At 9/27/04 08:33 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Look at the ng quick draw. osarame is always the first to deposit. Somehow, he manages to cheat. :O
just go by newgrounds time!

At 9/27/04 08:33 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Look at the ng quick draw. osarame is always the first to deposit. Somehow, he manages to cheat. :O
just go by newgrounds time!
Regarding today's update:
Either Newgrounds is having some problems (didn't Tom mention site maintenance?), or my connection's being an ass. Either way, I'm going to delay today's update until this evening. Which also means that the full profile list update will also be delayed. Ugh.
Oh, and after the full profile list is updated, I'll have a list of everybody that has a garbage, bronze, silver, gold, and diety whistle. That should be interesting...
At 9/29/04 01:38 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Regarding today's update:
Either Newgrounds is having some problems (didn't Tom mention site maintenance?), or my connection's being an ass. Either way, I'm going to delay today's update until this evening. Which also means that the full profile list update will also be delayed. Ugh.
From Tom's post:
"The site will be down for a short moment this afternoon - most likely between 11:15-11:30 EST for some maintenance work. "
When i tried to open any submission, all i got was a message about the database being down. As for the supposed 'short moment', it was at least 1 1/2 hours. Glad it's sorted now though.
At 9/29/04 01:57 PM, leeboy105 wrote: From Tom's post:
"The site will be down for a short moment this afternoon - most likely between 11:15-11:30 EST for some maintenance work. "
When i tried to open any submission, all i got was a message about the database being down. As for the supposed 'short moment', it was at least 1 1/2 hours. Glad it's sorted now though.
Yeah, when I got in my room (a few minutes before posting that message), I kept getting "internal errors" when trying to open profiles. However, after posting that message, the errors stopped, so I'm trying the program again.
At 9/29/04 01:59 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Yeah, when I got in my room (a few minutes before posting that message), I kept getting "internal errors" when trying to open profiles. However, after posting that message, the errors stopped, so I'm trying the program again.
i think its because tom was fixing shit on the site....fuck i only got like 130 b/P
Well, I've posted the blam/protect update! It was a little delayed due to Tom's site maintenance thingy, but it's here. Now that that's finished, I'm starting the full Profile List update. When I'm done, I'll post a bunch of stats regarding the new lists, and I'll have a few whistle level lists, too! Fun fun! Now that NG is over 1,000,000 user ID's, I have to bump the check range up to 1,050,000, in order to cover anyone that signs up in the next couple of days. *sigh* Oh well, I should have expected this, anyway.
At 9/29/04 06:10 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: my rank is 62nd on the b/P for BPing this month
damn, you beat me! i was only #68 for during that time period.. i'm a little disappointed but i guess school and work got in the way.
My computer's file system got corrupted, so I'm being forced to wipe it clean and reinstall everything. As such, all future updates of this list and any other lists will be postponed until I get my computer back up and running. Don't worry, I've still got backups of all of my data and programs, it's just that all of my programs (internet browsers, programming languages, etc.) are completely fucked up right now.
Since I'm going to be offline for a few days, I have an urgent request to make of my fellow BBS regulars. Although I can simply postpone the Total Listing updates until my computer is working, the Quick Draw list requires nightly updates, or it gets holes in the data. I've uploaded the program that I use to download the top 15 depositers each night. I need as many people as possible to download the Quick Draw program and run it each night. If you run the program a few minutes before midnight (Newgrounds midnight), then it will gather what it needs and close itself. It writes its data files to the same directory that it's placed in. When I get my computer back, I'll need those data files. You have NO idea how much I would appreciate it if I could get a few people to run this program each night. The program is located at You'll need the Microsoft .NET Framework to run the program; there's installation instructions on my NG Stuff website if you don't already have this. Again, just run the program a few minutes before NG midnight each night, and email me the data files when I return, and I'll be forever in your debt. Thanks in advance, and wish me luck!
At 9/30/04 02:29 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: IMPORTANT MESSAGE
blah blah
Dang That was unexpected. Is anyone going to run that program (quick draw)?
I know I won't download it but I won't tell you why.
At 9/30/04 04:41 PM, EKRegulus wrote: I know I won't download it but I won't tell you why.
Well, I'm gonna fucking download it. Why? Because SK is teh 1337 and you gotta help out your buds.
I will try to get all the info for Thu, Fri, if anyone can try for the other days, then that would be cooooooool.
At 9/30/04 05:21 PM, RedCircle wrote:At 9/30/04 04:41 PM, EKRegulus wrote: I know I won't download it but I won't tell you why.Well, I'm gonna fucking download it. Why? Because SK is teh 1337 and you gotta help out your buds.
I will try to get all the info for Thu, Fri, if anyone can try for the other days, then that would be cooooooool.
I have friends! :-D Actually, the re-install is going smoother than I thought, so I'll probably be okay with the Quick Draw. I wasn't sure if the hard drive was permanently FUBAR or not, but it looks like everything's fine. I'm still installing programs and drivers, so I'm not close to being done yet. But, the computer's working, so I'll be able to get the Quick Draw by myself tonight. But thanks for offering!
At 9/30/04 06:03 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: lol i have never had to reformat....
