At 11/10/04 03:53 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday, November 10, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing
A few notes:
* The Blam/Save Lifetime list has been modified so that the maximum sign-up date is October 14, 2002. This was done to reflect the date on which the current blam/save system was started.
* Due to a lack of change in the rankings, I'm changing the Reviews list from bi-weekly to weekly. Also, it's adding 75% more profiles to the Wednesday updates, making them really slow.
* I finally got over 3 b/p's per hour! Yay!!
Congratz on the 3 b/p per hour
Only doign the review once per week sounds good.
The life time lsit really changed with the change in date. THis time I was so sure the results before hand. IE I was too lazy to figure it out.