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Old User Re-Introduction Thread

81,612 Views | 612 Replies

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-02 02:49:34

Hi, I would come to this website all the time to steal content for eBaums world, also something about ducks.


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-02 15:19:43

At 10/2/20 02:49 AM, BlueHippo wrote:Hi, I would come to this website all the time to steal content for eBaums world, also something about ducks.

Hi Karl, hope you're well xoxo

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-02 22:21:24

Been here since 2007, had to change my username from timeslyr. I've been going to this website since high school and I've grown to love it over the years. Had some tough years were I couldn't vote or lost interest, but still came back. Hopefully here to stay this time!

I was ~12 years old when I joined and loved making mario, sonic scene creators back then. Most of them have been removed over the years because of copyright laws. during the time when I left cuz of puberty and different interest that come along with it.

Now I'm 27 and I mostly enjoy talking crap on forums, lol. I like the open-mindedness of the users here, it somehow hasn't really changed much over the years.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-03 13:00:00

At 9/28/20 08:34 AM, Dean wrote:
At 8/26/20 02:29 PM, Fim wrote:I remember Dean and Earfetish in particular, both of which I ended up meeting in real life.

I hadn't realised you were still active on here! Was just browsing this thread and saw your username. I still remember both the times we met, and now that I'm thinking about it, I still feel bad about how long you were waiting around town for me and Tony to appear the last time we met. Turned out to be a fun night of pub hunting in the end though. I think that was the last night I spent in Manchester and unfortunately haven't been back since. Crazy to think that must have almost been 10 years ago!

Time flies ey? Honestly I had no recollection of you being late at all, so don't beat yourself up for that. I have found memories of meeting you and all the NG crew when you guys were in Manchester, I remember us meeting up briefly for a pint in Glasgee too, although I was with my parents at the time so we couldn't go on a proper drinking sesh which is always my preference. From what I remember we talked more about the upcoming Indy ref and how your brother is the spit of Jason Manford.

I've been living down in London now for the past 3 years, I moved here mainly for work, and I had some personal stuff go down Manchester that I thought might be easier just to leave in the rearview, I still miss it a lot though. For now I'm very happy in London, it's a much wider playground. If you're ever in the area drop me a line :)

BBS Signature

Oh hi. I'm Nick. I joined here in 2000 when in 2016 because of my friend Azure_Stone, who did the Keegan's Truck series. I got into the BBS and posted a whole bunch. I'm most known for Zero Wing, which I guess was removed because of copyright ID (I had to do the detective work since the site didn't message me or anything about it) and apparently it made its way to, like, college TV channels and stuff and a lot more people saw it than I could've possibly imagined. I was really scared when I uploaded it because I was only 16 and not legally able to sign whatever contract you needed to agree to to upload stuff and I definitely wasn't going to get my parents involved, so I just whistled and did it anyway. I became insufferable after that and left for TeamXbox where I stayed until 2010 when that shut down. I did make a game with my friend Aaron Hibberd here called Cityscape, which was a SimCity-themed GROW game/clone. We've been working for a few years on and off on a new game called Star Prix. After TXB, some friends and I started FleshEatingZipper (I even interviewed Tom!), which stopped publishing in 2013. Since then, I've been working on The Nth Review where I do long-form game reviews and stuff.

I've visited a few times since then (obviously, in part, to investigate where my uploads went), but also to see how things were and enjoying the redesigns over the years and seeing some awesome talent come up. These forums were always super popular so I never felt like I fit in again. I was actually working on a 7th anniversary edition of Zero Wing but realized there was no way it was going to be finished by then and gave up entirely, haha. I did upload the unfinished version here.

Good to see you guys!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-03 19:48:37

Hi I'm Doberman and I've had a few different names in the decade and over from alts to shitpost and avoid bans in the past. Originally found Newgrounds back in 2006 from ArmorGames and didn't make an account (or an email) until around 2007, figured I'd give it a go and eventually found the NGBBS.

