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Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner

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Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 15:45:29

At 8/26/04 03:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Anyway, I dunno if that's possible. But if it's not, I'll have to manually change everything every time I run the program.

I may be way off course here, but I think it's possible to do that with the VP list, but as for the Penta list... I think youll still have to be foolin around with your spreadsheeting... I dont think that this program is too great at combining totals, and even if it does... I dont think everything will be in the right order... I don't know... Im still foolin' around with it my self... But I think you'll just have to stick with the spreadsheet for the Penta... any 'Single' Stat list should be able to use this fine though...

Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and see what I can do with the VP list now, I'll report back with results.

If you're doing a 7.00+ list, be sure to add me this time! I finally got my VP in the 7's :D

Pentalist, methinks, is gonna be harder to deal with, but an update isn't coming as soon anyway, so we'll see.

As i've said above, I don't think you'll be able to use this program for the Penta... maybe future versions will enable you to do so... or you could edit the program yourself :D
As for a Pentalist update... I'm still not even close to making it on :'(.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 15:59:02

At 8/26/04 03:45 PM, j00bie wrote: I may be way off course here, but I think it's possible to do that with the VP list, but as for the Penta list... I think youll still have to be foolin around with your spreadsheeting... I dont think that this program is too great at combining totals, and even if it does... I dont think everything will be in the right order... I don't know... Im still foolin' around with it my self... But I think you'll just have to stick with the spreadsheet for the Penta... any 'Single' Stat list should be able to use this fine though...

As the readme says, this program isn't for sorting things, or for combining totals. Excel is for that. The only purpose of this program is plopping in shitloads of rows of profile ID#s, and getting shitloads of rows of data in various output files.

Why wouldn't it work for the pentalist? I'd have to make a single input, same as for VP, but make 5 output files. One for exp, one for blams, one for saves, one for posts, and one for reviews (all those stats are covered in the program already). I presume that I'd then have to copy the raw data from EACH of the 5 files and paste it into each of the 5 columns in my spreadsheet.

The order of data will be the same as the order of the profile ID#s, so there's no problem there. I just have to make sure I don't screw up and paste the blams column in the saves column by accident or something.

As soon as I paste all five columns of data into the spreadsheet, the TOTAL column will have the correct values for the pentalist. Same as if I'd entered it all manually. I don't get what you're saying won't work, man. O_o

If you're doing a 7.00+ list, be sure to add me this time! I finally got my VP in the 7's :D

Um. Do I generally update lists without checking to see if someone's over a certain amount? Whether I'm doing it manually or whether this method works out, either way I always go further than the bottom of the list last time. How the hell do you think I ever add (or subtract) people from my lists? O_o

Besides... I'm not doing a 7.00+, I'm doing a top 500.

As i've said above, I don't think you'll be able to use this program for the Penta... maybe future versions will enable you to do so... or you could edit the program yourself :D

The last programming I did was FORTRAN for engineering classes at Rice University before I burned out and switched to English as a major, I doubt I could do shit with this. I defer to ShittyKitty's Texas A&M expertise here. #;-}>



I'm trying to do the 853 IDs in my VP list spreadsheet right now... it goes along fine (doing about 100 per minute) until 338... which happens to be Livecorpse's ID. Now, I know you and Dogma were talking about that on page 1, but I thought it was with regard to missing expranks due to accounts awaiting (re)validation by e-mail...

why on earth, when the only datacheckbox I've marked is VP.... does the program have a problem with his ID#? Anyway, I just slapped "1" into his line in the input file instead, and I'll have to later swap his current VP for Tom Fulp's.

Oh, and the reason I had to do that is that "continue" doesn't seem to work. I hit it the first time, it returned to the program's main window... but there was nothing happening. The counter was still at 338 of 853. So I hit "start," in case it was waiting for me to hit that again. But sadly, that just restarted the entire thing. BTW, a pause and stop button would be really nice to have alongside the start button.

So anyway, that's when I went into the input and just put 1 instead of his profile ID#... but now it's happened again: at 376... "Cast from string "Personal Profile: AntiGravity </t" to type 'Integer' is not valid."

Is it trying to convert the title of the page into a number? Or is glitching on the name part? I don't want the name, anyway.

Or finally, I suppose it could be that this guy doesn't have an exprank, either. Lemme check here...

