This crew is for people who want to help test Flash games and movies with Ruffle!
Ruffle is what Newgrounds is using to run Flash content in the browser, without the Flash plugin. Over time, more and more content will be supported.
You can use this thread to report Flash content that is ready to run with Ruffle, or to report content that has already been switched to Ruffle but has bugs. Please be specific about what the bugs are.
To test existing content with Ruffle, add this to the content URL:
For example:
That link will attempt to run the movie with Ruffe, however Ruffle doesn't support AS3 yet so it throws an error. This movie isn't ready to be switched over yet.
I have created two spreadsheets to track content that doesn't work:
At the moment I am NOT logging games made with AS3; we will be ignoring them until AS3 support is further along. The goal at the moment is to find issues with AS2 games, in particular any game uploaded before June 27, 2006. We also want to find any AS2 games that were released after AS3 was introduced.
Since we'll be attempting to run ALL movies with Ruffle, I'm logging any movie that doesn't work - this includes ones that get AS3 errors.
If you're down to create new, larger thumbnails along the way, you can also participate in the Thumbnail Crew!