Spent a shitton of time posting on the NGBBS in the past, spamming crap from BBS posts to flash submissions, annoying users and causing all kinds of mischief which eventually ended up with 100+ bans in total (from what I've been told).

had around 7K+ posts until I had them all removed and decided to slowly post art and descend into insanity. Eventually I got unwell with mental health problems, got drunk a lot and caused all sorts of hassle with people both on here and in real life until I decided to get therapy and actually admit to being ill instead of ignore it for longer. Unfortunately, it made me drop out of college and screw my life up for a bit.

The fun part was acknowledging that everything would be okay, that I'm bisexual and things don't always go to plan. I've improved my life a bit and even fell in love with a person.

I still remember a bunch of old usernames of which most aren't active anymore or they've been deleted. Of the few I can still remember being active I either have them added on social media or I've talked to them in some other way. Most have either moved onto other websites or they've gotten older and had more responsibilities for other things like families or jobs. As much as I was fiercely private in the past, I've been more open in recent years.

Other than that, I still remember the old stickam chatrooms and the Skype group chats until they turned into a huge clusterfuck of controversy. I have no doubt I was probably an utter twat within them.

At 9/25/20 11:33 AM, Oliver wrote:hi everyone

oh hi Lagamuffin.

At 9/28/20 05:44 PM, Gagsy wrote:I always thought it was like any footballer called Tiago. He was an attractive man.

I miss that Brazilian.

also, UK COVID MEETUP 2020.

At 9/28/20 08:34 AM, Dean wrote:Makes me wonder what some of the old Stickam crew are up to these days.

Just a daily reminder that you're Scottish.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-03 21:58:08

At 10/3/20 07:48 PM, Doberman wrote:Hi

Based Doby's back

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-08 00:54:40


I'm ZomAlien, and nice to meet you all.

Just another NG user.

Thanks, @COOLZONE17500 for the cool signature.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-13 12:20:50

This is awkward. I guess I'm just here to see if any of the NG Drunks are still alive.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-15 02:33:48

hey guys I created this account when I was very young like 6 or 7 but I am trying to get my mate to post his music on here and he won't is there anything u guys can say to convince him

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-15 02:35:21

At 10/13/20 12:20 PM, Slightly-Crazy-Dude wrote:This is awkward. I guess I'm just here to see if any of the NG Drunks are still alive.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-18 08:29:18

Hello everyone! :D My name is Carter, I'm 17 years old, and I made this account 9 years ago when I was 7 turning 8. I've used Newgrounds prior to making this account however, and my main reason for using this site at the time was for the community-made animations and games.

I still have a lot of love for the animations and games on this site, but now whenever I watch any animations or play any games, I try to review them to the best of my abilities. Other then that, I love listening to the Newgrounds Radio (I usually listen to the Electronic or Rock station), and I always love listening the Newgrounds Podcast! I hope to make my own animations on here soon, since it's always been a dream of mine.

I hope I'm able to get to know some of you, and I'm very glad to be a part of the Newgrounds community! ^_^

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-21 11:18:27

Old user collab

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-23 05:21:30

Wazzup y'all old farts. I'm Guidodinho ('gi-do-dean-yo).

Back in the early zeros, near my end of middle school, whenever I had some unsupervised time on the computer, me and my buddies would go on some game sites and played a bunch of silly flash games. And lil naive ol me back then wasn't aware of the vast oceans of internet porn, and other smut that's out there.

So back on these game sites (where often a lot of NG games were stolen from and uploaded all over), of course, me and my classmates took a peek at the 18+ games. One of those games that got really popular among my classmates was this one just titled: 'Drugdealer' on the website (I think it was 'Frank's Adventure' officially, the game should still be around on here.

Such a crappy game by today's standard of course, a lot of work for some low quality jpegs of some anime tiddies, but back then, earning those shitty dirty pics really felt rewarding. Now I can just leasily ook up the most extreme depraved sorta shit and just sit there, unimpressed.

