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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-15 13:08:12

I could have sworn that there was 2 replies here... :S by Zendra and FoX... Wtf?

Any way, you said make it smaller and Bold.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-15 16:33:43

At 4/15/05 10:39 AM, Maus wrote: This is about making NG user-friendly. Not beating down people that are new.

Wait a second, Maus. Where did I told to beat up the new people? It would be too stupid to display the tags just to make it easier for some people at Wi/Ht? to help out noobs. Also, I can't imagine the computer that won't be able to save one damn .txt file. And if even that's the case, just open up a blog or something on the internet and paste it and save it there, so you can retrieve it when necessary.

Come on. I find this idea ridicilous. Or I'm misunderstanding something.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-15 16:52:36

Something is wrong here.. SERIOUSLY WRONG, ive seen Zendra's, Fox's and my own posts here, and they are all being deleted.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-15 18:14:07

At 4/15/05 04:33 PM, juraj wrote: Wait a second, Maus. Where did I told to beat up the new people?

Maus said beating down, not beating up. Rather different meanings.

It would be too stupid to display the tags just to make it easier for some people at Wi/Ht? to help out noobs.

Quit being a butthead. This thread is about making suggestions, not tearing them apart. And besides, it's not just Wi/Ht that would profit from this; the posts made in the Programming forum often use a lot of tags.

Also, I can't imagine the computer that won't be able to save one damn .txt file.

Students on school computers are often restricted from saving files, to prevent the spread of viruses.

And if even that's the case, just open up a blog or something on the internet and paste it and save it there, so you can retrieve it when necessary.

And what on earth does saving the post have ANYTHING to do with displaying (rather than evaluating) HTML tags?!? Saving a post in a blog or a TXT file will not help you in any way in keeping the HTML tags from evaluating. At the moment, I'm having to use <i><</i>a> to keep tags from evaluating. Don't quite see how saving a post would do that for me.

Come on. I find this idea ridicilous. Or I'm misunderstanding something.

That's because you're assuming that the user would have to do something special to their posts. They wouldn't. I've added this exact same feature to the Retrogade BBS a while back, and it's worked perfectly fine.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-15 18:41:30

At 4/15/05 04:52 PM, deslona wrote: Something is wrong here.. SERIOUSLY WRONG, ive seen Zendra's, Fox's and my own posts here, and they are all being deleted.

Take the time to read the first post in the thread (and subsequent posts that have been made along those lines). If the posts people are making to this thread do not adhere to the guidelines set out in that first post and subsequent requests by Denvish to stay on track, they don't belong here and are (I'm assuming) being removed by moderators reading through the thread, because those posts don't belong here.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 03:25:16

I have an idea regarding name changes.
Maybe in the persons profile you can click a link that will show a list of a person's past aliases.
This will help as many users like to change thier name constantly.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 03:37:48

At 4/16/05 03:25 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: I have an idea regarding name changes.
Maybe in the persons profile you can click a link that will show a list of a person's past aliases.
This will help as many users like to change thier name constantly.

Thats a great idea, it will also reduce the number of alternate accounts people have (to save thier names) and that will probably have a small effect on spamming.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 03:44:48

At 4/15/05 06:14 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Quit being a butthead. This thread is about making suggestions, not tearing them apart. And besides, it's not just Wi/Ht that would profit from this; the posts made in the Programming forum often use a lot of tags.

Let me quote the first page.

If you think someone elseýs idea is impractical, take the time to explain why, or donýt bother posting.

Now, let's continue the discussion on the subject, instead of flaming. How about compensation? James could add a small 'Don't evaluate tags' checkbox on the post page, so tags in post remain. Or something else: a new tag, something like <nohtml> which you use when you don't want tags to get evaluated. This should be more practical because the checkbox would assume the whole post to not get tags evaluated, and here you can specify where in the post you don't tags evaluated.

What do you think about these ideas?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 08:26:35

At 4/16/05 03:37 AM, deslona wrote:
At 4/16/05 03:25 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: I have an idea regarding name changes.
Maybe in the persons profile you can click a link that will show a list of a person's past aliases.
This will help as many users like to change thier name constantly.
Thats a great idea, it will also reduce the number of alternate accounts people have (to save thier names) and that will probably have a small effect on spamming.