Yep, no exprank. So okay, no exprank = fucking everything else up too, not just exprank. Oh wells. :::puts in Tom Fulp's ID# yet again:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 16:43:19

Turned out to be 7 id#s out of 853 that just wouldn't work. I guess if I'd known that was going to happen, I would have split the 853 into 100 id# chunks so I could have isolated the problems more quickly (without having to wait for it to check through ALL the ones it'd already checked before each time I fixed one).

The most frustrating was that the next to last id# also had the problem. 99% done and BAM! #;-}>

But, all that said, I've marked the names of the people with nonfunctional profiles with italics/underline in my spreadsheet, so what I'll do is paste the id#s to the input file... go through and find the id#s of the people who aren't working... change those to 1, as I've already done this time.. run it... and then after I paste in the VP data, I'll go back through the spreadsheet, find all the people with underline/italics/tomfulp'sVPnexttothem... and manually pull their numbers.

Total time saved? Down from 2 hours on the miniupdate to about 10 minutes. Down from 4 hours on the full update to about 10 minutes.

Truly, truly amazing. In 1.5 hours right now, plus a bit of time to install the .NET stuff... I've made an investment that shall pay off many times over.

As I've said... the only remaining issues/room for improvements:

1) potential .ini format instead of .bat for customising
2) making sure these missing expranks or whatever else don't screw up the whole thing
3) possible addition of pause/stop/resume/whatnot buttons

But even if you don't upgrade it again, ShittyKitty, you've done us all quite a service. I'm going to go try and do a top 500 list update right now, as I was planning on moving it up to this weekend, anyway, and we'll christen the new VP era right here. #;-}>

:::starts timing it:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 17:47:21

At 8/26/04 02:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And you fixed the vote/votes thing for the VP puller, right?

Voting power's always worked....

So... now all I gotta do is get it ready. I do wonder, though... you have it set to take JUST profile numbers, right? All of my profile # data is in the full URLs... is there a way to just use a text file of full URLs on each line? I mean, I can obviously just remove everything up to the = and just leave the numbers pretty easily (either in excel or in wordpad with find/replace), but it'd be easier to just pop in URLs for me, I dunno about Dogma or ramagi or jonthomson.

Hrm...good idea. I'll make that an option in 1.3 (which I'll be releasing soon).

At 8/26/04 03:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, I've gotten the .NET set up, I've run the program, I've read the readme... it's all pretty interesting and cool... but as I said, no batch files for me. Isn't there some way you can do the "path\exe" "path\setupfile" thing through the target in a shortcut instead of a .bat?

OR, alternatively... why not an .ini file? If we could just make up .ini files (like the myfile.txt in your example in the readme) for each list or purpose... for instance, I'd make a vp.txt and penta.txt for each list, and when I wanted to do the VP list I'd rename vp.txt to nglister.ini or something. Whatever file is currently nglister.ini would tell nglister what to change the defaults to...

Hrm...good idea. That would work better than the current setup...why didn't I think of that in the first place?!?

At 8/26/04 03:59 PM, gfoxcook wrote: The last programming I did was FORTRAN for engineering classes at Rice University before I burned out and switched to English as a major, I doubt I could do shit with this. I defer to ShittyKitty's Texas A&M expertise here. #;-}>

;-P Besides, you'd have to reverse engineer the code, and that's a royal pain.


I'm trying to do the 853 IDs in my VP list spreadsheet right now... it goes along fine (doing about 100 per minute) until 338... which happens to be Livecorpse's ID. Now, I know you and Dogma were talking about that on page 1, but I thought it was with regard to missing expranks due to accounts awaiting (re)validation by e-mail...

why on earth, when the only datacheckbox I've marked is VP.... does the program have a problem with his ID#? Anyway, I just slapped "1" into his line in the input file instead, and I'll have to later swap his current VP for Tom Fulp's.

Unfortunately, the program has problems when anything other than batting average is missing. The program pulls every bit of data from the profiles you request, then it spits out what you want. That's why it screws up, even if the faulty data isn't selected.

Oh, and the reason I had to do that is that "continue" doesn't seem to work. I hit it the first time, it returned to the program's main window... but there was nothing happening.

Right...the continue button on error messages just quits whatever the program was doing when it screwed up, and puts you back in whatever window you were in. Not terribly useful (it's a Microsoft thing...), unless you're trying to figure out which profile screwed it up.

BTW, a pause and stop button would be really nice to have alongside the start button.