Anyway, because of that lil game I came to know about newgrounds, because of lil perverted pre-teen me wanted to check where those naughty flash-games came from (also found and played the shit out of Alien Hominid after that, besides the games to earn dem noody-pics).

Did't check much other things, or make an account here after that and kinda forgot about the site. But a couple years after that, I was doing some random google search, I saw this logo of: 'Super Mario Bros Z'. Thought it would be some crappy short or just a shitty drawing, but checked it out anyway. I watched the first episode (actually on Cheezyart I think) and was totally baffled that a single dude could could take some video game graphics and play around with it to make the character do all kinds of epic shit. Whenever a new episode of SMBZ was posted I call my brother (or he called me and we'd sit down and watch it together).

Me still stoked about how cool the concept of sprite animation was to me, wanted to make shit like that, so I checked the ending credits and looked up where I could find some sprites and started learning how I could edit them in good ol' MS Paint. I also wanted to get em to move of course, and not having any animation software (or knowledge), I resorted to Windows moviemaker. So for each frame of animation, I gobbled together some game backgrounds and sprites and saved them as BMPs. I knew nothing about PNG or gif formats, i just knew the spritesheets got messed up when i saved them as jpegs, so that resulted in massive sized folders and taking me forever to import all the images in moviemaker and rendering the video took ages.

So after months of klunkily having fun with paint and moviemaker, i went to look what the Alvin Earthworm used to animate SMBZ with. Found it was Flash. And started nagging my dad that i wanted to buy flash to animate with. But couldn't find it in any store around, plenty of video editing software, but I was stubborn, I didn't want no video editing software, i wanted animation software.

Looking around online, I was shocked to find out how insanely expensive Flash actually was (think around 500/600 bucks for Flash8 then). So that kinda destroyed my hopes to get better animation tools, cause there was no way lil 12-ish year old me could afford that. But after looking around some more, i found some youtube video to get my greedy lil hands on a pirated copy of Flash8, wich I still have, and cherish, and even still use as my default tool for whatever lil image editing or whatever digital doodle i wanna crap out.

So after a shitload of tutorials and trial and error. I made some lil sprite animations in Flash instead of Paint+moviemaker, and newgrounds was the place to put em. So around 2009, i finally made me an account here, and got more interested in other animations here. So thanks to that I came across some awsome classics, Harry Partridge's stuff, Swain's Blockhead and Mastermind series and Eddsworld. Those and SMBZ were the ones, whenever one was uploaded, I would stop what i was doing, let the flash load, grab some drinks+snacks, if my brother or some friends were chilling nearby, I'd holla them, and we'd enjoy the shit out of it.

Haven't been quite active after that era, mostly because live came around for a solid kick in the nuts, but I still regularly lurk around and browse some movies and art, or other nonsense from people who still post neat stuff here.

But whenever any creative juices get flowing again, wether it be music thingies or other stuff i can make in flash (as dead as flash may be, you can still make some cool (interactive)-things with it). This site will be the first place it will be posted on.

Still love the shit out of this site. One of the rare places where you can simply make little shitposts, or fully well-written out reviews n shit.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-23 06:01:47

At 10/23/20 05:21 AM, Guidodinho wrote:Wazzup y'all old farts. I'm Guidodinho ('gi-do-dean-yo).

Back in the early zeros, near my end of middle school, whenever I had some unsupervised time on the computer, me and my buddies would go on some game sites and played a bunch of silly flash games. And lil naive ol me back then wasn't aware of the vast oceans of internet porn, and other smut that's out there.
So back on these game sites (where often a lot of NG games were stolen from and uploaded all over), of course, me and my classmates took a peek at the 18+ games. One of those games that got really popular among my classmates was this one just titled: 'Drugdealer' on the website (I think it was 'Frank's Adventure' officially, the game should still be around on here.
Such a crappy game by today's standard of course, a lot of work for some low quality jpegs of some anime tiddies, but back then, earning those shitty dirty pics really felt rewarding. Now I can just leasily ook up the most extreme depraved sorta shit and just sit there, unimpressed.
Anyway, because of that lil game I came to know about newgrounds, because of lil perverted pre-teen me wanted to check where those naughty flash-games came from (also found and played the shit out of Alien Hominid after that, besides the games to earn dem noody-pics).