Wow I like that! Like a name save box? So we don't have to make alts? That would rock! :D
Then I could chnage my namewith out the fear of losing dave.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 10:44:51

At 4/16/05 10:03 AM, Tal-con wrote: I have had alot of internal server errors recently, I think Wade should give a warning to those who use bots on the BBS to find statistics,

Bot action was ceased over a month ago. I don't know what's causing the errors, but it's not the stat-gathering scripts

and I think that we should be given more room for text to go in our sig. The maximum amount of lines we can have should go up to 5, and the amount of text we can put (excluding html tags, of course) should go up to 200, instead of 175. If you look at my sig you'll notice I had to squeeze room to get the messages I wanted.

So use less text, nobody wants to read an essay.... also, you can trim some characters by excluding the http://newgrounds.com from your a hrefs... eg /bbs/topic.php?id=85929 as a link

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 16:26:16

At 4/16/05 08:26 AM, DAVE wrote:

Wow I like that! Like a name save box? So we don't have to make alts? That would rock! :D
Then I could chnage my namewith out the fear of losing dave.

Well, that wasn't really what I meant but would be an excellent addition.
Then, under the "posts" link next to your posts there would be another link that said "Also Known As" and when you clicked the link you could view all of the alternate names and whatnot

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-16 23:23:49

I don't know if anyone else has noticed this.


Error - ther server is under extreme load at the moment and is unable to deal with your request. Please check back in a few minutes!


There is an extra 'r' in 'The'. That should have a look at.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 00:03:02

At 4/13/05 03:51 PM, Captain_Bob wrote: New accounts should have some sort of delay for posting, either time based or possibly exp-based.


Exactly what I'd said in THIS topic. I am a big proponent of the idea, and if it counts for anything, I think it is worth the time/ look at. Sure, I'm not nearly as invested in the idea as someone who actually has to deal with all the spam and shit, but I still think it is a good idea none-the-less.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 10:05:56

Righty-O chaps, another idea coming your way. Stop me if you've heard this one :

Audio average's in your profile. That's right, you heard me. In the exact same fashion as Batting averages, I think it would be a good idea to display the average of all of a users audio in their profile. It would work in the exact same way as with flash, you only recieve it once you get 3 or more entries into the Audio portal.

"Sure, but why ?" I hear you ask. Well, I'll tell you. For one it might encourage more people to submit to the audio protal, thus allowing it to recieve more traffic and attention. Afterall, a lot of people yearn for high stats and what not, and would submit just for the chance to see their audio average. Another thing it could do would be allow the admins to make a top Audio users list, much like its flash counterpart. Grades, such as C+, B+ etc. could also be brough in.

And now I'm done.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 14:01:53

I think there needs to be more promotion of NG alpha's. People still submit tons of trailers and previews to the portal. Take a look at this image, any ideas?

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 14:16:46

At 4/17/05 02:01 PM, Toocool100 wrote: I think there needs to be more promotion of NG alpha's. People still submit tons of trailers and previews to the portal. Take a look at this image, any ideas?

An option to flag "trailers" That really deserve to be in the NG alphas, some trailers are just different, you know like not a work in progress,, NG alphas should be for a particular WIP of the flash it will be, not for trailers promoting a series that are completely finished, ya know?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 16:48:10

At 4/17/05 10:05 AM, Tremour wrote: Righty-O chaps, another idea coming your way. Stop me if you've heard this one :


I'm pretty sure that has been brought up before.
But, it's a good idea.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 21:24:39

I just had a thought about pics that are posted more than once. are they saved on newgrounds separatly, if so posting of the same pic more than once would have a big effect on memory space.

i think the problem could be solved if you had the ability to look at a gallery of your old pics when posting and chose one, that way it could link to that old file and hopefully save space.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-17 21:51:27

This is a simple add on.
Add the school we go to to the profiles.
you have the question and it doesn't even show up

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 00:19:19

At 4/17/05 09:51 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: This is a simple add on.
Add the school we go to to the profiles.
you have the question and it doesn't even show up

Not everyone goes to school, but something more 'creative' can be added I agree. The profile is a bit 'empty'.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 14:50:43

I don't know if this advice has been already said but I know a way to reduce the amount of noobs on Newgrounds.

I think users who want to sign up for new accounts should have to read the rules first and then take a quiz and answer all of them correct before they can create a new account. That will reduce the amount of noob questions.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 15:36:27

Hoo boy. This thread has taken off.
Standard disclaimer: If this has been brought up already, please excuse my laziness.

The idea is simple: Search Bar Sorting.
When you search for topics, have it be able to sort by all the headings.
You know, name, date, replies, stopic starter.
Organization is always nice. It's not exactly a huge issue, just saying it would be nice.