Yeah, I've been contemplating that. Now that I've gotten most of the kinks out (still a few things screwing up here and there), I can try to focus on the user interface.

So anyway, that's when I went into the input and just put 1 instead of his profile ID#... but now it's happened again: at 376... "Cast from string "Personal Profile: AntiGravity </t" to type 'Integer' is not valid."

Is it trying to convert the title of the page into a number? Or is glitching on the name part? I don't want the name, anyway.

Or finally, I suppose it could be that this guy doesn't have an exprank, either. Lemme check here...

Yep, no exprank. So okay, no exprank = fucking everything else up too, not just exprank. Oh wells. :::puts in Tom Fulp's ID# yet again:::

Yeah, it's trying to convert that string of letters into a number. It's because of that no-tolerance thing I've mentioned earlier. Don't worry, it'll be fixed soon.

At 8/26/04 04:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: As I've said... the only remaining issues/room for improvements:

1) potential .ini format instead of .bat for customising

It's on my to-do list.

2) making sure these missing expranks or whatever else don't screw up the whole thing

It's on my to-do list.

3) possible addition of pause/stop/resume/whatnot buttons

It's on my to-do list.

But even if you don't upgrade it again, ShittyKitty, you've done us all quite a service. I'm going to go try and do a top 500 list update right now, as I was planning on moving it up to this weekend, anyway, and we'll christen the new VP era right here. #;-}>

I'll keep on upgrading this thing as long as I have the time and it keeps screwing up. ;-)

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 17:49:27

Wow...excellent program, makes listers lives a lot easier :)

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 18:30:14

At 8/26/04 05:47 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/26/04 02:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And you fixed the vote/votes thing for the VP puller, right?
Voting power's always worked....

I thought you said something about people with 1.00 vote instead of x.xx votes were making it error? Not that that applies to the people I check for my list, so nevermind. #;-}>

Hrm...good idea. I'll make that an option in 1.3 (which I'll be releasing soon).

It's actually not that big a deal. I forgot that Newgrundling's formatting includes (at the very far right of the used columns) a column with profile id# alone (pulled from the URL with this command in excel: "=MID(F2,57,6)" where F2 is the cell number of the profile on that row, 57 is the number of characters into the profile URL where the ID# starts, and 6 is the maximum (well, so far) profile id# length, I presume).

Much of what I've learned about excel in the past year or so is due to Newgrundling's coding. #;-}>

So anyway, I've just been using that column to make the input file, not the actual URL column. Should work fine unless there's a cell missing the proper formula or something, but over time, all the fills to make new rows for the expansion of the list and all have gone off without a hitch. No probs that I can see.

Hrm...good idea. That would work better than the current setup...why didn't I think of that in the first place?!?

Of using an .ini file setup? I dunno. Too obvious, perhaps? #;-}> That's why it's always good to have beta testers, and I guess that's what we're here for. I'm glad it sounds like a good, simple idea to you.

;-P Besides, you'd have to reverse engineer the code, and that's a royal pain.

Well, I meant even if you gave me the code and let me compile it myself or something. I wouldn't know where to start. Then again, editing code CAN be easier than knowing how to code it all from scratch... but sometimes not. Does visual basic have commenting and so forth, and did you bother to comment anything? #;-}>

Unfortunately, the program has problems when anything other than batting average is missing. The program pulls every bit of data from the profiles you request, then it spits out what you want. That's why it screws up, even if the faulty data isn't selected.

What about submissions and audio, though? Those are missing from most people's profiles. Or does that not count?

Right...the continue button on error messages just quits whatever the program was doing when it screwed up, and puts you back in whatever window you were in. Not terribly useful (it's a Microsoft thing...), unless you're trying to figure out which profile screwed it up.

True. But I already noticed that. You get the # in the input list when it jams, and you get the name of the NG user in the error message window, as well. So at least it's helpful, and not some sort of wild mystery.

Yeah, I've been contemplating that. Now that I've gotten most of the kinks out (still a few things screwing up here and there), I can try to focus on the user interface.


