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Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner

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Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-30 10:40:55

A problem has just been brought to my attention with regards to 1.4.1. If a user has an entry with " review" in his favorites list, the program throws an error. This would probably happen with a few other things, too. So...I'll have to re-do all of the search code to try and limit the program a bit more. I'll do this later this evening, and release 1.5 either tonight or tomorrow.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-30 19:40:32

At 8/30/04 10:40 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: A problem has just been brought to my attention with regards to 1.4.1. If a user has an entry with " review" in his favorites list, the program throws an error. This would probably happen with a few other things, too. So...I'll have to re-do all of the search code to try and limit the program a bit more. I'll do this later this evening, and release 1.5 either tonight or tomorrow.

I'm releasing NGLister 1.5. Remember, if you registered 1.4 or 1.4.1, you don't have to register again. New features:
* Completely new, more stable grabber codes
* Added Awards grabber
* Browsing for Input file changes Output paths

I was looking through profiles when testing 1.5, and I noticed that I had ignored the Portal Awards section. Perhaps one could rank these? Anywho, the program can still be found at http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng.html.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-31 04:18:28

At 8/30/04 01:07 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/30/04 01:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Why the 70448?
It was my old ZIP code. When I first signed up for Yahoo! years ago, it suggested that.

heh. And you FOLLOWED its suggestion? #;-}>

Anywho, mine's 77006. Gotta love teh double-7 double-0 Houston area codes.

Oh, one more question: does the separate .exe used for the code thingie in 1.4+ need to be kept after you've entered the code? Or can you delete it? Or what? Just curious.
Trash it! It's useless, unless you dig around in the registry and delete where the reg code is saved. Or if your registry gets wiped out. But if you registry dies, I think you'd have bigger problems than NGLister not working. ;-) The only reason I made it separate was because I didn't feel like building it into the main program...I'm lazy! :-O

Well, every once and awhile I have to run scanreg /restore from a command line bootup and use a backup registry copy from a day or two ago. But I think I've rebooted enough times since I got the code put in that I'll be fine. Still, I won't delete it for now, if ever. It's not THAT big... I have noticed, though, that your program keeps bloating and bloating with each update. I really hope 1.5 is it for a good while. O_o

At 8/30/04 07:40 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/30/04 10:40 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: A problem has just been brought to my attention with regards to 1.4.1. If a user has an entry with " review" in his favorites list, the program throws an error. This would probably happen with a few other things, too. So...I'll have to re-do all of the search code to try and limit the program a bit more. I'll do this later this evening, and release 1.5 either tonight or tomorrow.

Ah, so that's what it was. Yep, "_altr_'s favorite reviews" was the name of the movie in his faves.

Fascinating. I was wondering why it happened with 1.4.1 but not with 1.3. Now I can finally scan _altr_'s profile! #;-}>

I'm releasing NGLister 1.5. Remember, if you registered 1.4 or 1.4.1, you don't have to register again. New features:
* Completely new, more stable grabber codes

What exactly was unstable about the old versions?

* Added Awards grabber

So I noticed. Interesting idea. Haven't tried it yet.

* Browsing for Input file changes Output paths

Not sure I quite get what you mean. Do you mean we don't need to put full paths in our output lines in the ini files we keep? I already have full paths in both my pentalist and VP list inis, so it's not a big deal to me.

I was looking through profiles when testing 1.5, and I noticed that I had ignored the Portal Awards section. Perhaps one could rank these? Anywho, the program can still be found at http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng.html.

That would be kinda like ranking "king of the portal" points.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-31 10:05:17

At 8/31/04 04:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, every once and awhile I have to run scanreg /restore from a command line bootup and use a backup registry copy from a day or two ago. But I think I've rebooted enough times since I got the code put in that I'll be fine. Still, I won't delete it for now, if ever. It's not THAT big... I have noticed, though, that your program keeps bloating and bloating with each update. I really hope 1.5 is it for a good while. O_o

Bloating!? Psh. You want bloated, take a look at Windows. ;-) Besides, 1.5 should be it for now (until something else goes wrong).

At 8/30/04 07:40 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: * Completely new, more stable grabber codes
What exactly was unstable about the old versions?

The fact that the review count didn't work for that one profile. I made the code more robust by making it search for longer text (including tabs and HTML tags), and by limiting the search for a few things.

