Okay, first... the issue I mentioned briefly in the pentalist topic...
ShittyKitty, I believe that an error in 1.3 (and presumably 1.4 as well) is present that is similar to how you said the Voting Power: x.xx vote(s) error worked... I noticed that both fixit and Syme have 1 review, but the review output file had them both with 0 reviews.
I can only assume that this is due to it saying "1 review" in their profiles instead of "1 reviews" with that s on the end.
If you fixed the vote/votes issue but not the review/reviews issue... I wonder if there's any other areas of the profile where a certain number, or amount of something, could cause the lister to give incorrect output, but I can't think of another one. :::shrugs:::
At 8/27/04 07:35 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/27/04 07:23 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Perhaps I could re-build 1.3 with a password function? A list-builder would request a password from me to run the program within a certain time-frame, and I would generate the password and email it to them. The password would only work during that time-frame. Plus, by only distributing passwords to known list-makers (the ones that worry about too many lists being made), maybe this should help fix the problem. What do you think?
I've taken NGLister off my website until further notice. I'll be developing a password protection solution to help limit the number of lists on Newgrounds.
Um... okay, but I personally think you and Dogma are worrying too much about those issues. There's been nothing to stop people from making "too many lists" in the past, and no admins have ever said a single word about there BEING too many lists, so that isn't a problem. You probably don't know of it, but we used to have a top 25 ppd list around here, for an example of a not-very-important list, and as Dogma says, the pentalist can be considered non-essential since it's not simply an extension of an official NG List (Dogma and jonthomson and ramagi's lists) or the creation of a list of one single NG stat that isn't ranked or listed by NG (saves, blams, VP).
But in the past, very few lists have been made. Take joobie's "3 person 2000+ quadlist" as a jovial example of the occasional non-serious list. I really don't think that readily available access to a program like 1.2 or 1.3 of your NG Lister would cause people who never tried to make a list in the past to suddenly decide they just HAVE to make a list of something and post it on the BBS.
Also, as to the whole "oh, one person can now just do every single list," whoever said that... perhaps you don't realise that, but even WITH this program, there is manual work behind lists. The actual sorting, excel work, and posting, if nothing else... but for most lists, also finding new people to add to the list. Granted, running every single userID# as ShittyKitty has done is a solution to that, and could then be used to create the exp list, the b/p list, the blam and save lists, the VP list, and even my pentalist... BUT... it's incredibly wasteful in terms of time, I would think, to run all those profile #s through every time. And if you DON'T run them all through, how do you ensure you're not missing anyone? Anyway, no system is perfect, but it's ridiculous to say that there's going to be an explosion in new listmakers or a consolidation in current lists under one person. With the exception of jonthomson/ramagi's exp lists morphing into a single list, and me turning over my two original top 50 lists to Dogma (who them expanded them into 8 total lists), there really isn't much of a "list monopoly" issue on Wi/Ht?, I don't think.
Besides, I can't speak for everyone, but MY goal is that one day any list I'd want to create would be done by NG each night. I hope for a top 50 (at least) VP list, and more importantly, VP rankings in everyone's profile... someday. Then I'd stop making the list, it's just that simple. We make lists to fill gaps that NG itself doesn't fill. We don't make them because we like to feel important or bullshit like that. I'd love to no longer be doing the VP list, and see a fresh top 50 VP every morning when I wake up, and automatically know my VP rank every day due to looking at my profile.
At 8/28/04 08:11 PM, jonthomson wrote:
A quick query (haven't really abused the program to see if this can be done already) - would it be possible to have the program export more than one stat into a single text file? Or to have the option of having the input also listed in the output file (such as me being able to see the profile ID as well as the amount of reviews, for example)?
What's the need for that? Just paste the profile ID list from your input file into column A of a fresh .xls and then paste the output next to it in column B, and bam, you've got instant line-up and you can see the cause and effect next to each other. Add another column with the name output if you want to see who's connected to each id and stat, of course.
OR... do what I do when I'm making a quick spot-check. I open both the id (or name) file and the stat output file next to each other, both in notepad, and then the lines line up fine as long as I position the windows correctly. If I need to see something not near the top of the files, just pagedown the same number of times in both notepad windows and there ya go.