At 11/19/04 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I know that the NG Lister can't pull the wrong data... it either pulls the data... or it doesn't and returns the "no data" character or whatever. But isn't it possible that the program that compiles the HTML could fuck it up? Someone was right next to HT at the time of the update, perhaps with a 11.01 while he had a 11.00. Isn't a swap futz possible?
Highly unlikely. I've never had a single isolated number swap happen before.
I wish you'd gotten a screenshot after running the program. But I suppose you didn't notice it right away. ;_;
Yup, considering it finished at three in the morning, when I sleeping ;-)
Guess I might as well tell you, since I've already updated the NGTL Guide. Most of the lists will be color-coded in the upcoming update. It should either be pretty cool-looking, or the code will screw up. Either way, it should be interesting.
Also, I keep mentioning the possibility of you adding OVERALL blam/save lists in addition to blam/save ratio, but... you haven't ever replied to me re: that or mentioned it on teh NGTL page. Whattupwitdat? ;_;
To be honest, I've been doing other stuff lately. Exams are coming up, Thanksgiving holidays, more exams, then finals. From mid-December through mid-January, I'll be home, and I'll try to do a little bit of work.
Oh, and I might as well tell you guys now:
1) The Wednesday update on November 24, 2004, will not appear. I will be going home for Thanksgiving holiday Wednesday morning.
2) The Sunday update on November 28, 2004, might be delayed until Monday. It depends on what time I get back on Sunday.
3) There will be no updates between the days of December 16, 2004, and January 18, 2005, due to Christmas holidays. Sorry guys.
At 11/19/04 03:44 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Tremour had an off-site postlist. top 50 or 100 or something. He did 2 or 3 updates. It might have been okay had he not had a forum associated with it there that naturally attracted NG BBSers that began posting about postcount, just like they did in Dobio's topic here on Wi/Ht?. Dobio found out about it and gave Tremour trouble for it. But I personally didn't see anything wrong with it. He didn't make a thread for it, he didn't talk about it on the BBS, he just put a link in his sig. Eh. :::shrugs:::
If you do it, I recommend hiding the link to it very well where only us cool peoples can find it and not putting it with the other ones. :::nods:::
Well, I've got a poll running on the NGTL website, but I can already kinda predict the results. If that list was built-in with seven other lists that I'm already running, I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad thing, no? I would just continue advertising the updates like I always do, without mentioning any BBS list notes. I wouldn't advertise the list's initial creation, and the links would live with their little friends in the "Current Lists" section.
That's because you ain't cool like dat!
The "thread starter" you're referring to is Dobio.
I thought so, I just didn't want to, you know, be wrong or anything.
The problem is that he DOES care what mods and admins think. He doesn't want to incur the wrath of liljim and be told to cease all his lists immediately or stop using the programs he's made or so forth.
Yup yup. I still feel a little guilty stressing out their servers every month...