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Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans!

18,536 Views | 124 Replies
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Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-04 19:32:37

Well, You are definitely not too far off @AnassAnimationPro. Newgrounds was first established by Mr. Fulp since 1995 in the early days of flash animation. I would wish to party like it's 1999(from a song by Prince). But I would definitely try to hang out with the general Newgrounds community when My future content gets popular on the web and definitely earn a spot on the web. But I also like you.

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-04 19:35:04

Yeah, I think we should upgrade to a NG-convention where you can meet other newgrounds creators and interact with them like Comic-con.

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-04 20:37:59

At 1/2/25 11:24 AM, TomFulp wrote:📆 Low-Poly Day

After teasing it for the past few years, we’re finally gonna have a Low-Poly Day this year! The current plan is for it to happen on Friday, June 6th. A more formal post will come later but if you want to participate, you have six months to think of something! As a general reference, think PS1-PS2 graphics and Y2K electronic music. Read the Brainstorming thread for more examples / inspiration.

Oh snap, I gotta get back into gamedev now.

Should it be like a gamejam with a specific start date or can I dust off a project I started a while ago and try to geterdun?

My newsfeed has random GameDev tips & tricks

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-04 21:40:07

Looking forward to Pixel Day!

Also, holy crap, Low-Poly Day? That's awesome.

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-05 08:12:58

At 1/4/25 08:37 PM, 3p0ch wrote:
At 1/2/25 11:24 AM, TomFulp wrote:📆 Low-Poly Day

After teasing it for the past few years, we’re finally gonna have a Low-Poly Day this year! The current plan is for it to happen on Friday, June 6th. A more formal post will come later but if you want to participate, you have six months to think of something! As a general reference, think PS1-PS2 graphics and Y2K electronic music. Read the Brainstorming thread for more examples / inspiration.

Oh snap, I gotta get back into gamedev now.
Should it be like a gamejam with a specific start date or can I dust off a project I started a while ago and try to geterdun?

You don't have to make something within a specific timeframe. It will be like Pixel Day where anyone can share anything they've made at any time but if they want to compete for prizes, the thing they made should be making it's premier on that day. An existing unfinished project can compete for prizes if it was never actually released anywhere ahead of Low Poly Day.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-05 10:50:45

2025 will be a good year for newgrounds with the 30th anniversary and its events, I hope you have a good year

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-05 20:32:18

My dyslexia really gets worse the sleepier I get, I thought this thread was called "evil plans" not "event plans", and now I am disappointed, I wanted to hear about evil plans.

Looking forward to the anniversary stuff though, I'm going to have to start thinking about how I can contribute.

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-06 21:17:53

I'm sorry if i lauched this very early, i was excited.

I will compensate the damage that i did.

ElRandomGMD (aka RandomToons)

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-07 10:18:57

All awesome stuff to hear, really excited to see what 2025 brings!

Don't think I'll be able to make anything new for the Flash Jam this year, but for anyone reading: if you need help figuring out any of the NGAPI features in AS2 (especially the level sharing API), please let me know! I did a lot of research on it for games like Tidying Up and I'd love to see what cool stuff people can make with it.

Also really excited for the 30th anniversary of NG. @Whirlguy got the ball rolling with the audio collab, but anyone who enjoyed the 20th anniversary collab...

Will have something big and awesome to look forward to very soon!

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-07 23:36:19


Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-08 00:24:13

At 1/4/25 07:35 PM, Fusionfan wrote:Yeah, I think we should upgrade to a NG-convention where you can meet other newgrounds creators and interact with them like Comic-con.

Personally I'd like something more like the meetups or Pico Day NJ, not as huge as a convention but still sizeable enough to meet others and do things together.

(Is there something like that planned this year?)

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-08 20:03:17

That would totally be a great idea. Not as large as a normal convention but sizable enough. Where you can do meetups and other cool stuff.

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-09 16:51:35

At 1/4/25 03:55 PM, RealTin3Sn wrote:I could write a short chiptune song. Only have LMMS, though, so I'll have to be a bit creative.

have you heard about famistudio?, t's free and 100% true to the NES, you can export your songs in rom format and open it with a NES emulator, plus it's very easy to use.