* Browsing for Input file changes Output paths
Not sure I quite get what you mean. Do you mean we don't need to put full paths in our output lines in the ini files we keep? I already have full paths in both my pentalist and VP list inis, so it's not a big deal to me.

Mainly, this feature was for me. ;-) That way when you browse for an Input file, it automatically sets all of the Output files in the same directory. So when I'm testing the program, I don't have to manually change all of the paths (plus I'm too lazy to make a settings file).

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-31 15:23:43

At 8/29/04 10:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote: What's the need for that? Just paste the profile ID list, connect it to the kneebone and Robert's your father's brother

Yes, I realised that now... actually fairly soon after posting :-(

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-08-31 16:49:53

I've got a little tip if you want NGLister to run faster. (it may run fast enough for you guys, but I'm running 100,000 profiles when I do experience updates) If you're using Windows XP, open NGLister and press Ctrl-Shift-Esc. Select the Processes tab, right-click on the "NGLister.exe" entry, and set Select Priority to Realtime. Windows gives you a warning about stability, but it hasn't crashed on me yet (using my special programs). If you have problems, try bumping it down to High instead.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-01 11:34:32

I (finally) sent in my request for a registration code. While reading through it again, it dawned on me that some of you may have concerns about my take on SK running his own BP list, and the future of the EGRL. My "essay" addressed that aspect so, here's an open letter on my request:

The Official EGRL Request For Registration:

Originally this list was begun to share the information I had gathered while climbing the ranks. NG only lists the top 50 for most things, and even less on others, so it was impossible to tell how much you needed to earn to climb from 60 to 59, or 200 to 199, unless you knew who the person was at the ranking above you. Once you knew who was above you, you could then pull up their profile and determine the differential. When begun, there were merely 250 Elite Guards, all of whom had to be “found” the hard way, which entailed pulling up profiles to see if they should be added to the list or not. As time went on, I expanded that listing to include Police Captains, and later Police Lieutenants, so that when I did find someone, I didn’t have to worry about their later climbing into the Elite Guard ranks without my knowing of it and having to hope I could find their profile again after they had done so. Your Data Miner invention is an amazing resource that has revolutionized all of the lists, and I want to continue to be able to use it.

At start up, I merely listed those ranking 51 and lower, as they were the people unable to readily determine who was above them. One I made it into the top 50, I added that grouping to the listing. It is my list after all, and there was no way I was going through all that effort and not be on the end result. Over the next few months, the list underwent a series of evolutions finally arriving at the basic format now seen on the EGRL website. Tracking of those who were inactive, and using italics for them, rank-up announcements, BP rates, et al, were all begun in the original thread and have carried over to the incarnation now at the site.

By October 2003, the amount of time involved in making the list had grown so much, and my real life requirements so great, that I had to abandon the list. LockClock filled the void during my hiatus, maintaining some, but not all, of the list. When he had to quit updating, jonthomson did one and then gladly handed the reins back to me in March 2004. An extraordinary increase in the number of Elite Guards had occurred in the interim, which made it impossible to post the list in thread without having to find some way to break the 4 post per half hour limit. While scrolling through the old updates, I happened upon a couple of LockClock’s posts, where he had done the actual list on a webpage and simply provided a link to it in thread. The idea of the EGRL website was born at that moment.

Creating the site, and adapting the spreadsheet to the new formatting requirements it posed, was an ordeal I’d rather not experience again. As when first begun, the list has continued to evolve, most of it behind the scenes, and has taken an incredible number of hours to maintain. Greg retired from maintaining the Top 50 Blammer and Savior lists, and those have migrated to being maintained at the site as well. Despite the fact that you are now doing updates of BP rankings, I still see a need for the EGRL to exist. I’m obviously feign to simply abandon something that has taken so much of my time and effort. The site has become a well known and established resource for those climbing the ranks and innovations I’ve added at the site, such as providing links to profiles, have been adopted by others maintaining lists including yourself. My list provides a number of features yours does not, as yours provides assets that mine does not, and I have the added bonus of no concerns with respect to bandwidth usage or storage space for archival purposes, particularly since I am only listing the Elite Guards. The two running in parallel should more than adequately fulfill any needs of the stat conscious.