I'll keep on upgrading this thing as long as I have the time and it keeps screwing up. ;-)


Well, I added you to my spreadsheet for the VP list tracking, and while you're not quite up to the top 500, you got a special mention in my list update that I'm about to post. Hope you enjoy. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 18:43:36

Well, I told you I'd release 1.3 soon! ;-) This is a relatively big update, and the program acts a little nicer. Here's the updates:

* Tolerance for missing stats (returns the Empty Profile value for missing stats for Exp. Level, Exp. Pts, V/P, Batting Avg, Exp Rank, B/P Rank, and Sign-Up Date)
* Fixed Sign-Up Date grabber
* Automatically take numbers out of URLs
* Output lists disabled until checked
* Instead of using batch files to load settings files, now uses a button interface to load settings files
* Pause/Stop buttons

As usual, it's at the same place (http://www.jfsoftware.com/win/general/nglister.zip).

Now that I've moved in, I have to figure out what's going on with the Internet here. I can get anywhere I want to, but for some reason IE stalls when I try to go to the NG Portal...err...

At 8/26/04 05:49 PM, clam wrote: Wow...excellent program, makes listers lives a lot easier :)

Thanks ;-)

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 18:50:07

Woopsy. Didn't notice your post before I posted...

At 8/26/04 06:30 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I thought you said something about people with 1.00 vote instead of x.xx votes were making it error? Not that that applies to the people I check for my list, so nevermind. #;-}>

Oh yeah, that problem. Yeah, that's been fixed.

It's actually not that big a deal. I forgot that Newgrundling's formatting includes (at the very far right of the used columns) a column with profile id# alone (pulled from the URL with this command in excel: "=MID(F2,57,6)" where F2 is the cell number of the profile on that row, 57 is the number of characters into the profile URL where the ID# starts, and 6 is the maximum (well, so far) profile id# length, I presume).

Too late :-D I've already added an automatic URL detector in 1.3. It will take both full URLs and regular numbers.

Of using an .ini file setup? I dunno. Too obvious, perhaps? #;-}> That's why it's always good to have beta testers, and I guess that's what we're here for. I'm glad it sounds like a good, simple idea to you.

Actually, I found a way to use what I've been doing, but make it a lot easier. It's the same kinda files, but you click a button in NGLister to load them. Works better than the old way.

;-P Besides, you'd have to reverse engineer the code, and that's a royal pain.
Well, I meant even if you gave me the code and let me compile it myself or something. I wouldn't know where to start. Then again, editing code CAN be easier than knowing how to code it all from scratch... but sometimes not. Does visual basic have commenting and so forth, and did you bother to comment anything? #;-}>

Me, comment code? Ha ha ha. The only code I've ever commented was this open-source Pocket PC LiveJournal client; even then, it wasn't much...

What about submissions and audio, though? Those are missing from most people's profiles. Or does that not count?

Actually, I lied. For things like voting power and experience rank, it looks for one chunk of text, then another chunk, and pulls the number from between the two chunks. But, for submissions and audio, it actually has to count the number of items, so it knows to count 0.

Yeah, I've been contemplating that. Now that I've gotten most of the kinks out (still a few things screwing up here and there), I can try to focus on the user interface.

Rejoice, my friend. The user interface in 1.3 is a lot easier. Disabling inactive lists, stop/pause buttons, and an easier settings file interface.

Well, I added you to my spreadsheet for the VP list tracking, and while you're not quite up to the top 500, you got a special mention in my list update that I'm about to post. Hope you enjoy. #;-}>


Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 19:16:42

At 8/26/04 03:59 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Why wouldn't it work for the pentalist? I'd have to make a single input, same as for VP, but make 5 output files. One for exp, one for blams, one for saves, one for posts, and one for reviews (all those stats are covered in the program already). I presume that I'd then have to copy the raw data from EACH of the 5 files and paste it into each of the 5 columns in my spreadsheet.

That's what I'm doing on the EGRL. Output for names, rank, blams and saves. If I didn't do any extraneous screwing around (like sorting) I could have an EGRL updated in an hour.


You're having the same problem with the same people. What's occuring is that it is trying to read the full profile, even though it doesn't need it. It's glitching when it tries to read the experience rank on the profile, and these folks don't have one.

I'd suggest changing them to a PID that doesn't have a profile associated with it, so you can change the "X" to anything you want to make it stand out. Make it an entirely new column in the spreadsheet, and do a Replace ALL on that column. Change http:...= to a blank and it will spit out just the numbers instead of screwing around with the URL.