Did't check much other things, or make an account here after that and kinda forgot about the site. But a couple years after that, I was doing some random google search, I saw this logo of: 'Super Mario Bros Z'. Thought it would be some crappy short or just a shitty drawing, but checked it out anyway. I watched the first episode (actually on Cheezyart I think) and was totally baffled that a single dude could could take some video game graphics and play around with it to make the character do all kinds of epic shit. Whenever a new episode of SMBZ was posted I call my brother (or he called me and we'd sit down and watch it together).
Me still stoked about how cool the concept of sprite animation was to me, wanted to make shit like that, so I checked the ending credits and looked up where I could find some sprites and started learning how I could edit them in good ol' MS Paint. I also wanted to get em to move of course, and not having any animation software (or knowledge), I resorted to Windows moviemaker. So for each frame of animation, I gobbled together some game backgrounds and sprites and saved them as BMPs. I knew nothing about PNG or gif formats, i just knew the spritesheets got messed up when i saved them as jpegs, so that resulted in massive sized folders and taking me forever to import all the images in moviemaker and rendering the video took ages.
So after months of klunkily having fun with paint and moviemaker, i went to look what the Alvin Earthworm used to animate SMBZ with. Found it was Flash. And started nagging my dad that i wanted to buy flash to animate with. But couldn't find it in any store around, plenty of video editing software, but I was stubborn, I didn't want no video editing software, i wanted animation software.
Looking around online, I was shocked to find out how insanely expensive Flash actually was (think around 500/600 bucks for Flash8 then). So that kinda destroyed my hopes to get better animation tools, cause there was no way lil 12-ish year old me could afford that. But after looking around some more, i found some youtube video to get my greedy lil hands on a pirated copy of Flash8, wich I still have, and cherish, and even still use as my default tool for whatever lil image editing or whatever digital doodle i wanna crap out.
So after a shitload of tutorials and trial and error. I made some lil sprite animations in Flash instead of Paint+moviemaker, and newgrounds was the place to put em. So around 2009, i finally made me an account here, and got more interested in other animations here. So thanks to that I came across some awsome classics, Harry Partridge's stuff, Swain's Blockhead and Mastermind series and Eddsworld. Those and SMBZ were the ones, whenever one was uploaded, I would stop what i was doing, let the flash load, grab some drinks+snacks, if my brother or some friends were chilling nearby, I'd holla them, and we'd enjoy the shit out of it.

Haven't been quite active after that era, mostly because live came around for a solid kick in the nuts, but I still regularly lurk around and browse some movies and art, or other nonsense from people who still post neat stuff here.
But whenever any creative juices get flowing again, wether it be music thingies or other stuff i can make in flash (as dead as flash may be, you can still make some cool (interactive)-things with it). This site will be the first place it will be posted on.

Still love the shit out of this site. One of the rare places where you can simply make little shitposts, or fully well-written out reviews n shit.


signature by jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-23 14:31:40

At 10/2/20 02:49 AM, BlueHippo wrote:Hi, I would come to this website all the time to steal content for eBaums world, also something about ducks.


Haven't heard that website in years

"let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself" - FDR

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-28 00:46:03

formally agustana '06-'11

13 when I joined


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-29 05:41:03

Hello there all.

