At 9/29/24 04:05 PM, zombehattack wrote:Hello Abandonware Members! I come bearing another collab idea, but this time without it being super rushed and nobody really being able to participate (still sorry abt that for the record)
November 8th 2024 will mark our lovely group's 1 year anniversary, and I think a celebration of some sort is in order! Perhaps a large collab piece akin to that poster I was making but never finished? Something that includes all our members (and/or your favorite OCs) as a big "We're here! Get used to us!", because if the last year is anything to go by, we're a staying force on NG. I see members of our ranks popping up all the time, and it always makes me smile.
I think giving everyone until November 7th should be plenty of time, plus give everyone a chance to participate in other collabs and halloween festivities :3
Sound like a plan? Maybe?
Sounds interesting! I think I’ll have time depending on how all of the Halloween related stuff goes.
Someone please help me revive my clubs