At 9/24/04 12:02 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 9/23/04 11:47 PM, AquaTeenBudSmokah wrote:
well thats what i thought but i thought there was more info i could find? mabey i just dont know what im looking for and i should shut up now lol thanx for the info though bro.
Well knowing what your looking for would help. THe stats ng keeps track of are exp, blams/saves, your overall rank for EXP and B/P points, it also tells you how many reviews you havfe and number with responses. That is all
Indeed. But Aqua... you asked how you could find out how you're ranked in "ALL the stat categories" or something... while ramagi is correct in that only exp and b/p rankings are kept by NG.... well, other stats are too, like reviews, and flash-author-related stuff, but those are all top 10 or top 50 lists only....
anyway, while that's all true, there are lists maintained by users for blams only, saves only, reviews, VP, and combined-stat-points, but these lists only cover the cream of the crop.
So, in short, if you really want to know how you're doing compared to your fellow NG users, you'd best start collecting shitloads of stats. Oh, though SK will be showing all teh noobs what their VP ranking is pretty soon (compared to all non-vagrants, at least), so you'll have that. Stay tuned in THIS topic, and I'm sure he'll link to stuff and you can check it out/look for your name on one of his lists.
At 9/23/04 11:22 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 9/22/04 04:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
You'll only be slighting 100-150 point noobs. Then again, ramagi's only slighting 0-5000 point noobs. #;-}>
Darn right I am and will contiue to do so for the rest of the year.
I say Shitty should slight everyone under 900exp....silly n00b's
Heh. Rightfully so! Damned noobs. #;-}>
Well, I dunno about under 900. Might as well make it under an even 1000 if you're gonna cut that high.
OR... like I kinda said earlier on page 9... at 400 exp, since that's where 5 VP is and the exp scaling begins... it's a good "turning point" in the exp system to start a ranking from that won't be TOO huge like a 50 exp+ one is.