At 9/19/04 01:50 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
I can't wait for the next update. I just got a new b/p level and my pace was really fast. I want to see my stats that aren't on my profile and where I am on the lists right now :( I guess that you will oblige me to wait until this evening... or maybe later :(
The program automatically started itself at 11PM (Central time) last night, and finished at 4AM this morning. I just woke up at 1 in the afternoon, and I just got online. I'll be posting the new list in a few minutes.
You should also consider making a vp list. Gfoxcook list is too short and incomplete. I would be a nice addition.
See bottom of post
oh and I got your site in my bookmarks I love stats! I can't live without them!
Thank you, thank you. Just make sure you bookmarked Otherwise, if you bookmarked the actual list, you'll have a broken link when I update the list.
At 9/19/04 01:19 PM, RedCircle wrote:
You might want to gather the info and send it to SK. That way all the info would be at the same place.
See bottom of post
At 9/19/04 01:50 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
Ya redcircle is right. You should work together and put all the lists on the same page. It would be much easier to check our stats.
Well, there's few problems with this idea, although it does carry merit:
1) If I did embark on such a list, it would be along the same lines as the blam/protect and experience lists that I am already running.
2) That would mean that I would pull everybody's data, using the monthly profile list updates.
3) Which means I wouldn't do any such thing until October 1.
4) And it would be a problem trying to collaborate with someone when I would end up automating everything.
I'm not trying to be a glory hog or anything. I'd love to share credit. It's just that, using the methods that I'm using right now, it would be hard to work with another person, when the computer program already does everything. If worse comes to worse, I'll just let Yoink do as he pleases. I've already got a request on file for a special profile list (when I run my profile list update); perhaps I'll run a profile list of voting powers for Yoink next month as well.