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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-20 22:18:05

We have our experience level exploited on the forums. I think that flash artists should have a chance to be recognized aswell around here. There is room to display other things under the experience level and I think artists who have good batting averages or have won some awards should have something displayed here aswell.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-21 14:08:26

At 4/20/05 10:18 PM, Love_Machine wrote: We have our experience level exploited on the forums. I think that flash artists should have a chance to be recognized aswell around here. There is room to display other things under the experience level and I think artists who have good batting averages or have won some awards should have something displayed here aswell.

Well there might not be enough space in the thing, or the fact we have a profile for that, but showing a single icon for each award which is of course, clickable sounds interesting.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-21 19:15:50

At 4/21/05 02:08 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote:
At 4/20/05 10:18 PM, Love_Machine wrote: We have our experience level exploited on the forums. I think that flash artists should have a chance to be recognized aswell around here. There is room to display other things under the experience level and I think artists who have good batting averages or have won some awards should have something displayed here aswell.
Well there might not be enough space in the thing, or the fact we have a profile for that, but showing a single icon for each award which is of course, clickable sounds interesting.

Do we really need sign up date and experience points though?
We also have a large space next to our small signature pics.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-21 20:32:59

At 4/21/05 07:15 PM, Love_Machine wrote: Do we really need sign up date and experience points though?
We also have a large space next to our small signature pics.

The signup date is a decent factor to leave. It shows how long you've been here and thus states how much you may or may not actually know. Exp isn't necessary though, methinks.

If Apple Jacks aren't going to taste like real apples, then they can get a regular job like everybody else.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-21 22:26:03

At 4/21/05 08:32 PM, Miikro wrote:
At 4/21/05 07:15 PM, Love_Machine wrote: Do we really need sign up date and experience points though?
We also have a large space next to our small signature pics.
The signup date is a decent factor to leave. It shows how long you've been here and thus states how much you may or may not actually know.

Exp isn't necessary though, methinks.

The points aren't really necassary, because our levels is displayed anyway.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-22 00:40:18

At 4/21/05 08:32 PM, Miikro wrote: It shows how long you've been here and thus states how much you may or may not actually know.

Well, in a way you are right, an older user would know more, UNLESS! that user has been gone for years and just now returned, like some have. Checking post count helps as well.

Exp isn't necessary though, methinks.

No, not really, but again, it does show you've been here a while. A user can get to level 10 in only 140 days, so there is a plus and a negative.

At 4/21/05 10:26 PM, Love_Machine wrote: The points aren't really necassary, because our levels is displayed anyway.

Ah, you're talking about modiferys, as some of the ones seen on Retrogade and other places, yes? Having your awards below the author isn't required because there is a list of all your awards in your profile, people can just look at it there. Besides, some modifers, like post count, review count, etc... could incourage some forms of spam, review, post, etc... and we don't want that now do we?


And I'm sure someone has suggested it, but might we beable to book mark our favorite audio and audio artists? As well as sort audio sections as in Video Game Music by date instead of just score as well?

And yes, I know my post was deleted.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-22 08:30:07

At 2/4/05 07:04 AM, Fuel2Fire wrote: Good points. But if voting on audio submissions had some point then people WOULD take the time to vote. So by giving a reason to vote, like uping your rank and exp points like the flash portal then people might actually vote.

I know some people will vote zeros to kill the competition but there are many songs over 4.00 rating so a lot of people are voting fair.

With the votes meaning something for the voter, increase in EXP points, and the 5 minimum rule before showing actual rating, it gives the artist a more fair chance to have his music rated where it belongs. And like you added, incentive for the voter, increased EXP points. This works in favor both ways.
Thanks for giving me the tool to improve my idea so it would actually work.

This is EXACTLY what I've been wanting. I wrote Wade about an Audio BBS months ago and it finally happend. If this happens there will be enough fair votes to get rid of all the 0 votes that you get from others. If you go and vote 0 ona good flash right now, you hardly move it down because there are so many votes on it. This would be the PERFECT way to solve the audio portal voting ordeals. Just implement the same Blam and Protect system.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-22 10:01:16

OK, so this isn't much of an idea for improvement, it's just a thing that came to my mind - the experienced users (maybe as a NG secret or something) should have the right to scroll through the blammed work in NG as well. I mean, those flashes aren't deleted, are they? They're just "marked for administrative review". If they want to they can vote for them as well, so as to revive them (?). Or maybe not, because they would only abuse this. But still, at least have the posibility of viewing them?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-22 20:47:14

At 4/22/05 10:01 AM, Catz27 wrote: OK, so this isn't much of an idea for improvement,

no that garbage is deleted off the server once blammed.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-22 20:55:56

At 4/22/05 10:01 AM, Catz27 wrote: I mean, those flashes aren't deleted, are they?

