ShittyKitty, so when are you going to make your own VP list? Just kidding. It's great to see lists updated so incredibly quickly.
ShittyKitty, so when are you going to make your own VP list? Just kidding. It's great to see lists updated so incredibly quickly.
At 9/3/04 01:00 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:Beautiful FAQ, I must say :DYour sarcasm rubs me the wrong way ;-P
There was no sarcasm there, SK. So I wonder what was really rubbing you?
Well, at least it's straight to the point, huh?
Heh, not too many people getting compliments on their FAQ. But, it was nice and simple, so I had to give you props. :D
I am glad you cleared some things in you FAQ, like if you are a vagrant, then you won't be listed, and other lists that are in the works (and the ones that are not).
At 9/3/04 01:51 AM, RedCircle wrote:At 9/3/04 01:00 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:There was no sarcasm there, SK. So I wonder what was really rubbing you?Beautiful FAQ, I must say :DYour sarcasm rubs me the wrong way ;-P
Ah, I guess I'm too used to BonusStage's (or TypeNameHere's) typical biting sarcasm. Eh, it's late anyway, so I'll use that as an excuse.
Well, at least it's straight to the point, huh?Heh, not too many people getting compliments on their FAQ. But, it was nice and simple, so I had to give you props. :D
I am glad you cleared some things in you FAQ, like if you are a vagrant, then you won't be listed, and other lists that are in the works (and the ones that are not).
Yup, hopefully this should either prevent these questions from being asked (especially the bit about adding stats), or at least provide a link that I can post instead of re-typing the same old excuse. Hopefully, once I get these two lists (well, three technically) established and working as they should, I'll start considering adding some more stats in October. I've got the b/p lists working like a charm (although I still need to tweak the blue color a bit), but I haven't tested the experience list yet. I'll admit, I'm a little worried, but everything should be fine, because I made the same changes to the experience code when I changed the b/p code. I'll probably give the experience list a test run sometime Friday to make sure everything's working as it should, so that nothing goes wrong on Sunday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, though!
At 9/3/04 02:00 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Ah, I guess I'm too used to BonusStage's (or TypeNameHere's) typical biting sarcasm.
Awww, Josh...I thought you knew me man!
Eh, it's late anyway, so I'll use that as an excuse.
Yes, 'tis late indeed (for all you mortals...heh heh).
Yup, hopefully this should either prevent these questions from being asked (especially the bit about adding stats)... ...I'll probably give the experience list a test run sometime Friday to make sure everything's working as it should, so that nothing goes wrong on Sunday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, though!
Well, I am looking forward to it. I have had a slight burst in BPing and I want to see how it payed off. Good luck on the XP list, I know that coding can sometimes be a pain, especially when you assume that two things are the same, and you copy the code in both, only to realize that you made a huge flaw...but I really hope that doesn't happen to you.
Anyway, the site looks great! I even checked out some of the other things you have posted at your site. Most of those, I am unfortunately ignorant on, but some I thought were cool. I am going back there to investigate further!! Cheers!
At 9/3/04 02:10 AM, RedCircle wrote: Awww, Josh...I thought you knew me man!
Arrgghh...I'm useless...;-D
Eh, it's late anyway, so I'll use that as an excuse.Yes, 'tis late indeed (for all you mortals...heh heh).
Yeah, especially when I have to get up in less than 8 hours for class. Could be worse, though: I could have gotten an 8:00 class instead of my 10:20. I would hate to get up at 7 for class.
Well, I am looking forward to it. I have had a slight burst in BPing and I want to see how it payed off. Good luck on the XP list, I know that coding can sometimes be a pain, especially when you assume that two things are the same, and you copy the code in both, only to realize that you made a huge flaw...but I really hope that doesn't happen to you.
And you know what really bites? If the flaw is only present in some profiles (like a plural difference or something), and it crashes the program in the middle of doing something, I have to run it again to figure out what went wrong! I'd run the program in debugging mode, but it goes slower, so I just build the thing and run it by itself. Makes it a pain to fix things, though...
Anyway, the site looks great! I even checked out some of the other things you have posted at your site. Most of those, I am unfortunately ignorant on, but some I thought were cool. I am going back there to investigate further!! Cheers!
Thanks! My site's just something that started small and got things slapped on to it. But, most of the stuff on there is useful, if not at least interesting. I'm particularly partial to my Windows programs and my Lego stuff. Yeah, I play with Legos :-D Just the robotics stuff, though. You can do a lot of stuff with Lego robotics; I made a scanner out of them.
But, enough of this jibber-jabber, I'm going to bed. Have fun, you insomniacs!
