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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 16:53:09

At 9/22/04 04:49 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Hey guys, I'm contemplating raising the experience limit from level 2 (100 pts) to level 3 (150 pts). This would cut the number of profiles in the experience list from 95754 to 62551, and speed up the weekend updates. Thoughts, comments?


The speed of the weekend updates is really only a concern for you, I'd think, so... there ya go. Your decision based on your own time/computer resources.

You'll only be slighting 100-150 point noobs. Then again, ramagi's only slighting 0-5000 point noobs. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 16:58:11

At 9/22/04 04:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote: The speed of the weekend updates is really only a concern for you, I'd think, so... there ya go. Your decision based on your own time/computer resources.

You'll only be slighting 100-150 point noobs. Then again, ramagi's only slighting 0-5000 point noobs. #;-}>

It really would improve my life, now that I think about it. 1/3 less files to force-feed to the web servers, less space taken up, shorter Full Listing, etc. Plus, most of the people in the 100-150 range are inactives. They're just pages and pages full of gray text. Yeah, I think I'll do that for this weekend.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 17:02:16

At 9/22/04 04:58 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: 100-150

Woopsy, I meant 50-100. As of last update, the Total Listing covered everyone with 50 or more experience points. I'll be moving the limit up to 100 pts, not 150.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 18:43:37

At 9/22/04 04:58 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/22/04 04:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote: The speed of the weekend updates is really only a concern for you, I'd think, so... there ya go. Your decision based on your own time/computer resources.

You'll only be slighting 100-150 point noobs. Then again, ramagi's only slighting 0-5000 point noobs. #;-}>
It really would improve my life, now that I think about it. 1/3 less files to force-feed to the web servers, less space taken up, shorter Full Listing, etc. Plus, most of the people in the 100-150 range are inactives. They're just pages and pages full of gray text. Yeah, I think I'll do that for this weekend.

Any active people you could just bump up to the top edge artificially or whatever you need to do not to cut them out. Of course, there will always be more new signups that do end up getting more than 200 or so exp to find in the future... that's why your list is officially insane. #;-}>

At 9/22/04 05:02 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/22/04 04:58 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: 100-150
Woopsy, I meant 50-100. As of last update, the Total Listing covered everyone with 50 or more experience points. I'll be moving the limit up to 100 pts, not 150.

Ahhh. Well, hell, whatever. 100, 150, 200. It's all the same up to 400, really. That's where the real voyage begins.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 18:53:38

Bah! I keep on making these short posts, because I am just too lazy to catch up on a lot of shite.

Just a quick confusion thingy... I scanned through the past few pages and found no answer..

Est. Days Til Rank-Up

What the shit?

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 19:46:56

At 9/22/04 06:53 PM, j00bie wrote: Est. Days Til Rank-Up

What the shit?

Well, that ¥ thingy turns into an infinity symbol when you use the Symbol font (thats what <font face="symbol"> does). However, that  thingy turns into a strange symbol. It's not even supposed to be there. When my program writes the lists, it only writes one character, but that extra one appears. If I open the list in Notepad and save it without making changes, it disappears. Very frustrating...

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 19:56:13

At 9/22/04 07:46 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, that ¥ thingy turns into an infinity symbol

Why dont you just use the regular infinity symbol you had before?
That's not something that changed when I copied and pasted it...

Thats what it actually said underneath the 'Estimated days' or whatever, it acually said 'AY' (messed versions though).

I know the =Y= thingy is SUPPOSED to turn into a sideways 8, but it's not doing that for my Mozilla Firefox...

I just checked with my IE and it seems to work alright there, this is strange =O

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-22 20:07:08

At 9/22/04 07:56 PM, j00bie wrote: I know the =Y= thingy is SUPPOSED to turn into a sideways 8, but it's not doing that for my Mozilla Firefox...

I just checked with my IE and it seems to work alright there, this is strange =O

That's really strange, because it's working just fine for my Mozilla Firefox. Go try it now; I've fixed the symbols.

Alright guys, end of the month's coming up. I'll be implementing a few new features for October, including:
* October - A new Voting Power list (only covers #501 and up)
* Sept. 26 - Changed limit for experience list from 50pts (level 2) to 100pts (level 3)
* Soon - Instead of being based on stat pull start time, stats will be based on time of comparison (cleaner, better stats)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-23 23:22:04

At 9/22/04 04:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
You'll only be slighting 100-150 point noobs. Then again, ramagi's only slighting 0-5000 point noobs. #;-}>

Darn right I am and will contiue to do so for the rest of the year.
I say Shitty should slight everyone under 900exp....silly n00b's

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-23 23:29:39

So i have a question and am to lazy to find out in another post room so id appreciate it if u could answer it plut this is my first post so here it goes. so does b/p mean blam and protects? and how do i find out where i am ranked in all the stat catagories and all that?