Blammed flash, yes. I believe you can still access them after being blammed if you know the direct link to the file, but after a while they seem to just be deleted completely.

They're just "marked for administrative review".

Blammed flash are not "marked for administrative review." Those are submissions that have been flagged for whatever reason (stolen, malicious, unsuitable.)

If they want to they can vote for them as well, so as to revive them (?).

They were blammed for a reason.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 04:03:24

I'm not sure if it has been suggested before, but I think that you might like this one Denvish, since I know how much you hate abusive reviews on UJ flash. My idea is to disable the option to review a flash while it is still under judgement. It would pretty much end those reviews that consist completely of a copy/paste from the voting page. It is really kind of pointless reviewing many UJ flash anyway, since any reviews made on a flash that is blammed are deleted with it.

I think that it would prevent a lot of abusive reviewing. If someone has to spend the time waiting for the flash to be saved before they have the ability to review it, they might just think "aw fuck it" and find something better to do with their time. If someone really likes a movie and wants to review it, then they should have enough patience to wait for it to come through the Portal before doing so.

Like I said before, I'm not sure if this has been suggested already, if it has I apologize for wasting your time. I'm also unsure of how practical it would be to implement, but I think it would be worth a try. So, that's it. Thanks for your time everyone!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 06:43:17

At 4/24/05 04:03 AM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote: I'm not sure if it has been suggested before, but I think that you might like this one Denvish, since I know how much you hate abusive reviews on UJ flash. My idea is to disable the option to review a flash while it is still under judgement. It would pretty much end those reviews that consist completely of a copy/paste from the voting page. It is really kind of pointless reviewing many UJ flash anyway, since any reviews made on a flash that is blammed are deleted with it.

I think that it would prevent a lot of abusive reviewing. If someone has to spend the time waiting for the flash to be saved before they have the ability to review it, they might just think "aw fuck it" and find something better to do with their time. If someone really likes a movie and wants to review it, then they should have enough patience to wait for it to come through the Portal before doing so.

If the option to review was removed on UJ flash then we wouldn't be able to help beginners on their first flash, and if a mod does come across an abusive review on an under judgement movie or even in the obituraries they can still review ban someone. Still, as for the copy and paste the vote text thing, I WISH THEY'D FUCKING STOP THAT. There needs to be a change for reviews, saying above the box also that copying and pasting the vote stats isn't allowed.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 13:04:55

Hoping this has not been Submitted yet. But I think I have an Idea that might help stop some Audio Trolls from killing ratings on purpose.

A lot of Good artists are having some problems in the Audio Portal. After submitting a song, some troll likes to be there to vote a big fat 0 for no reason other than killing sum1's hard work.

I simply suggest that there be a link for the artist to click next to the voting part, where the user can bring up the first 5 people that voted on the song, and show what they rated the song as (or this could be changed to the last 5). A troll will be thinking more about the artist seeing what he has done and getting back at him by voting 0 on his work and hopefully the "troll" will then vote properly.

Just another idea for stoping trolls.

I still think that all new entries should stay a 5/5 untill 5 or 10 people have voted, and the votes should give EXP to the users just like flash. This is all one site, why not make it like a single site?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 15:07:00

At 4/24/05 06:43 AM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: If the option to review was removed on UJ flash then we wouldn't be able to help beginners on their first flash,

Yes, but the author could just leave an e-mail address and recieve feedback that way.

and if a mod does come across an abusive review on an under judgement movie or even in the obituraries they can still review ban someone.

Yeah, I remember Denvish's thread about that awhile back. The problem is that there isn't always a review mod in the Portal, but I guess that's alright if they're going through the obituaries as well.

Still, as for the copy and paste the vote text thing, I WISH THEY'D FUCKING STOP THAT.

Yes, it is one of the most annoying things ever.

There needs to be a change for reviews, saying above the box also that copying and pasting the vote stats isn't allowed.

Yeah, while it wouldn't stop people completely from doing it, I think it would cut down on those damn reviews. Also, how about adding in the review box that writing abusive reviews on UJ flash will get you an automatic ban if it is seen by a review mod?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 17:56:06

i think you should be allowed to remove your own flash(which i think you can do) and audio from the portals...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 18:38:22

At 4/24/05 05:56 PM, LamboFactor wrote: i think you should be allowed to remove your own flash(which i think you can do) and audio from the portals...

Not a chance. Think of how many people hate illwillpress, and think of what damage could be done if his account was hacked and you could delete your own flash.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 18:40:00

At 4/24/05 06:43 AM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: There needs to be a change for reviews, saying above the box also that copying and pasting the vote stats isn't allowed.