At 8/31/04 11:16 PM, TypeNameHere wrote:At 8/31/04 12:42 AM, D0GMA wrote:Heh i think i saw one of them post on LUL just a couple days ago, a level 12 that bragged about a rank up (of course I NEVER BRAG ;P) so i go to check the profile and was very surprised to see that there was none :(At 8/30/04 08:40 PM, BonusStage wrote: also well A LOT of users are altsAnd some of those alts are EGs ;) 3 vagrant EGs at last count, so no telling on those.
Judging form some recent comparitives I've done, there's still just the three EG vagrants. That one is the "high blank" somewhere in the 300s. I'll know better when I update tomorrow.
At 9/1/04 12:31 AM, ramagi wrote: I still have plans posting an update to my exp list later today. SInce I include some stats you don't I don't see a conflict.
Ditto. When I finally close out the old address access next month, I'll reassess the EGRL in comparison to the "Total listing." By then Josh should have finished making (most of) whatever tweaks to the list he plans to do and see if there's a need for it to continue.
Great update on the list Josh. Looking forward to seeing how things evolve.
At 9/3/04 11:02 AM, D0GMA wrote: Ditto. When I finally close out the old address access next month, I'll reassess the EGRL in comparison to the "Total listing." By then Josh should have finished making (most of) whatever tweaks to the list he plans to do and see if there's a need for it to continue.
Yup, by October the current lists should be pretty solid. At that time, I'll start considering adding more stats, but I'll be done with the b/p and exp lists.
Great update on the list Josh. Looking forward to seeing how things evolve.
Thanks! Once I get around to making that walkthrough I've been contemplating, I think I'll try to re-do the format of the website a little. Make it a little more structured.
At 9/3/04 11:05 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 9/3/04 11:02 AM, D0GMA wrote: Ditto. When I finally close out the old address access next month, I'll reassess the EGRL in comparison to the "Total listing." By then Josh should have finished making (most of) whatever tweaks to the list he plans to do and see if there's a need for it to continue.
Oh man...are you putting D0GMA out of business?
Yup, by October the current lists should be pretty solid. At that time, I'll start considering adding more stats, but I'll be done with the b/p and exp lists.
I have a question. I know you don't want me to ask, but damn if I can't help it.
I can understand the no BBSpost list out of respect to Dobio and the other Mods and VIPs. But why are you not even considering a review list? It doesn't seem to violate any rules. Whatchu think willis?
At 9/3/04 11:38 AM, RedCircle wrote: Oh man...are you putting D0GMA out of business?
I'm trying not to....:-( I'd hate to put my source of inspiration out of business.
I have a question. I know you don't want me to ask, but damn if I can't help it.
I can understand the no BBSpost list out of respect to Dobio and the other Mods and VIPs. But why are you not even considering a review list? It doesn't seem to violate any rules. Whatchu think willis?
My main reason for not doing BBS or review lists is spam. People would attempt to drive up their BBS ranks by posting worthless BBS posts (this we know), but I'm worried they might also try to drive up their review count by making worthless reviews. Maybe my fears are unfounded? What do you guys think?
I've re-designed the Newgrounds Stuff section of my website, and separated NGLister from the NG Total Listing. I've re-done the NG Total Listing webpage, and I've added a how-to on using the lists. Take a look!
Im well chuffed with your site mate, fucking excellent. Also the Walkthrough thingies we were talking about are cool, thanks for thinking of your less talented users...wait...YYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!....Sorry, Scotland scored, haha, who the fuck are this Spain mob anyway, lol.
Ive always been partial to posting lists myself, i always visited Dobios and was an active member there before i became really active in te Wi/Ht lounge..I also visited Tremours site aswell, quite often, well for the the 3 or so updates he done. But Dobio somehow managed to stop him doing that aswell. I would like it, but thats because i would be highly ranked, top 30 maybe,lol.
Thanks for the lists.
At 9/3/04 04:32 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Im well chuffed with your site mate, fucking excellent. Also the Walkthrough thingies we were talking about are cool, thanks for thinking of your less talented users...wait...YYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!....Sorry, Scotland scored, haha, who the fuck are this Spain mob anyway, lol.
Ive always been partial to posting lists myself, i always visited Dobios and was an active member there before i became really active in te Wi/Ht lounge..I also visited Tremours site aswell, quite often, well for the the 3 or so updates he done. But Dobio somehow managed to stop him doing that aswell. I would like it, but thats because i would be highly ranked, top 30 maybe,lol.
Thanks for the lists.
No problem. Sorry I can't do a posting list, though; I have been advised against it for many different reasons. I'll see about diversifying in other directions in the near future, though.
At 9/3/04 05:17 PM, NoOneUsesTheInternet wrote:At 9/3/04 02:00 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Ah, I guess I'm too used to BonusStage's (or TypeNameHere's) typical biting sarcasm. Eh, it's late anyway, so I'll use that as an excuse.What are you talking about i never use sacasm (BLATANT SARCASM)
Boy, if you don't quit changing your name around......
