At 8/26/04 03:45 PM, j00bie wrote:
I may be way off course here, but I think it's possible to do that with the VP list, but as for the Penta list... I think youll still have to be foolin around with your spreadsheeting... I dont think that this program is too great at combining totals, and even if it does... I dont think everything will be in the right order... I don't know... Im still foolin' around with it my self... But I think you'll just have to stick with the spreadsheet for the Penta... any 'Single' Stat list should be able to use this fine though...
As the readme says, this program isn't for sorting things, or for combining totals. Excel is for that. The only purpose of this program is plopping in shitloads of rows of profile ID#s, and getting shitloads of rows of data in various output files.
Why wouldn't it work for the pentalist? I'd have to make a single input, same as for VP, but make 5 output files. One for exp, one for blams, one for saves, one for posts, and one for reviews (all those stats are covered in the program already). I presume that I'd then have to copy the raw data from EACH of the 5 files and paste it into each of the 5 columns in my spreadsheet.
The order of data will be the same as the order of the profile ID#s, so there's no problem there. I just have to make sure I don't screw up and paste the blams column in the saves column by accident or something.
As soon as I paste all five columns of data into the spreadsheet, the TOTAL column will have the correct values for the pentalist. Same as if I'd entered it all manually. I don't get what you're saying won't work, man. O_o
If you're doing a 7.00+ list, be sure to add me this time! I finally got my VP in the 7's :D
Um. Do I generally update lists without checking to see if someone's over a certain amount? Whether I'm doing it manually or whether this method works out, either way I always go further than the bottom of the list last time. How the hell do you think I ever add (or subtract) people from my lists? O_o
Besides... I'm not doing a 7.00+, I'm doing a top 500.
As i've said above, I don't think you'll be able to use this program for the Penta... maybe future versions will enable you to do so... or you could edit the program yourself :D
The last programming I did was FORTRAN for engineering classes at Rice University before I burned out and switched to English as a major, I doubt I could do shit with this. I defer to ShittyKitty's Texas A&M expertise here. #;-}>
I'm trying to do the 853 IDs in my VP list spreadsheet right now... it goes along fine (doing about 100 per minute) until 338... which happens to be Livecorpse's ID. Now, I know you and Dogma were talking about that on page 1, but I thought it was with regard to missing expranks due to accounts awaiting (re)validation by e-mail...
why on earth, when the only datacheckbox I've marked is VP.... does the program have a problem with his ID#? Anyway, I just slapped "1" into his line in the input file instead, and I'll have to later swap his current VP for Tom Fulp's.
Oh, and the reason I had to do that is that "continue" doesn't seem to work. I hit it the first time, it returned to the program's main window... but there was nothing happening. The counter was still at 338 of 853. So I hit "start," in case it was waiting for me to hit that again. But sadly, that just restarted the entire thing. BTW, a pause and stop button would be really nice to have alongside the start button.
So anyway, that's when I went into the input and just put 1 instead of his profile ID#... but now it's happened again: at 376... "Cast from string "Personal Profile: AntiGravity </t" to type 'Integer' is not valid."
Is it trying to convert the title of the page into a number? Or is glitching on the name part? I don't want the name, anyway.
Or finally, I suppose it could be that this guy doesn't have an exprank, either. Lemme check here...
Yep, no exprank. So okay, no exprank = fucking everything else up too, not just exprank. Oh wells. :::puts in Tom Fulp's ID# yet again:::