At 8/26/04 06:43 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, I told you I'd release 1.3 soon! ;-) This is a relatively big update, and the program acts a little nicer. Here's the updates:

Off to try 1.3 =)

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 19:20:51

At 8/26/04 03:59 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/26/04 03:45 PM, j00bie wrote: I may be way off course here:
blah, blah, blah... YOURE WRONG J00BIE!!! HERE'S WHY!

Ok, Ok... Sorry!
I was getting to a point, but I forgot what it was in the process of typing my post... so I decided to continue to ramble on and on..
Hence, 'I may be way off course here', because I was... heh...
Once again, I forget what I meant to post... god damn my terrible attention span!

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 19:22:22

At 8/26/04 07:20 PM, j00bie wrote: god damn
my terrible attention span!

this here prooves it too... Im making a completely new post because I just realized the end of my previous post rhymed! =D

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 20:11:07

I finally got a chance to restart the Maintainer (building my million-profile list), and all I have to say is OH MY GOD! In the first seven minutes, it's gotten through 4,415 profiles (including inactives). That's 631/min, or 10.5/sec. !!!!! At this rate, this thing should only take 26 hours to run through 1,000,000 profiles. Wow. Good old university Ethernet internet connection :-D. Hopefully this means the Builder should only take a matter of hours to build nearly complete blam/save and experience rankings.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 20:14:29

At 8/26/04 08:11 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Hopefully this means the Builder should only take a matter of hours to build nearly complete blam/save and experience rankings.

/me waits with baited breath

/me has a second thought and goes out to the pub to celebrate something no one there would understand.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 21:05:10


Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 21:12:47

At 8/26/04 09:05 PM, jonthomson wrote: *tag*


Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 21:26:29

At 8/26/04 09:12 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/26/04 09:05 PM, jonthomson wrote: *tag*

It's a post made, commonly on sites where you're able to search a list of topics that you've posted in, that enables you to quickly find said topic.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 21:40:52

At 8/26/04 09:26 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 8/26/04 09:12 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/26/04 09:05 PM, jonthomson wrote: *tag*
It's a post made, commonly on sites where you're able to search a list of topics that you've posted in, that enables you to quickly find said topic.

Ah, I see. You'll have to excuse my ignorance; I guess I've been working on the program too much...

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 22:56:28

At 8/26/04 06:43 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, I told you I'd release 1.3 soon! ;-) This is a relatively big update, and the program acts a little nicer. Here's the updates:

* Tolerance for missing stats (returns the Empty Profile value for missing stats for Exp. Level, Exp. Pts, V/P, Batting Avg, Exp Rank, B/P Rank, and Sign-Up Date)


* Fixed Sign-Up Date grabber


* Automatically take numbers out of URLs


* Output lists disabled until checked

weren't they already?

* Instead of using batch files to load settings files, now uses a button interface to load settings files

That'll work.

* Pause/Stop buttons


At 8/26/04 06:50 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Woopsy. Didn't notice your post before I posted...

well, you know what they say about Aggies... I KID, I KID! #;-}>

Too late :-D I've already added an automatic URL detector in 1.3. It will take both full URLs and regular numbers.

Yay for flexibility. That's groovy.

Of using an .ini file setup? I dunno. Too obvious, perhaps? #;-}> That's why it's always good to have beta testers, and I guess that's what we're here for. I'm glad it sounds like a good, simple idea to you.
Actually, I found a way to use what I've been doing, but make it a lot easier. It's the same kinda files, but you click a button in NGLister to load them. Works better than the old way.

Yep, like I said, that'll work too. Sooo, we can have any number of .inis (or whatever we want to call them) and just load 'em in. Nice way of doing it, yep.

Me, comment code? Ha ha ha. The only code I've ever commented was this open-source Pocket PC LiveJournal client; even then, it wasn't much...


Actually, I lied. For things like voting power and experience rank, it looks for one chunk of text, then another chunk, and pulls the number from between the two chunks. But, for submissions and audio, it actually has to count the number of items, so it knows to count 0.

Ahhhh..... cool. Yeah, I figured the pull-down-list things would work differently than the number-in-text ones, but I wasn't sure exactly how.

Rejoice, my friend. The user interface in 1.3 is a lot easier. Disabling inactive lists, stop/pause buttons, and an easier settings file interface.

It's not really that 1.2 wasn't "easy" enough, it's just that more options = better. You've added buttons, tweaked rough spots, and allowed either PIDs or full profile URLs in the inputs... all around there's just more options, period. And that's great.



