At 8/15/20 12:54 PM, GoryBlizzard wrote:Hi, I'm GoryBlizzard.
Man, that shit was moving. I don't know whether that just caught me off guard but that was a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.
I started out on here at 13 also, an old school buddy of mine was dicking around uploading fuzzy flash games and he introduced me to the site. I guess I have Newgrounds to thank / to blame for my current career path, since I work in animation now, I'd always been artistic, but who knows if I'd have made the leap if I didn't have that creative part of me stoked and cultivated at that early age. I kinda hate my job, being anchored to a screen drawing seemed like an amazing deal when I was an introverted teen, but now I'm older I like seeing the world and talking to people, I'm not proud of hardly any of the content I create with work (it's mostly low-budget corporate jargon shit), and I feel like I should be out there changing the world or something instead? Maybe the grass is always greener.. Saying I work as an animator seems to be a winning line on tinder at least.
I think about my early time on Newgrounds a lot, I feel as though people don't appreciate how lucky we were to grow up during the first baby steps of the internet - something which will probably be around now until the end of humanity. We were the first generation to unwrap this incredible toy. For me, Newgrounds was the baseline for how a site could function; user-based, creepy, constant cool shit, a respite from the real world where you could figure out who you were without judgement. It feels like an 80s zine as apposed to a glossy tabloid which is what all of the big sites have now become.
Nowadays I feel more and more like I want to disconnect and live on a farm. Social media companies are terrifying, the internet has become a really shitty place which has made everyone really cranky, it's toxic, it's shrill, it means we can't even agree on what the truth is anymore, and probably landed Trump the election, I feel as though we're about 10 years away from large scale internet legislation. Newgrounds seems in retrospect to have got so much right, it had a user / moderator system, which I feel is one of those tools that's screaming out to be used on YT/FB to tackle the reams of bullshit and misinformation. It had a community that was perfectly sized, and if you hung around for long enough you'd get to know some cool people and all their quirks, I remember Dean and Earfetish in particular, both of which I ended up meeting in real life.
Newgrounds was a beautiful hot mess, and I kinda hate it a little for not adapting to the needs of the internet / flash being a crock of shit / the exodus of users to more intuitive sites. I still can't believe NG never made an app, or tried to plant it's flag with more authority on YT. A part of me is kinda surprised it's still going, but I'm glad that it is, because not having it would be a huge loss.. I've been posting a little more since C19 (mainly in the politics section, sorry), and I even whipped up a little something for the Elon Collab, where JohnnyUtah was kind enough to VA for me. That feels like some sort of NG goal ticked off.
Oh yeah, and I also have a really great girlfriend, although we don't take shits on each other unfortunately.