I just recently changed my name from the trademark mewmew09 to something new to hopefully usher in a new era of where I will be uploading some things to a site I've loved since I was young. I first officially joined in 2009, but I can say for sure that I visited many times beforehand, took some time for me to finally think I could sign-up. I was eleven back then, and a lot has changed. I've finally hit my twenties, I'm going to college for an animation and game design dual major, and I'll be trying to start on my art and animations again! A lot has happened, some good some bad, but I can say for sure that whatever comes I'll be ready for it.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-10-29 21:47:55

So many old names. I'm glad to see you are all still alive and well in these times.

If you remember me, then it would have been in the Who is/ How To? forum were I spent most of my time. As a bored college student, NG is where I spent most of my free time a decade and more ago; just keeping everything clean in the Reviews, Icons, and BBS.

Like most, time has cause all of us to drift away, but there is always some old memory that bring us back.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-01 01:11:42

About time I posted in this thread. I originally joined to have fun, left the forums for a few years due to the trolls, and came back older and wiser from experiences elsewhere on the net.

At 9/15/20 04:04 PM, Deity-Donkus wrote:Hah hah! Everyone in this thread is like "where's my teeth at?".

Heh, at this rate they'll be asking for Viagra!

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-01 01:10:18

At 9/15/20 04:04 PM, Deity-Donkus wrote:Hah hah! Everyone in this thread is like "where's my teeth at?".

Heh, at this rate they'll be asking for Viagra!

Bitch, please. I may be perimenopausal at an early age, but I can still run circles around most of you.

Can drink most people under the table too, heh.

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-01 07:10:46

At 11/1/20 01:10 AM, RydiaLockheart wrote:I can still run circles around most of you.

I remember when I could run.


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-02 07:27:52

Get off my fuckin' lawn

life can be real fuckin crazy

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-02 07:31:07

At 11/2/20 07:27 AM, Kogey wrote:Get off my fuckin' lawn


signature by jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-03 23:53:36

Hi, I've been on Newgrounds since around 2006 or 2007. I had a couple of accounts until I settled on this one in 2011. I was getting Exp. points every day and leveling up until I just stop visiting this place in 2015/2016. But I finally decide to come back after 4-5 years, hopefully focusing on posting artwork and improving my drawing skills.

My biggest regret on here was probably contributing to the death of a big art collab thread in the Art forum back in 2009 and then making my own art collab (twice) which went terribly unsuccessful. So I hope that I can redeem from that.

PsychoZoid/Andrew Berry: The most uninteresting man in the world

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-05 11:04:35

Hey I'm Void, formerly YellowisCOOL.

I've been away for about 5 months so I'm back for a bit, though I'm not sure for how long. I just needed a break from this place to be honest. I haven't been gone for too long but it feels like I've been away for a year or so.

I thought I should stop by since my NG 10 year anniversary is coming up soon! I've been using NG since either late 2009 or early 2010, and eventually I made an account as a dumbass 11 year old. (Go look through my old posts/reviews if you want to cringe or have a good laugh!) This isn't actually the first NG account I've created, but it's the one I've stuck with for whatever reason. All of the awesome flash games and movies initially brought me here and I've been here on and off ever since.

So, here's some shit about me! I'm from New Zealand and I've got type 1 Diabetes. I love comic books, graphic novels, zines, and art in general, but I prefer traditional art. I love tv shows such as Euphoria, Sex Education, Stranger Things, Black Mirror and more. I also watch a lot of YouTube. I mainly listen to artists like Tyler The Creator, Suicideboys, Ghostemane and Bones but I'm not a snob. I try to be open minded and my taste in music is constantly expanding. I like Pokémon, Marvel, memes, spending time with my mates, cats, streetwear and skatewear, occasionally playing video games, skulls and bones, energy drinks and sleeping.

I can't think of anything else to say so here's a meme


Judge my music taste! || Add me on Steam || Letterboxd

Who walks away from a spider attack?