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-23 23:41:05

At 9/23/04 11:29 PM, AquaTeenBudSmokah wrote: So i have a question and am to lazy to find out in another post room so id appreciate it if u could answer it plut this is my first post so here it goes. so does b/p mean blam and protects? and how do i find out where i am ranked in all the stat catagories and all that?

YOu can check your profile for that. CLick view » View Your Full Profile! in the Grounds Gold Menu

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-23 23:47:32

well thats what i thought but i thought there was more info i could find? mabey i just dont know what im looking for and i should shut up now lol thanx for the info though bro.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-24 00:02:00

At 9/23/04 11:47 PM, AquaTeenBudSmokah wrote: well thats what i thought but i thought there was more info i could find? mabey i just dont know what im looking for and i should shut up now lol thanx for the info though bro.

Well knowing what your looking for would help. THe stats ng keeps track of are exp, blams/saves, your overall rank for EXP and B/P points, it also tells you how many reviews you havfe and number with responses. That is all

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-24 15:42:28

At 9/24/04 12:02 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 9/23/04 11:47 PM, AquaTeenBudSmokah wrote: well thats what i thought but i thought there was more info i could find? mabey i just dont know what im looking for and i should shut up now lol thanx for the info though bro.
Well knowing what your looking for would help. THe stats ng keeps track of are exp, blams/saves, your overall rank for EXP and B/P points, it also tells you how many reviews you havfe and number with responses. That is all

Indeed. But Aqua... you asked how you could find out how you're ranked in "ALL the stat categories" or something... while ramagi is correct in that only exp and b/p rankings are kept by NG.... well, other stats are too, like reviews, and flash-author-related stuff, but those are all top 10 or top 50 lists only....

anyway, while that's all true, there are lists maintained by users for blams only, saves only, reviews, VP, and combined-stat-points, but these lists only cover the cream of the crop.

So, in short, if you really want to know how you're doing compared to your fellow NG users, you'd best start collecting shitloads of stats. Oh, though SK will be showing all teh noobs what their VP ranking is pretty soon (compared to all non-vagrants, at least), so you'll have that. Stay tuned in THIS topic, and I'm sure he'll link to stuff and you can check it out/look for your name on one of his lists.

At 9/23/04 11:22 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 9/22/04 04:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You'll only be slighting 100-150 point noobs. Then again, ramagi's only slighting 0-5000 point noobs. #;-}>
Darn right I am and will contiue to do so for the rest of the year.
I say Shitty should slight everyone under 900exp....silly n00b's

Heh. Rightfully so! Damned noobs. #;-}>

Well, I dunno about under 900. Might as well make it under an even 1000 if you're gonna cut that high.

OR... like I kinda said earlier on page 9... at 400 exp, since that's where 5 VP is and the exp scaling begins... it's a good "turning point" in the exp system to start a ranking from that won't be TOO huge like a 50 exp+ one is.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 13:16:39

ShitKit's Sig
Next: BP 9/26, Exp 9/26

It's September 26th, and I see a major lack of list...
Youre not even on AIM, so youre probably not on the computer... =O

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 14:47:57

At 9/26/04 01:16 PM, j00bie wrote:
ShitKit's Sig
Next: BP 9/26, Exp 9/26
It's September 26th, and I see a major lack of list...
Youre not even on AIM, so youre probably not on the computer... =O

He usually updates it during the night. It will ready tomorrow unless he's away from his computer then we must wait longer. Let's just hope that his program will work tonight.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 15:27:21

At 9/26/04 01:16 PM, j00bie wrote:
ShitKit's Sig
Next: BP 9/26, Exp 9/26
It's September 26th, and I see a major lack of list...
Youre not even on AIM, so youre probably not on the computer... =O

Nope, nope. I've been above the computer...sleeping, that is.

At 9/26/04 02:47 PM, EKRegulus wrote: He usually updates it during the night. It will ready tomorrow unless he's away from his computer then we must wait longer. Let's just hope that his program will work tonight.

