Hi Abandonwarers, it's been a while! I've been hard at work expanding Cyril's universe, and I've got a lot to share!
For starters, the village in which Cyril lives is now called Plingplong. There are planned to be 10 residents of the village ("Plingplongers") in total, whose names and concepts I already have figured out. I've made a map of the village:

Currently I'm in the process of designing each of the 10 characters. Currently 4 have been done (one shamelessly being reused from an older concept), and I have 6 left to go.
Ever since my last post introducing Reno, I've been working on more "introduction drawings" for each of the Plingplongers. I obviously had to make one of the titular character himself:

Bork is a character I made in September last year that I originally had plans for, but I didn't end up doing much with him. Therefore, I decided to give him a new home in the world of Cyril the Cylinder! I haven't made an official introduction drawing for him yet, but here's his design (I posted him in this thread before!):

I do plan to give him a slight redesign for his official intro to the series, but the drawing above should give you the general idea.
And last but not least, the newest character design I have made so far. Say hello to Cubit, the hyperactive cubic robot!

Right now the focus is on getting the rest of the Plingplongers designed, as well as each of their houses, which'll be a challenge for me since I've never really designed a building before. But it's a challenge I'm not afraid to tackle head on! I've hope you've enjoyed seeing what I've done so far; let me know what you think!