

Just a small little request.
(Again, apologies if this has been brought up already).

I was thinking that the description field for audio submissions could be increased a bit. I mean, it's what? 90 characters right now? I guess that limit helps make the listings nice and snug, but sometimes you just want to say more. Audio mightn't be as intricate as flash, but I still think 90 characters is a little stingy.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 15:37:47

At 5/3/05 02:06 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: How about a name saver?
A little feature we can use. It can save, say two or three nicknames for you.
No need for another account.
what do you think?

i was thinkin' of that!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-17 15:39:34

At 5/3/05 03:42 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: You know, I just realised.....

The link to the rules? Maybe people keep missing it because there is a distinct lack of the word RULE anywhere in the topic title... It may help to make it more noticable.

Prehaps when you go on the forum fo the first time it pops up!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-18 11:34:02

At 5/18/05 04:14 AM, Loco-Evil-Dabdoub wrote:
-->an "Anti-Crap Uploads System" (got a better name?...ha...hope this describes what I think...) that blocks any attempt of a "crap-autor" to upload more shit. For example, someone uploads something that in the same day gets a score of 0 to 1.5, then an automated process, a "keeper of coolness robot" blocks the option to upload more animations for a week to that person.

I don't know why people keep suggesting this. That sort of system has been in place for a LONG TIME. Except it's more like a 15 day ban.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-18 13:34:29

At 5/18/05 04:14 AM, Loco-Evil-Dabdoub wrote: Other ideas I have remembered to "upgrade" New Grounds:

--> a "Safety ActionScript Code" that will be available in a .fla file (just as their free preloader) so NG artists could protect their movies from being stolen and used in other sites without their approval. This will also make NG "cooler" because they´ll have exclusive animations.

But of course, this is a good idea, it would be better to just have the neccesary action script added to the explanation page rather than to have ready, in case the author wants to freely distribute his flash to other sites.

-->an "Anti-Crap Uploads System" (got a better name?...ha...hope this describes what I think...) that blocks any attempt of a "crap-autor" to upload more shit. For example, someone uploads something that in the same day gets a score of 0 to 1.5, then an automated process, a "keeper of coolness robot" blocks the option to upload more animations for a week to that person. I think this is fair, because many people constantly uploads and waste this free space with stupid-bullshit-lame animations, they can´t accept they should learn a bit o flash before uploading... it so annoying...

First of, they're called spammers, and secondly we already have a similar rule active, in which if two submissions are submitted in one day and both are very badly blammed, then the author will be given a 15 day ban from submitting to either prevent him from spamming further, or if the author just sucks at flash, force him more time to practice.

I will return with more, I really hope Tom and his crew read all the posts, ´cos there are some really good ideas in here.

Well, it's really Liljim who reads this topic, he mostly does the PHP around here, but still keep them coming, any ideas help hopefully!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-18 17:02:25

-->an "Anti-Crap Uploads System" (got a better name?...ha...hope this describes what I think...) that blocks any attempt of a "crap-autor" to upload more shit. For example, someone uploads something that in the same day gets a score of 0 to 1.5, then an automated process, a "keeper of coolness robot" blocks the option to upload more animations for a week to that person. I think this is fair, because many people constantly uploads and waste this free space with stupid-bullshit-lame animations, they can´t accept they should learn a bit o flash before uploading... it so annoying...

But if this happened, then there would be less purpose in have blam/protect points if all the bad stuff never got through. Also, people who submit bad stuff may genuinely try hard and all they need is some helpful reviews. So i don't like the idea so much.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-18 18:56:36

trust me they will submit the same crap at least once a day and i have seen the worst of it the weird one with the misleading messsages "these photos have help me get though colledge i hope they help you too" *shudder*