The current rules kind of cover this. Besides, they'll find out when they get banned.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 22:36:11

I think that something should be put on the side of a topic (like the symbol that shows if a topic has 30 or more posts) to show that the topic has been there for a certain time, just to avoid any accidental posts by other users when some users bump an old thread.

Just read 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' by Joe Campbell. Now I need a new book. PM me suggestions!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-24 23:16:32

At 4/24/05 10:36 PM, Psycho_Crusher wrote: I think that something should be put on the side of a topic (like the symbol that shows if a topic has 30 or more posts) to show that the topic has been there for a certain time, just to avoid any accidental posts by other users when some users bump an old thread.

I don't really think that this is needed, since you can just check the date of the first post when you open the thread.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-25 00:07:45

At 4/24/05 11:16 PM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote:
At 4/24/05 10:36 PM, Psycho_Crusher wrote: I think that something should be put on the side of a topic (like the symbol that shows if a topic has 30 or more posts) to show that the topic has been there for a certain time, just to avoid any accidental posts by other users when some users bump an old thread.
I don't really think that this is needed, since you can just check the date of the first post when you open the thread.

But thats the thing, most users don't even bother to check the date of the thread. I mean, its in such an obscure area that users fail to notice it.

Just read 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' by Joe Campbell. Now I need a new book. PM me suggestions!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-25 01:27:35

I have another idea; how about and obituaries search bar?


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-25 02:00:46

At 4/25/05 01:27 AM, food1 wrote: I have another idea; how about and obituaries search bar?

It isn't a very useful idea. Why would you want to find a deleted flash? Even if you want to find abusive review its pretty much useless since crappy flashes are most of the time blammed quickly so people barely have time to write 2-3 reviews.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-25 11:46:46

This is just a small idea, but I reckon it could be of some use: how about, at the bottom of a thread, having "Users currently browsing this thread:" and then a list of the users. It'd be nice to know who's browsing and lurking in a certain thread.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-25 23:58:32

I think one of the largest problems for us portal addicts is all of the mass voting going on. If your not sure what that is, this ...what a disgrace... passed just a few minutes before I passed it. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the clock crew? Yeah, well their 90% of the problem at least.
I have two ways of fixing this
1. Have 1+ staff members with High authority browsing the portal 24/7. That way when something like that comes along, they can delete it.
2. If we don't have the man power for something like that, we could make a temporary solution by leting the server handle it by banning and prohibiting the use of the word clock in usernames. It's a little drastic, but it would fix the problem until we can figure out something else to do.

server load: none with first idea, practically none with second one.
user demand: if the rest of NG is anything like me, this is top priority.
purpose: cleaning out the filth of Newgrounds.
already exists: there's the whistle, but that really isn't enough.
awaiting implementation: I'm pretty sure no.
difficulty of implementation: none/low if we have to hire somebody with first idea. Low/medium for second idea (I've seen sites do something exactly like this before with their registration.

Please let me know what you all think.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-26 00:15:22

At 4/25/05 11:58 PM, ddrmasterman wrote: I think one of the largest problems for us portal addicts is all of the mass voting going on.

I'm sorry, what mass voting is this?

If your not sure what that is, this ...what a disgrace... passed just a few minutes before I passed it.

That's becuase people are point whores. They see that the author has a lot of flash already in the portal and vote high without watching it. No mass voting there.

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the clock crew? Yeah, well their 90% of the problem at least.

The original Clock Crew is dead. There are pretty much nothing but poser-clocks left.

I have two ways of fixing this
1. Have 1+ staff members with High authority browsing the portal 24/7. That way when something like that comes along, they can delete it.

It would be too much hassle to have at least 1 person on 24/7, and it would lead to abuse of the system. If the user doesn't like some movies, even if they are good, they could just delete whatever they want.

2. If we don't have the man power for something like that, we could make a temporary solution by leting the server handle it by banning and prohibiting the use of the word clock in usernames. It's a little drastic, but it would fix the problem until we can figure out something else to do.

I'm sorry, but this is just plain stupid. Like I already mentioned, there are almost no real clocks left on Newgrounds. All there is are posers and they are a vast minority among users. This is also not going to do anything, people can change their name.

Please let me know what you all think.

Personally, I don't think that there is any mass voting whatsoever going on. My theory is that people hear rumors of certain groups doing it, and when those groups submit flash, they vote high because they think that it will pass for sure due to the "mass voting". I think that enough people do this that it ends up getting a high score and passing. So, I guess in a way it is mass voting, just that the people who do it are unaware that they are the actual perpetrators.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-26 18:55:27

At 4/26/05 12:15 AM, _IAMCanadian_ wrote:
At 4/25/05 11:58 PM, ddrmasterman wrote: I think one of the largest problems for us portal addicts is all of the mass voting going on.
I'm sorry, what mass voting is this?