Comparisons between our two versions of the BP listings, and your XP list versus ramagi’s, are obviously going to occur. Providing none of us get too wrapped up in “my list” nonsense, I see nothing but good coming from those contrasts. They provide the opportunity for others to evaluate what they want from a list and, by expressing that, will let us know what adaptations we should make. A list based upon rate gain, or a top 50 based upon percentage, are the ideas of other users that I have implemented. Between us, we may have tapped out everything that can legitimately be done with a BP ranking, but there could be some other improvements out there that the assessments of the two lists will present.

Oh, I almost forgot: gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-01 13:36:10

At 9/1/04 11:34 AM, D0GMA wrote: Despite the fact that you are now doing updates of BP rankings, I still see a need for the EGRL to exist.

Of course! My list is aimed towards the n00bs that are unable to be listed on other lists (due to the sheer number of profiles); just look at my sig pic! The EGRL is a more elite listing of b/p ranks; someone can state that they are listed on the EGRL, and it's a status symbol; saying that you're on the Total Listing is like saying you're a member of Newgrounds: nobody cares!

My list provides a number of features yours does not...

Easier to search profiles, inactive stats over a month rather than per update, archived lists, per day rather than per hour stats, less load time...

...as yours provides assets that mine does not

Like expanded listings...um...can't think of anymore at the moment ;-)

and I have the added bonus of no concerns with respect to bandwidth usage or storage space for archival purposes, particularly since I am only listing the Elite Guards.

Yeah, I'm overcoming that bandwidth problem by using mirror sites, which should do the trick.

Comparisons between our two versions of the BP listings, and your XP list versus ramagi’s, are obviously going to occur. Providing none of us get too wrapped up in “my list” nonsense, I see nothing but good coming from those contrasts.

I just like playing with numbers. I'm a numbers kind of person, I guess. Plus I like the attention :-D

Between us, we may have tapped out everything that can legitimately be done with a BP ranking, but there could be some other improvements out there that the assessments of the two lists will present.

I'm considering making a column for estimated number of hours until next rank-up. Any thoughts on this?

Oh, I almost forgot: gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme.

Oh, but of course! I'll just post it here, because nobody else could use it anyway: 0AEB21863A

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-03 11:12:51

At 9/1/04 01:36 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
I'm considering making a column for estimated number of hours until next rank-up. Any thoughts on this?

gofx pretty much covered the issue in the other thread. It's a nice idea, but the updates you are doing are too frequent to give an accurate assessment, particularly for those in the 1kBP and up ranks. It would work if you updated once a week or every two weeks, but 3 days of voting ... particularly when you compare the normal rate differential people have between weekdays and weekends ... doesn't really say much about the consistency.

An easy example is the "weekend warrior" who votes Friday through Sunday. Your Wednesday update might should them at 20 hours to rank-up, while the Saturday update at 200 hours. Maybe make that merely a feature of the weekend update, which compares against the data acquired the preceding weekend, but as an "every update" thing it's just more information to clutter up the list.

Oh, I almost forgot: gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme.
Oh, but of course! I'll just post it here, because nobody else could use it anyway: 0AEB21863A

^^ thanks much

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-03 13:31:30

At 9/3/04 11:12 AM, D0GMA wrote: gofx pretty much covered the issue in the other thread. It's a nice idea, but the updates you are doing are too frequent to give an accurate assessment, particularly for those in the 1kBP and up ranks. It would work if you updated once a week or every two weeks, but 3 days of voting ... particularly when you compare the normal rate differential people have between weekdays and weekends ... doesn't really say much about the consistency.

An easy example is the "weekend warrior" who votes Friday through Sunday. Your Wednesday update might should them at 20 hours to rank-up, while the Saturday update at 200 hours. Maybe make that merely a feature of the weekend update, which compares against the data acquired the preceding weekend, but as an "every update" thing it's just more information to clutter up the list.

Yeah, I've kept backups of the data from each update. Maybe I'll make it a Wednesday thing. That way it'll contain the entire weekend in the count. That might get postponed a bit, though, while I reconsider the website and make some kind of walkthrough for the lists.

