If you would like to report something that isn't working correctly on Newgrounds, you can do so in this thread.
However if you are reporting a vulnerability that could be used to abuse the site or access sensitive information, please PM me with your report and do not share it here publicly.
When reporting a bug please provide as much information as possible, including:
- What web browser you are using.
- What operating system (Windows / iOS / macOS / Linux?) and device you are using (PC / Mac / iPhone?).
- URL of page where you see it happening.
- Detailed steps to recreate the bug, or as detailed as you can recall.
- Screenshots of weird things that happen.
- If NG isn't accepting a file, you could stick it on Google drive, make it public and link to it here.
If you are trying to play a Flash game that isn't working, there's a good chance it is an issue with Ruffle emulation not supporting the game completely. Please report issues like these in the Ruffle Testing / Flash Preservation Crew thread.