FamiStudio 4.0.0 - Release Trailer - YouTube

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-09 16:58:07

I would like to make chiptune for a game, not necessarily if that game would participate in the contest, just make it for a game, so if anyone would like some support in a project for that day, feel free to ask, and I'll also achieve one of my biggest goals :D

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-09 22:57:22

At 1/2/25 11:24 AM, TomFulp wrote:📆 Pico Day

We’re changing things up a bit this year. The first Pico Day was organized in the forums and happened on my birthday. When it became an official NG event with prizes each year, I tried to move it away from my birthday because that felt weird. I also tried to turn it into a more general “Newgrounds Day” rather than expect people to make Pico fan stuff every year. It never really succeeded in becoming a not-Pico Day and last year a bunch of people posted fan art on my birthday AND on Pico Day, which was fun for me but felt like it would be best as a single day.

I both love seeing Pico fan art but also feel weird encouraging it with prizes each year, so Pico Day is going to return to being a more casual event like it was the first time. We can stick to it being on my birthday (April 30th) to keep all the fan art on a single day. There won’t be prizes or picking winners anymore but please let me know if you have been working on something huge, maybe it would even be best for NG's 30th Anniversary in July.

I always saw Pico Day as a celebration of Newgrounds as a whole rather than a tribute to you and your work and featuring Pico more as a way of paying respect of the laying foundation of the site. But I understand how you feel and wanted to scale down, specially since it is made with your birthday and the prizes kind of makes it look like a competition to get your attention rather than a celebration and respect of you. so I kind of want to see a worthy successor of Pico Day, one that can truly be THE DAY of Newgrounds.

But sure the biggest thing its about to happen this year is the 30th anniversary of the site. this site has been go thru a lot and it was a miracle that survived the 2010's. but that would be for its community and hardworking team behind it.

Sure this year promise a lot!

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 11:51:17

where do i need to post art to get into the collab? (if this even is a collab, or is it a contest? Idk)


BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 11:53:32

At 1/11/25 11:51 AM, DunbFuckNamed289 wrote:where do i need to post art to get into the collab? (if this even is a collab, or is it a contest? Idk)

Pixel Day itself is a celebration / contest, where you can post your art to the Art Portal.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 11:59:11

At 1/11/25 11:53 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 1/11/25 11:51 AM, DunbFuckNamed289 wrote:where do i need to post art to get into the collab? (if this even is a collab, or is it a contest? Idk)

Pixel Day itself is a celebration / contest, where you can post your art to the Art Portal.

Okay! One more question, can i take down my art after the contest is over?


BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 12:12:41

At 1/11/25 11:53 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 1/11/25 11:51 AM, DunbFuckNamed289 wrote:where do i need to post art to get into the collab? (if this even is a collab, or is it a contest? Idk)

Pixel Day itself is a celebration / contest, where you can post your art to the Art Portal.

also can i post multiple artworks at once or just one artwork per contest??


BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 12:23:56

Hell yeah! I've been waiting for this one

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 12:31:21

is it ok to publish my pixel art early

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 12:49:07

Hello Tom Fulp I Made Pixel Art


BBS Signature

At 1/11/25 12:49 PM, Sussy-baka22 wrote:Hello Tom Fulp I Made Pixel Art

 Hello Tom Fulp I Made Pixel Art


It's Too Small


BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 13:05:21

At 1/11/25 12:31 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote:is it ok to publish my pixel art early

It's preferred to publish it on Pixel Day.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 13:13:02

You Like That Huh!


BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 13:31:25

Very excited to see this documentary. I only first heard about it on one of your last posts.

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Hello Tom Fulp, I wish you read this. This year I'll finish my animation deegre.

Since its Newgrounds 30th anniversary,I gladly announce that, for my final proyect Im writing about Newgrounds and its impact on gaming and animation fields and on people's carrers :3

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 13:58:14

Who made the banner? It's super cool!

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 14:07:38

I've dabbled a little in pixel art and low-poly modelling, so I'm going to try participating in the events this year. Feeling pretty excited to contribute!

Response to Pixel Day and 2025 Event Plans! 2025-01-11 14:08:13

Is it possible to donate a hank figurine to the most violent pixel art


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