At 11/2/04 12:19 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 11/1/04 07:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
So yeah, 29th kinda bites considering she's #2... and that when the current system began, she was #1 in pure final-vote blams... before the first save on NG was gained.
Accually had such a list done the day before this current sytem I was tied at the top of the blam list. My avg would of been #2 on the list cause the person who was tied with me had a lower sign up date.
Ah. So Sizzler has a lower PID# and woulda won the bppd average battle.
Yeah, but compared to how easy points are to get now, as you've often reminded people, people hardly had any blams at all back in those days. Weren't there like 2 people over 1000 blams?
Yep there were 2. Sizzler and me both with 1337, Thejoe and Junon had 800 some.
Hooray! I remember my NG b/p history so well!
Yeah, and I don't even make the top 50. seventy-fucking-nine. Seventy-fucking-nine. ;_;
And now I've fallen to the 80s, BTW... even though my rankchange column says "+5" in it. Mind explaining that one, ShitKit? O_o
Still, it's an interesting list, even if SK doesn't find a fairer way to make it from when the system started... instead of when the profile system started. 1999 /= 2002.
Scary thought my avg gone from 2.3 two years ago to what SK list showed it at.
All our averages would be boosted quite nicely. Let's just say, for the hell of it, that the current b/p system is.... 366 + 365 + 20 days old. I think that's a fair estimate... I just hit 46,000 b/p...
46000 / 751 = 61.25 bppd <--- my true average
26.xx on SK's list, which averages my bppd FOR OVER TWO YEARS BEFORE THE B/P SYSTEM WAS CREATED!!!! (sob)
At 11/2/04 12:58 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Ay caramba, you people had a field day with this concept, didn't you? Well, interestingly enough, out of the tens of thousands of profiles, there's only one person who has less than 200 experience, but enough b/p's to have over 2.00 VP. What, you wanted to know who? Sheesh, you want everything handed to you on a silver platter, no? Heh, without further ado: Zfire (user #697734). He's got 80 experience, but he's an Elite Guard Private.
Well, it wouldn't have been THAT hard to find had I really wanted to. Thanks for that, though. And hey, 80 exp, eh?
At 11/1/04 10:48 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Yep, police officer. If both you and I came up with that off the top of our heads, it's probably accurate. Now of course that's assuming the person has 90 exp. They might have less. They might have stalled at 80 exp, or even less. What about Crimson_Edge or whatever? The dude with 40 exp? I dunno what his b/p rank is, but someone like him who doesn't want to leave level 1 or level 2, and thus remains under 100 exp... but doesn't mind getting b/p... could easily get a VP over 2.00.
HA HA! "They might have stalled at 80 exp"
I = TEH WINNAR! #;-}>
hmm crimson_edge *checks nope 1.40, but of course he's a level one still so that makes sense, but i guess i don't know who has it, it'd be the weirdest thing though, i mean you can get 90 XP i 4 or 5 days, and then he gets all those points, then NOTHING, all gone ... seems just too weird, but i guess the doesn't want to leave 1 or 2 theory may work, but i know i'd've never done it :\
Crimson_Edge is still citizen. He could boost his VP by hitting safety patrol... that's the only way he can boost his VP, in fact, since he's staying put at 40 exp.
At 11/2/04 11:33 PM, ramagi wrote:
That is interesting. I would think if they are voting they would lcik the deposit linlk. I mean it be one thign if they wern't votign at all, but to vote and not cclick that depossit link. unthinkable.
Well, that's exactly what Crimson_Edge does. He's been at 40/50 exp for a loooong time, but he has 86 b/p. He's been avoiding the deposit link EVERY time he votes on any movies (which might be a rare occasion for all I know). He is simply teh BBS posting machine (he'll probably pass me in total posts in a few more weeks).