At 9/3/04 05:49 PM, NoOneUsesTheInternet wrote:At 9/3/04 05:45 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Boy, if you don't quit changing your name around......Do you like it :D
Meh. Too long. Besides, you've got my head spinning now...
At 9/3/04 01:31 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 9/3/04 11:38 AM, RedCircle wrote: Oh man...are you putting D0GMA out of business?I'm trying not to....:-( I'd hate to put my source of inspiration out of business.
As I've said, I periodically reassess the EGRL. Until last week, it was always a split second to decide that it was still necessary as there was a huge void of information. If your "Total Listing" is fulfilling the needs, there's no reason for the EGRL to continue. When you're done tinkering, I'll look us both over and see if I think there's still a need for mine.
No matter what, Greg's Top 50s have migrated to my site and I will continue to maintain them. Also by that time RC and I will have unveiled our latest and greatest. Most likely he'll be the one maintaining it, while I'll just be responsible for the webcoding and "neato graphics" to go with it. Even if I don't see a need for the EGRL to continue, the site, and the archives of old lists, are not going away.
At 9/3/04 05:17 PM, NoOneUsesTheInternet wrote:
Yeah another update, PLEASE if i don't make it to 2nd lieu. tonight say i did like you did for leeboy i think it was once, because i'll only be points away from it if i don't make it :(
You have 10 hours of some of the busiest NG submission times ahead of you in which to earn 19 BPs ... if you can't pull it off you don't deserve it :-P~~~
yes the list is back, i was wondering where it went to, thnx shittykitty
At 9/3/04 03:46 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I've re-designed the Newgrounds Stuff section of my website, and separated NGLister from the NG Total Listing. I've re-done the NG Total Listing webpage, and I've added a how-to on using the lists. Take a look!
I like what you have done. Maybe I hsould do a little more with what I have.
At 9/3/04 05:45 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Boy, if you don't quit changing your name around......
Now you know howthe list people feal. :)
At 9/3/04 01:31 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
I can understand the no BBSpost list out of respect to Dobio and the other Mods and VIPs. But why are you not even considering a review list? It doesn't seem to violate any rules. Whatchu think willis?My main reason for not doing BBS or review lists is spam. People would attempt to drive up their BBS ranks by posting worthless BBS posts (this we know), but I'm worried they might also try to drive up their review count by making worthless reviews. Maybe my fears are unfounded? What do you guys think?
People who try to increase their review count with lots of worthless reviews can get themselves banned, and they'll stay banned until Wade says otherwise. I've not seen much evidence of anything like that, so I don't think that'll be a problem. It'd be too easy to spot and ban for anyway.
I've got a review list covered anyway.
At 9/4/04 08:17 AM, westtig wrote: yes the list is back, i was wondering where it went to, thnx shittykitty
When did it disappear...? o.O
At 9/4/04 09:53 AM, jonthomson wrote: People who try to increase their review count with lots of worthless reviews can get themselves banned, and they'll stay banned until Wade says otherwise. I've not seen much evidence of anything like that, so I don't think that'll be a problem. It'd be too easy to spot and ban for anyway.
I've got a review list covered anyway.
Alright, I'll leave my "possible future lists" list as is.
At 9/4/04 10:18 AM, BonusStage wrote:At 9/3/04 05:52 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Meh. Too long. Besides, you've got my head spinning now...It'll be back to normal some time this week :)
Good, you keep confusing me with these different names ;-)
Okay, who sent me this?
Date Sat, 4 Sept 2004 2:05:45pm
From "Calamity Joe" <>
To <>
Subject blam/protect
i'm not on ur list damnit
Kirk cocaine
Shame, shame.
1) Did you read the FAQ?
2) How can I check without a username?
3) Besides, I don't do individual additions, anyway.
4) Wait until October.
OMG j00 LYE DOG...j00 sad taht update wuz gowing to b on septemer 4st...if u didt no it is like septemer 5nd now OMG p3n0r
At 9/5/04 02:45 AM, RedCircle wrote: OMG j00 LYE DOG...j00 sad taht update wuz gowing to b on septemer 4st...if u didt no it is like septemer 5nd now OMG p3n0r
Umm....oops. Well, on 9/3/04 02:00 AM, I posted that I would update on Sunday, but the website said 9/4/04. Stupid me. Actually, I'm running the program right now (43% done), so I'll post soon, I hope.
At 9/5/04 03:28 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 9/5/04 02:45 AM, RedCircle wrote: OMG j00 LYE DOG...j00 sad taht update wuz gowing to b on septemer 4st...if u didt no it is like septemer 5nd now OMG p3n0rUmm....oops. Well, on 9/3/04 02:00 AM, I posted that I would update on Sunday, but the website said 9/4/04. Stupid me. Actually, I'm running the program right now (43% done), so I'll post soon, I hope.