Heh, and you hope you never will.
Well, SK, I hope everything gets cleared up with your compy.
If it still doesn't work, then go all out j00bie style with a hockey stick...
At 9/30/04 06:08 PM, RedCircle wrote:At 9/30/04 06:03 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: lol i have never had to reformat....Heh, and you hope you never will.
Well, SK, I hope everything gets cleared up with your compy.
If it still doesn't work, then go all out j00bie style with a hockey stick...
owned, well i hope you have luck with it
At 8/28/04 03:45 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 8/28/04 01:30 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: 14,119 profiles with Safety Patrol experience or higherErr...didn't catch that error until just now:
95,765 profiles with Level 2 b/p's or higher
14,119 profiles with Safety Patrol b/p's or higher
95,765 profiles with Level 2 experience or higher
If you looked, a few posts after he made his topic starter post, he cleared up the mistype.
At 9/30/04 06:23 PM, Tal-con wrote:At 8/28/04 01:30 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:9.5
Isn't Level 2 b/p and safety patrol the same thing?
14,119 profiles with Safety Patrol experience or higher
95,765 profiles with Level 2 b/p's or higher
But, obviously, you didn't see that :-P~~~
At 9/30/04 06:23 PM, Tal-con wrote:
Isn't Level 2 b/p and safety patrol the same thing?
You could say that but most users type level for experience pts and rank for blam/protect pts.
To avoid confusion next time plz time Isn't rank 2 b/p and safety patrol the same thing? Answer : they certainly are.
At 9/30/04 07:02 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
You could say that but most users type level for experience pts and rank for blam/protect pts.
To avoid confusion next time plzTYPE Isn't rank 2 b/p and safety patrol the same thing? Answer : they certainly are.
rofl how the hell did the word "time" get there? I must be tired.
It looks like I typed "times" twice ! hahah
At 9/30/04 06:03 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: lol i have never had to reformat....
Eh, it's not that bad. Of course, I've reformatted quite a few computers in my time. It's probably for the better, considering this is the first "clean install" for this computer (it came straight from Dell).
At 9/30/04 06:08 PM, RedCircle wrote: Well, SK, I hope everything gets cleared up with your compy.
If it still doesn't work, then go all out j00bie style with a hockey stick...
If this happens again, I'll be awfully tempted to go postal all over this machine. But, at least if it crashes again I could probably convince Dell to give me a new hard drive :-D
At 9/30/04 07:02 PM, EKRegulus wrote: To avoid confusion next time plz *type* Isn't rank 2 b/p and safety patrol the same thing? Answer : they certainly are.
Actually, he was probably just reading that post I had made *so* long ago. In it, I accidentally reversed b/p's and exp, so I posted level 2 b/p. Oops!
Glad to here your reinstall and all are going well. It always so much fun when you have to do such things.
At 9/29/04 11:52 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote:At 9/29/04 06:10 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: my rank is 62nd on the b/P for BPing this monthdamn, you beat me! i was only #68 for during that time period.. i'm a little disappointed but i guess school and work got in the way.
Well I think school is a little mroe important than Ng.
At 9/30/04 08:29 PM, ramagi wrote: Well I think school is a little mroe important than Ng.
yea.. you're very correct ramagi..
Well, looks like everything's back up and running. The reinstall went more quickly and easily than I thought it would, so I'll still be able to update the list this weekend. However, I now don't have time to update the full profile list before the weekend, so that will have to wait until Sunday. As such, the Voting Power list won't be posted until October 10. Oh well, such is life.
At 10/1/04 10:23 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, looks like everything's back up and running. The reinstall went more quickly and easily than I thought it would, so I'll still be able to update the list this weekend.
Your regular list updates are like a drug to me. I think that I'm addicted to stats.
At 9/29/04 04:59 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I'll post a bunch of stats regarding the new lists, and I'll have a few whistle level lists, too!
Sweet. We'll finally find out if there are any gold whistles other than ramagi/TheJoe324. Woot!
I'm finally getting some pts in the quick draw list. I finished 2 times 4th but I got a 2nd place yesterday and a 3rd place the previous day. I will try to climb up in that list until I manage to get in the top3 and I will try to stay there even if it means short sleeping nights :O.
At 10/2/04 04:14 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: i think i am going to try for quickdraw!
DON'T !! You already lost! hehe
/Keeping interested people away from my cookies :D
At 10/2/04 04:26 PM, EKRegulus wrote:At 10/2/04 04:14 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: i think i am going to try for quickdraw!DON'T !! You already lost! hehe
/Keeping interested people away from my cookies :D
Gotcha! Caught your hand in the cookie jar, you greedy little devil. :-D Just remember, though: I am the cookie master! Oh, the power...
At 10/2/04 04:46 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Gotcha! Caught your hand in the cookie jar, you greedy little devil. :-D Just remember, though: I am the cookie master! Oh, the power...
Watch our back! I'm the cookie monster and I eat whoever gets in my way. Your powers aren't efficient enough to take me down. Now, FEEL THE PAIN or gimme those yummy cookies!
/OGM Striking back! Let's see what happens to sk. Will he be strong enough to pull out a brutal reply? Will he fall down? OGM TEH suspense!