I usually update the Quick Draw! at night, and only occasionally will I update the Total Listing at night. The program has worked just fine, it's just that my throat isn't. I've got one hell of a nasty sore throat, which explains why I slept for 18 hours last night. The only perk of the sore throat is that my voice is now 3 octaves deeper, when it was deep to begin with. But enough about me, I'll start getting the stuff updated now.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 15:40:54

At 9/26/04 01:16 PM, j00bie wrote:
ShitKit's Sig
Next: BP 9/26, Exp 9/26
It's September 26th, and I see a major lack of list...
Youre not even on AIM, so youre probably not on the computer... =O

IIRC SK made mention of the fact that he does the draw Sunday nights ~11pm-midnight and Wednesdays 11am-noon and so that he catches the actual midpoints of the week.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 16:41:45

Well, I've updated both the Quick Draw! and Total Listings just now. From my website:

Sorry about the late update, but I slept in due to a sore throat. I can only hope that I haven't caught mono (I think I've got white patches on the tonsils...). Anywho, the experience list minimum has been upped from 50exp to 100exp, which has helped quite a bit. If I consider raising it again, it won't be for a while, due to bugs like these:

* First profile in blam/save listed as NEW
* All Full Listings have 500 added to their URL links

I found those when I checked the update I ran today. Other than that, though, it looks like everything's set for the October changes. I'll be running the full profile list update (1,100,000 profiles) right after the next blam/save update, and on Sunday 10/3, the new VP list should make its big debut.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 17:09:45

i think once a year you should show the top 50 posters, but thats just my opinion.....posts don't rellly matter

argh i only made 100B/p deposits last week.....this week will be better


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 20:16:39

Holy shit, theres a stat for first deposit???
If I had known, I would have been competing.

Last night I was the first to deposit, except your thing says otherwise, it says I wasnt even on the top 10!...
The deposit list screws up for everybody who clicks on it for anything to be accurate >:(

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 21:29:19

At 9/26/04 08:16 PM, j00bie wrote: Holy shit, theres a stat for first deposit???
If I had known, I would have been competing.

You didn't know about it?!? I clearly remember you complaining because I hadn't thought of it earlier, when you were pwning the first deposit.

Last night I was the first to deposit, except your thing says otherwise, it says I wasnt even on the top 10!...
The deposit list screws up for everybody who clicks on it for anything to be accurate >:(

My list goes by whatever Newgrounds' "last 50 deposits" list says. The only thing I change compared to that list, is when a 12:00:01 appears after a 12:00:03; in that case, I'll move the :01 where it belongs. Other than that, that's all I use.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 21:36:30

i am wowing at the time you must put into this....holy crap...


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 21:43:57

At 9/26/04 09:36 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: i am wowing at the time you must put into this....holy crap...

Are you talking about the Total Listing, or the Quick Draw? 'Cuz the Quick Draw was nothing. Actually, I could have done a lot more to this list. The only thing I automated was a program to pull the list of the top 15 of the day. I still hand-edit the list pages and post them myself. If I ever get around to it, I'll make the program edit the list pages for me, and possibly post them too. That way I'd never have to touch the list, and it would update less than two minutes after midnight. Hrmm.....

As for the Total Listing...yeah, that's a lot of stuff. About 96,000 bytes of code. I've had it going for a month (9 updates), and I'm still tweaking the list, and adding new stuff to it.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 22:27:45

I'm so unlucky. I finished twice fourth for the fastest deposit. I tried to get on top3 last night but I forgot about it while responding on where is / how to forum so I just deposited it at 12:03:00 :(.

It's nice to see that you still improve your lister/other programs sk. We should continue to give more suggestions to sk, just to make more interesting ( dont misread me, your programs and lists are amazing)!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-26 22:34:13

At 9/26/04 10:27 PM, EKRegulus wrote: It's nice to see that you still improve your lister/other programs sk. We should continue to give more suggestions to sk, just to make more interesting ( dont misread me, your programs and lists are amazing)!

Please, feel free to. That's how all of these programs started, and that's how they keep evolving and staying interesting. COMMENTS WELCOME!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-27 00:46:59

I was like number three depositer by pure chance today.

Hehe did I say 900..I ment 400exp I was thinking level 9...ah well

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-27 17:01:41

yah i was taling about total listing... think tom and wade should just make real time lists


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-27 20:33:18

Look at the ng quick draw. osarame is always the first to deposit. Somehow, he manages to cheat. :O

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-09-27 20:38:09

At 9/27/04 08:33 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Look at the ng quick draw. osarame is always the first to deposit. Somehow, he manages to cheat. :O

I know how he does it.
I dont do it that way though... it's 'cheating' in a way....

I'd win everynight if it werent for the lack of staying up late...
Everytime I try to be first depositer, I havent lost... YET!!!