^^ thanks much

No problem ;-)

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-16 23:40:49

Sorry about dragging up an old thread like this, but I felt that it was the proper place to do this. A situation has come up, and I need advice on a judgement call. YoinK_VineS has just emailed me with a registration request. In his request, he writes: "i want to post up some lists on my site. blam/protect, exp, and voting power." Here's what I need advice on: should I give him a reg code?

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-16 23:43:56

At 9/16/04 11:40 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: YoinK_VineS has just emailed me with a registration request.

It's Yoink. He is a good man. You should definitely give it to him.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-16 23:44:24

At 9/16/04 11:43 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/16/04 11:40 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Here's what I need advice on: should I give him a reg code?
Is he asking to make his own, or to link to YOURS, that is the question :o

He emailed me a reg request code, so I imagine he wants to make his own. Plus, he said he wants to do a voting power list, which I don't do.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-16 23:45:27

At 9/16/04 11:43 PM, RedCircle wrote:
At 9/16/04 11:40 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: YoinK_VineS has just emailed me with a registration request.
It's Yoink. He is a good man. You should definitely give it to him.

That's why I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know Yoink, but there's also the question of redundant lists. That's part of the reason the registration process exists. But, I suppose someone like Yoink will be able to control himself........ugh, I hate judgement calls......

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-16 23:53:52

At 9/16/04 11:45 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: That's why I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know Yoink, but there's also the question of redundant lists. That's part of the reason the registration process exists. But, I suppose someone like Yoink will be able to control himself........ugh, I hate judgement calls......

Well, first off, did he explain in detail why he wanted to do the lists? If he is planning on doing a full BP, XP, Review, Post, etc (which I highly doubt) then you have every right to deny.

If, however, he wants to track a few people, and this helps him (and he stated that) then that should warrant him to have the program.

But, it is your call, and by that I mean, your call to grant of deny on what he said he would do with the Lister.

I say that since he has proved (numerous times) that he is a decent user, and dedicated at that, I would give it to him.

That's my opinion.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-16 23:56:16

At 9/16/04 11:53 PM, RedCircle wrote: I say that since he has proved (numerous times) that he is a decent user, and dedicated at that, I would give it to him.

That's my opinion.

Yup, yup, you've convinced me. I already emailed him the code. Do me proud, Yoink!

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-17 00:00:33

At 9/16/04 11:56 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/16/04 11:53 PM, RedCircle wrote: I say that since he has proved (numerous times) that he is a decent user, and dedicated at that, I would give it to him.

That's my opinion.
Yup, yup, you've convinced me. I already emailed him the code. Do me proud, Yoink!

Good :)

Why he isn't a Mod is beyond me though...

I actually believe that he should be a mod. I mean, why make some level 9, 8000+ poster/spammer, who hasn't done much for the community a Mod? That is beyond me.

I am not sucking up, but I am a little pissed that the Admins chose you-know-who instead of some of the more dedicated users...

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-17 00:55:49

At 9/16/04 11:56 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/16/04 11:53 PM, RedCircle wrote: I say that since he has proved (numerous times) that he is a decent user, and dedicated at that, I would give it to him.

That's my opinion.
Yup, yup, you've convinced me. I already emailed him the code. Do me proud, Yoink!

thanks for giving me the chance to make some lists shittykitty, you were right about profiles... it's going to take a long time to copy and paste them all. I'll probably just do a voting power list because that's my favorite one.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-09-17 01:53:07

check out this list that i made so far, i just need to go and find more profiles now.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-04 15:32:50

I haven't touched the NGLister program in over a month, but I've gathered enough "new features" to warrant the release of a new version. New in version 1.5.1:

* Tab-based interface
* 3 new grabbers:
- Blam+Save
- Whistle
- Aura
* Shows status when minimized
* Plays sound and restore when finished

So basically, it's got more grabbers, it's more space-conservative, and it runs a little friendlier. Download if you wish! http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng/ngtl.html

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-04 16:18:13

Yeah baby :-D

Now that is a worthwhile update!!! Tee Hee XD

Thanks SK ^_^

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-04 17:50:46

Umm.....I hate to have to do this, but I made a major boo-boo in version 1.5.1, and I'm having to release a new version. New in version 1.5.2:

* Found out I can't spell "deity"; fixed spelling error in output

If you don't mind having "deity" spelled incorrectly as "diety", then go ahead and keep 1.5.1. Otherwise, version 1.5.2 has a corrected version of the word's spelling. http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng/ngtl.html

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-04 18:27:08

At 10/4/04 05:50 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: * Found out I can't spell "deity";

u plonker

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-04 20:12:35

At 10/4/04 06:27 PM, Denvish wrote:
At 10/4/04 05:50 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: * Found out I can't spell "deity";
u plonker

D'oh. Spell check would have helped.....