Another topic search thing I would like to see is:
Search the NG BBS by Topics started by _____.
Sometimes I know exactly who started some thread, but I have no idea what it was called. I can see some potential spam problems coming from this, and stat whoring. (ie: Blah0123 has the most topics locked!)

This would also be nice. =)

At 4/17/05 12:03 AM, Evark wrote: YES! IN YOUR FACE BAZZMANN!


Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 16:41:56

Lately(it may have occured for a long time) Ive noticed that the Wi/Ht forum is seriously abused by noobs asking questions concerning B/P, exp., votings and even one ask for where he can view the rules(no offence to that guy). Apparently, most of these can be anwsered at the FAQ, also known as the help section. Im totally disappionted that it has been disreagarded this much. The reason can be the FAQ button is too small and remote for anyone to notice. So I think its neccesary to create a new link to the FAQ in only the Wi/Ht forum which direct noobs to their solutions just like directing them to the BBS rules. Ive see something similar in the Flash forum that is directing people to the NG flash help page, why not in the Wi/Ht forum?

Any ideas?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 17:16:49

At 4/18/05 04:41 PM, thefinalcooljudge wrote: Any ideas?
At 4/18/05 10:26 AM, deslona wrote:

Noone can seei it, its not too hard to guess why inbetween all the other flashy interesting topics. The FAQ and READ THIS FIRST buttons look dead and uninteresting.
Maybe the *HELP' button at the top left of the screen should be changed to 'HELP AND FAQ'

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 18:05:27

Here's another one that would cut down on spam big time.

When a person gets the leave a message secret, Why not add that it appears under the news post? It seems every day somebody comes in wondering where it is. They usually do not get help they just get flamed.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-18 19:36:23

At 4/18/05 03:36 PM, Zerok wrote: Another topic search thing I would like to see is:
Search the NG BBS by Topics started by _____.
Sometimes I know exactly who started some thread, but I have no idea what it was called. I can see some potential spam problems coming from this, and stat whoring. (ie: Blah0123 has the most topics locked!)

Yea, that's similar to the suggestion of a "Search By: Topic Author" thing I suggested. I think it's a great idea, and definitely a good way to find those elusive and poorly named threads. It would certainly make me happy just having that instead of the text search, plus it would be much less exhaustive on the database.


I know, I laughed when I read that suggestion.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-19 15:03:52

I think they should add a feature to the forums on NG which allows you to look at your list of recent messages as you do now only it would tell you how many people have replied to it since the last time you looked because it is awkward checking up on all of your posts every 5 minutes to see if somebody has replied. Do you think they will add this in the future or is it already there and i have just not seen it?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-20 06:39:52

Although I wasn't responsible for the last lot of posts that were deleted, I just pruned about 10 posts from the last couple of pages. The last four or five posts, prompted by Acid-Rain's question, should have been in a new thread in Wi/Ht, not in this topic. The one- and two-liners about school were not adding anything to the conversation.

I urge those of you that had posts deleted to go and read the first post in the thread. This thread is not a place for bumping your post count, the idea is to keep things as concise as possible so James or the other admin don't have to spend ages browsing through pointlessness to filter out the valid suggestions and debates.

Basically, unless you have a suggestion or a comprehensive argument for or against a suggestion, don't post in this thread.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-20 11:21:28

Here's a ideia that could help (and no, I haven't read all 18 pages, so there's a goos chance someone has sugested this already, if so, I beg forgiveness): having the most important text's of NG in other languages, most importantly, the FAQ. I have no problem reading in english, but I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few people that do and having (at least) a few instructions in a language they easily comprehend would help them a lot while their trying to get a hang of NG.
- Server load: pretty much the same as already.
- User demand: small to medium I would imagine (that depends on how many poorly to non speaking english people visit newgrounds).
- Purpose: To help new users and improve acess for the non-english speaking.
- Already exists: I haventt seen anything, except in the BBS.
- Awaiting implementation: not that I know of.
- Difficulty of implementation: pretty low, all you need is a few people who speak more than english.
Hell, I would willing to help with a portuguese translation. I really think this could help a few people, at low cost.


To think about the world, click cat.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-20 18:06:38

Copied from a thread I made:

I was wondering about the likelihood of expanding the multi-author environment to Audio was well. There's a few of us that tend to do collabs, most refutably Stamper, but myself also. All of my songs, both on and off the audio portal feature band members that happen to be NG users. It'd be kind of nice to give them credit they deserve.

If Apple Jacks aren't going to taste like real apples, then they can get a regular job like everybody else.

BBS Signature