At 8/26/04 07:16 PM, D0GMA wrote: That's what I'm doing on the EGRL. Output for names, rank, blams and saves. If I didn't do any extraneous screwing around (like sorting) I could have an EGRL updated in an hour.

hahah. Sorting is screwing around? I don't think people would enjoy our lists anywhere near as much as they do now if we didn't bother to sort them after adding the data, yanno. #;-}>

You're having the same problem with the same people. What's occuring is that it is trying to read the full profile, even though it doesn't need it. It's glitching when it tries to read the experience rank on the profile, and these folks don't have one.

Yeah, I didn't realise it would read everything even if it's not outputting everything, at first. I thought the checkboxes dealt with that.

I'd suggest changing them to a PID that doesn't have a profile associated with it, so you can change the "X" to anything you want to make it stand out. Make it an entirely new column in the spreadsheet, and do a Replace ALL on that column. Change http:...= to a blank and it will spit out just the numbers instead of screwing around with the URL.

I didn't want to actually change anything about my spreadsheet, including the URL column. That's the beauty of this program, no need to alter anything at all. Like I've said twice, I just put in 1 for those 7 PIDs and it pulled Tom Fulp's VP. I marked the 7 people's names and went back through after I'd done everyone else and manually pulled those 7 people.

But now, with 1.3, I suppose I'll just unmark those 7 people as it won't matter anymore in future updates of the VP list. And now I won't have to worry about it for the pentalist on my first update of that with the NGlister. So... hooray! #;-}>

At 8/26/04 07:20 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/26/04 03:59 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/26/04 03:45 PM, j00bie wrote: I may be way off course here:
blah, blah, blah... YOURE WRONG J00BIE!!! HERE'S WHY!
Ok, Ok... Sorry!

hey now, I didn't say that exactly. #;-}>

I was getting to a point, but I forgot what it was in the process of typing my post... so I decided to continue to ramble on and on..


Hence, 'I may be way off course here', because I was... heh...
Once again, I forget what I meant to post... god damn my terrible attention span!

I forget what the hell I was even correcting you on. No need to take it all so personally, though, man. If I saw mySELF making incorrect statements, I'd correct myself in the exact same way I corrected you. I don't mean anything by it but to correct you and ensure that no one else gets wrong info, that's all.

At 8/26/04 08:14 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 8/26/04 08:11 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Hopefully this means the Builder should only take a matter of hours to build nearly complete blam/save and experience rankings.
/me waits with baited breath

/me has a second thought and goes out to the pub to celebrate something no one there would understand.

I love celebrating things that most people would go "huh?" over. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 23:27:41

At 8/26/04 10:56 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/26/04 06:43 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: * Output lists disabled until checked
weren't they already?

1.3 actually disables the text box and the browse button unless you've selected that file list. Makes it easier to tell what's selected and what's not.

At 8/26/04 06:50 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Woopsy. Didn't notice your post before I posted...
well, you know what they say about Aggies... I KID, I KID! #;-}>

Hrm...no, I don't know. What do they say about Aggies? How wonderful they are? ;-)

At 8/26/04 07:16 PM, D0GMA wrote: That's what I'm doing on the EGRL. Output for names, rank, blams and saves. If I didn't do any extraneous screwing around (like sorting) I could have an EGRL updated in an hour.
hahah. Sorting is screwing around? I don't think people would enjoy our lists anywhere near as much as they do now if we didn't bother to sort them after adding the data, yanno. #;-}>

Give 'em an unsorted list and make them use the Find function on their browser! >:-D

At 8/26/04 08:14 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 8/26/04 08:11 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Hopefully this means the Builder should only take a matter of hours to build nearly complete blam/save and experience rankings.
/me waits with baited breath

/me has a second thought and goes out to the pub to celebrate something no one there would understand.
I love celebrating things that most people would go "huh?" over. #;-}>

12.4% complete.....

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-26 23:51:06

At 8/26/04 11:27 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: 1.3 actually disables the text box and the browse button unless you've selected that file list. Makes it easier to tell what's selected and what's not.

Ohhh, okay.

Hrm...no, I don't know. What do they say about Aggies? How wonderful they are? ;-)

(cough)... surely you can't be unaware of how many U of Texas, Rice U, etc. etc. (just about any college or university in Texas that isn't Texas A&M, in fact) people regard Aggies, damnit. DON'T PLAY AGGIE WITH ME... er... nevermind that. #;-}> I actually first noticed your location from the link to the file redirecting to a tamu.edu link, not from your profile, which is why I mentioned it in here.