I'm not gonna answer this one yet.

If your not sure what that is, this ...what a disgrace... passed just a few minutes before I passed it.
That's becuase people are point whores. They see that the author has a lot of flash already in the portal and vote high without watching it. No mass voting there.

ok, then we need to fix that! Shouldn't be a huge hassle

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the clock crew? Yeah, well their 90% of the problem at least.
The original Clock Crew is dead. There are pretty much nothing but poser-clocks left.

ok, then we can get rid of them (see idea #2)

I have two ways of fixing this
1. Have 1+ staff members with High authority browsing the portal 24/7. That way when something like that comes along, they can delete it.
It would be too much hassle to have at least 1 person on 24/7, and it would lead to abuse of the system. If the user doesn't like some movies, even if they are good, they could just delete whatever they want.

I think Tom is smart enough to find somebody that wouldn't abuse the privlage, we aren't all kids.

2. If we don't have the man power for something like that, we could make a temporary solution by leting the server handle it by banning and prohibiting the use of the word clock in usernames. It's a little drastic, but it would fix the problem until we can figure out something else to do.
I'm sorry, but this is just plain stupid. Like I already mentioned, there are almost no real clocks left on Newgrounds. All there is are posers and they are a vast minority among users. This is also not going to do anything, people can change their name.

I know people can change their name, but my theory is that they might get discouraged from all of their 'hard work' and then gettting banned, and then just give up. ...new idea... perhaps we could have at least one person on 24/7 (like solution #1) but instead of deleting the flash they can suspend the person who submitted the flash according to how many times they have submitted junk to newgrounds (1 day for first offense, 5 for second, etc.)

Please let me know what you all think.
Personally, I don't think that there is any mass voting whatsoever going on. My theory is that people hear rumors of certain groups doing it, and when those groups submit flash, they vote high because they think that it will pass for sure due to the "mass voting". I think that enough people do this that it ends up getting a high score and passing. So, I guess in a way it is mass voting, just that the people who do it are unaware that they are the actual perpetrators.

If this is true then we need to get the word out and tell people to stop. A post on the front page or a pop-up on the portal page (only for 1 or 2 days, we don't need to read it every time we logon) should fix it. Thanks for the critism, but I still stand firmly behind my ideas.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-26 19:34:23

At 4/25/05 11:46 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: This is just a small idea, but I reckon it could be of some use: how about, at the bottom of a thread, having "Users currently browsing this thread:" and then a list of the users. It'd be nice to know who's browsing and lurking in a certain thread.

I don't like it. I enjoy a degree of anonymity when browsing the forums. I don't mind people knowing that I'm in General or whatever, but I like the idea of being able to read a thread, not post in it, and not have anybody know that you were ever there. Not only that, but I think the load with that would be a little ridiculous, as the thousands and thousands of threads on Newgrounds would be a little much to keep up to date with a list of users browsing each specific thread.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-01 15:36:13

Here's a small suggestion pertaining to experience points:

Animators should be able to earn experience points through their submissions. If they have a batting average (IE, 3 or more entries within the Portal), a system might stack up like this:

< 1.00 : 0 exp per day (or -1)
> 1.00 < 2.00 : .5 exp per day
> 2.00 < 3.00 : 1 exp per day
> 3.00 < 4.00 : 2 exp per day
> 4.00 : 5 exp per day

These points would be earned without user interaction. If an animator has a batting average which falls into any of the above categories, he/she would earn x number of points per day automatically.

Implementing a "negative 1" system for terrible averages would discourage users from creating "Turds of the Week." =)

What do you think?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-01 15:57:03

At 5/1/05 03:36 PM, Agatha wrote: What do you think?

I havnt been keeping up with the entire convo... but can they still deposit the other amount of points that wasn't automatically deposited? So if i get 2 points deposited automaticlly, how would i deposit the other 3? By voting on 3 submissions?

Plus, that would really be kind of unfair. think of ppl like Adam Phillips who rarely visit the site unless submitting a movie and is a lvl 1. He would unfairly be much higher and really had to have no dedication to do so.

It just seems flawed to me.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-05-02 17:04:29

I havnt been keeping up with the entire convo... but can they still deposit the other amount of points that wasn't automatically deposited? So if i get 2 points deposited automaticlly, how would i deposit the other 3? By voting on 3 submissions?

Theoretically, one could earn up to 10 points per day with this system.

Plus, that would really be kind of unfair. think of ppl like Adam Phillips who rarely visit the site unless submitting a movie and is a lvl 1. He would unfairly be much higher and really had to have no dedication to do so.

Dedication!? What requires more energy: Creating excellent Flash animations, or pressing a "vote" button? As the NG FAQ says, "Higher levels often command respect." Level indicators are more prominent than batting averages.