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-09 19:41:24

I've just released version 1.6, with these new features:

* 2 new grabbers:
--- Review Res. (Review Responses)
--- RR Rate (Review Response Rate)
* Pretty new NG tank icon

If you've got no need for these two grabbers, then don't worry about downloading this version. Enjoy!


Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-10-09 19:59:03

At 10/9/04 07:41 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I've just released version 1.6, with these new features:

* 2 new grabbers:
--- Review Res. (Review Responses)
--- RR Rate (Review Response Rate)
* Pretty new NG tank icon

If you've got no need for these two grabbers, then don't worry about downloading this version. Enjoy!


Well I think it is time I upgraded my verion. I liked the screen shots you had.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-11-03 19:21:12

Well, guess who emailed me today: NasFlash! Turns out he wanted a reg code. Here's what he sent me:

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 23:17:25 +0000, james lynas <wevecomeforyouall@hotmail.com> wrote:
> hey man
> i got your data miner because i wanted to try and cmpile a list for the
> forums.
> My NG username is NasFlas and the code code i got is 55277-00107.
> cheers

And here's what I sent him:

begin quote
I don't quite understand where you get the nerve emailing me about this. It's quite obvious that you don't read any of the follow-ups to your BBS posts, because otherwise you would know how much of an asshole I think you are. I consider you a worthless little shit that has nothing better to do with his time than repost old answers and piss people off. And believe me, I'm not alone; there are a number of other people that feel the same way that I do. It seems like everybody but you knows that I hate you; as a result, here are a few selected posts that I have made in response to you:

(A few selected BBS posts from me to him, including the "eat your pets" post)

So now you must realize that there is no way in hell I'm giving you a code. Not only do I hate you so very, very badly, but also I can easily recognize that any list you create would be a waste of bandwidth and time, and so I refuse to give you a registration code. Maybe if you actually got a clue and stopped being a fucking moron on the Forums, I *might* reconsider (nah, probably not).
end quote

Was I too harsh? Nah, I don't think so. This is me venting a ton of frustration on him, now that I've got his attention. Maybe, just maybe, he'll get something out of this email and stop being a dumbass. I doubt it.....

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-11-03 19:38:16

At 11/3/04 07:21 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Was I too harsh? Nah, I don't think so. This is me venting a ton of frustration on him, now that I've got his attention. Maybe, just maybe, he'll get something out of this email and stop being a dumbass. I doubt it.....

LMFAO Watch him not read your reply ^^

Maybe if the dumbass ever bothered to acknowledge any replies to him pointing out what an idiot he's being, this could have long since been hashed out. Thanks for sharing, that tops my "Fuck You" e-mail I got for a review.

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-11-03 19:42:42

At 11/3/04 07:21 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Well, guess who emailed me today: NasFlash! Turns out he wanted a reg code. Here's what he sent me:

Heh. That's harsh, but it's probably one of the few opportunities you'll get to have his full attention.

His posts have actually improved a last couple of days, and he hasn't been reviving old threads, so maybe there is hope. Definitely not someone who I'd trust with a tool like NGLister, though.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Nglister - Ng Profile Data Miner 2004-11-04 16:16:16


Oh boy, I laugh so hard. Anywho, got a reply from NasFlash today:

you need to calm down a bit, i realised i was being an asshole on the forums when mazza enailed me and now i have stopped

Oh right, so I'm psychic now. I can tell when someone emails you and tells you to calm down, and you miraculously manage to take his advice.

but seriously cal down and by the way i dont have any pets.

Ah yes, the most important part of all. HA HA! Damn, no pets. Whatever shall I eat, then?

Oh, and an hour later, he thought of something witty to say:

the only pet i have is your mother

Wow, lemme tell ya, I'm impressed. I think I might have to go cry in the corner for a few hours after that one. Ah, that was good for a nice laugh. Silly n00b.