I've personally got nothing against A&M (even visited it when I was shopping around for college, though I ended up only applying to Princeton, MIT, Rice, Duke, Penn State, U of Michigan, and U of Texas and got into all but Princeton) except that it's in a college town instead of a big city, even though some things (like the bonfire tragedy a few years ago) make a lot of people kinda disdainful. You do your university proud, son!

Give 'em an unsorted list and make them use the Find function on their browser! >:-D

Many need to use find already, and some fail to do so, or forget that they change their name twice a week and thus aren't searching for their old names. O_o

12.4% complete.....

Chuggin' along.

Anywho... I was planning on catching up on level up! tonight, but the hours have drifted by, and now it's 10 minutes from midnight NG time and my gf is getting impatient for the computer and etc. etc. etc. So I spent my 3 last posts till 6700 in pentalist/reviewlist/here and will try to catch up on level up! tomorrow or Saturday (not that many people from level up! probably read this post, but some do, so... this note is for them).

So... 6700... goodnight all! Have a great Friday and start to the weekend if I don't get back to catching up until Saturday. :::waves:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 02:29:02

it looks like a good program to me, but for some reason i can't run the program. =[ it sez it needs a DLL file to open it:

is it a problem in my computer or is it a bug?

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 04:31:04

At 8/27/04 02:29 AM, sneepioo wrote: it looks like a good program to me, but for some reason i can't run the program. =[ it sez it needs a DLL file to open it:

is it a problem in my computer or is it a bug?

Probably your computer. You need to get the 1.1 .NET from Microsoft and odds on that's one of the .dlls

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 04:46:07

1.3 works like a dream...just letting you know!!!

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 15:06:35

At 8/27/04 04:46 AM, RedCircle wrote: 1.3 works like a dream...just letting you know!!!


Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 15:08:35

At 8/27/04 04:31 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 8/27/04 02:29 AM, sneepioo wrote: it looks like a good program to me, but for some reason i can't run the program. =[ it sez it needs a DLL file to open it:

is it a problem in my computer or is it a bug?
Probably your computer. You need to get the 1.1 .NET from Microsoft and odds on that's one of the .dlls

Yup. It's the "Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine". It's what makes .NET programs go. You'll have to get the Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework through Windows Update (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com).

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 16:29:08

At 8/27/04 03:08 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yup. It's the "Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine". It's what makes .NET programs go. You'll have to get the Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework through Windows Update (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com).

i did windows updat, but it did not give me the option to install .NET 1.1
i remember i deleted some newdotnet files a while ago. i thought it was spyware =S

is there some other place to download .NET 1.1?

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 17:41:40

At 8/27/04 04:29 PM, sneepioo wrote:
At 8/27/04 03:08 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yup. It's the "Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine". It's what makes .NET programs go. You'll have to get the Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework through Windows Update (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com).
i did windows updat, but it did not give me the option to install .NET 1.1
i remember i deleted some newdotnet files a while ago. i thought it was spyware =S

is there some other place to download .NET 1.1?

Yipes. Although Microsoft prefers that you use Windows Update to get .NET 1.1, you can also download the redistributable package here.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 18:33:07

I put 1.3 through its paces this morning. I had all 10 lists to the point where I paste them down and start mucking around with table headers in 80 minutes. Excellent work!!

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 18:57:02

At 8/27/04 06:33 PM, D0GMA wrote: I put 1.3 through its paces this morning. I had all 10 lists to the point where I paste them down and start mucking around with table headers in 80 minutes. Excellent work!!

Cool stuff. Glad to see it's behaving itself ;-)

78.7% complete...

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-27 19:18:44

At 8/27/04 06:57 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Cool stuff. Glad to see it's behaving itself ;-)

78.7% complete...

See my post here before you do anything with that data. I've resisted the suggestions that I ask liljim fill my blanks in for me for similar reasons ... I didn't want to establish a precedent that he would do so.

I know myself well enough to know that some of my feelings on the matter come from being wary of others "stepping on my turf," but it doesn't detract from the fact that I've got some valid concerns. The same kind of mindset that is willing to hunt through profiles to compile IDs for a list, and go through the ongoing troubles of maintaining it, is the same mindset that is going to ask, "is there even a need for the list?"