Okay, I lied again. It's only 56% done, but I need sleep. So I'll post it some time this afternoon. Sorry guys...
At 9/5/04 04:09 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Okay, I lied again. It's only 56% done, but I need sleep. So I'll post it some time this afternoon. Sorry guys...
It's cool Josh, I know it can be tiresome, and you are doing a lot of work, so after saying that, I will look forward to tomorrow's update! Good night man.
At 9/2/04 11:49 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Looking at the exp ranking? That's old stuff! The b/p listing has all of the new formatting stuff that I've been working on. Don't worry, though: Sunday's update will be for both lists, so they'll both be pretty! :-D
I don't care whether something's old and not pretty, I was using your exp list to pull profile URL shortcuts for my own exp tracking in the 150-180 range. I usually pull from ramagi's updates, but it wasn't yet the start of the month.
The b/p list I checked out once, but didn't check out again. Why? Because I'm #3 in b/p, I have the daily NG top 50 list to look at if I want to see how the gaps ahead of me and behind me are doing, so... there's not really a lack of info for me in my own b/p world like there is in my exp world. #;-}>
Aw, but don't you want the list to tell you that you've got 24534 days until your next rank-up? ;-P Well, I suppose I could make it a per-week stat, if I ever feel like tweaking the code again. I've got backups of the data from every single update I've posted, so it's a possibility. Maybe next week...
I don't HAVE a next rankup, remember?
Again, daily variations in b/p rates are too large for it a bpphour calc to mean much for predicting rankups. Like I said, per week would work better. Per month even better still, but the problem is that many people rankup at least once per month, so that's starting to get TOO wide. Although not for the General ranks, I suppose.
At 9/4/04 04:51 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 9/4/04 09:53 AM, jonthomson wrote: People who try to increase their review count with lots of worthless reviews can get themselves banned, and they'll stay banned until Wade says otherwise. I've not seen much evidence of anything like that, so I don't think that'll be a problem. It'd be too easy to spot and ban for anyway.Alright, I'll leave my "possible future lists" list as is.
I've got a review list covered anyway.
But wait, ramagi already doing a top 500 exp list and Dogma already doing a top 1000 (basically, for now) b/p list didn't stop you from making "total listings" of those! #;-}>
So what makes jonthomson's request for no overlap so special... WAIT! Did he bribe you to stay out of his territory? #;-}>
I'll admit to curiousity regarding whether you're planning on making my VP list obsolete next month. Yanno, you COULD just scan all those hundreds of thousands of profiles for VP 6.00+ and then pass on to me the PID list to check against my own spreadsheet to look for anyone I'm missing who should either be on the top 500 already or may enter it soon (hence the 6.00+ and not just 7.00+).
But anyway, it wouldn't offend me or anything if you just wanted to make a 5.00-7.00 VP list or something to cover the area under my list, as some have kinda talked about wanting to see. The amount of people between 5.00 and 6.00 VP specifically is simply insane, I'll wager, but... then again, so are the amounts of people on your current total listings, so...
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Well, it's done. I've updated both the blam/protect list and the experience list. I had to remove one of the experience mirror pages, though; the list is 32MB, but Angelfire only gives 20MB. Oh least the first mirror gives 100MB ;-)
At 9/3/04 04:56 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
No problem. Sorry I can't do a posting list, though; I have been advised against it for many different reasons. I'll see about diversifying in other directions in the near future, though.
Thats fair enough, i understand anyway, its always nice knowing all the same. As for diversifying, what do you mean, can you give an example ?
At 9/5/04 01:30 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, it's done. I've updated both the blam/protect list and the experience list. I had to remove one of the experience mirror pages, though; the list is 32MB, but Angelfire only gives 20MB. Oh least the first mirror gives 100MB ;-)
Nice update :D I knew messing around with my name as SecretAgentWhore would come back to bite me in the ass though, at least it's only for another few days :D
At 9/5/04 06:27 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But wait, ramagi already doing a top 500 exp list and Dogma already doing a top 1000 (basically, for now) b/p list didn't stop you from making "total listings" of those! #;-}>
So what makes jonthomson's request for no overlap so special... WAIT! Did he bribe you to stay out of his territory? #;-}>
I never requested no overlap. I just made the point that I had reviews covered, as I'm using his program to go through NG anyway.
At 9/5/04 01:30 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, it's done. I've updated both the blam/protect list and the experience list. I had to remove one of the experience mirror pages, though; the list is 32MB, but Angelfire only gives 20MB. Oh least the first mirror gives 100MB ;-)
WHee!! Looks good
/me wanders off to play tiddlywinks with the 3 vagrants ...