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-09 07:48:17

Avoided the BBS or 'community forums' when I joined, but voted, even when my account was inaccessible for a number of years. Glad this site still has that angsty edge, and supports freedom of expression, even if it's base, vile and unbecoming a proper human being, for it's in that quagmire of discourse, we see humanity.

I dumped at least 2k USD into this site and its artisans, spent many hours typing reviews, holding conversations, being a somewhat informed ear to those in need, a pair of eyes to those who produced content, and otherwise a conspicuously boring human being, albeit well spoken.

I've strayed away to individuals on other platforms like twitch and discord, other games and distractions, but this place has always been 'the better angels of my good nature', sad to say lol. I am very glad to have caught and saved and savored the single voices, crying out in the night

Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.

BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-12 14:09:10

Hey Liam here!

Old user with new account - I'm currently in the midst of my content creation journey!

I've always been doing drawings, paintings, animations anything creative really for years. Even went as far as to get various art related qualifications and a Degree in Animation. Over the years since i ran my own graphic design business. It was all ok, manageable :) but as with everything, life happens, I had to get one of those "real" jobs to support my new young family... After a long hiatus and a tonne of procrastination, i accidentally discovered a new program from Adobe called Character Animator... honestly, that first youtube video got me fast! ideas left right and center - the possibilities!

So i dusted off an old character from my uni days Blue Dood and breathed some new life into him. I'm currently in nearing the end of episode 4 of a mini series set for youtube and subsequent log videos every other week and im gonna do some gaming livestreaming with both a puppet overlay and a 3d model in VR for a lil diversity.

Blue Dood is a multidimensional alien from planet Dood where he is "sort of" employed for a company called "Command" and has a.. "unique" outlook on life.

After accidentally crashing on Earth and then accidentally getting digitized into the internet. Command advises Blue Dood rescue could be years away and is now requested to document the "situation" on the unknown planet in the mean time.

So yeah thats the plan so far. Living inside the Adobe package.


Feel free to ask any questions if you're interested!


Hello NEWGROUNDS!!!!!!


BBS Signature

Response to Old User Re-Introduction Thread 2020-11-12 14:09:59

At 8/17/20 02:23 PM, Malachy wrote:Howdy,

I've been lurking the BBS since 2003. I stumbled on NG in the PC lab in 8th grade when taking a CAD design class. The older kids were playing games and videos on NG when the teacher wasn't paying attention so I started playing rooftop skater a bunch.

I found the BBS when I my parents got a PC capable of loading the NG front page over christmas 2002. Over winter break just before I went back to school I created an account and started frequenting the forums every night. Newgrounds has been a part of my daily routine ever since. I've been a review and BBS mod since 2008. I've been chat mod for a while too. I've been a supporter for 5 years. I have a bunch of merch from the old NG store and even a long sleeve logo shirt from the very first cafepress store from way way back. I have missed more than 10 years worth of daily deposits despite being here literally every day for 17 years. I once had 24k+ BBS posts but it's been going down for a while with some large threads and prolific users being deleted from when I was more active. I mostly lurk these days.

I've been to 3 Montreal Meetups, a Mod meetup and 2 Pico Days. I've met some long time NG friends IRL for beer, skiing, overnight visits and on vacations. I first met newgrounders in meatspace when I skipped out from a family vacation in 2004 when I was only 16 and took a grayhound bus 3 hours away to Vancouver BC.

IRL I've graduated highschool and went to college and got married (Tom gave me a shoutout).

Since 2003: I have had 2 bicycles and 2 skateboards. I have driven 9 different cars and 2 motorcycles. I've had 9 cats (5 currently), 1 dog, 1 snake, 3 horses (2 currently) and a handful of chickens and guinea fowl. Lived in 5 apartments, bought 2 houses and lived in 4 different states. I've had 11 different jobs.

I have no artistic abilities. I'm just a fan of the games, toons art and music here. I used to write cringey stuff in highschool but that's thankfully buried with my old livejournal and maybe a few pages of the Late Night Loung in C&C.

BBS Signature