At 8/17/20 06:30 PM, Ryanson wrote:Hi I'm Ryan and I have bad taste in things but I think I'm unique enough that I must add something to the forum with my posts. Also I like music a lot and am trying to listen to a whole list of 220 albums that I gathered and it's intimidating. Also also I have red hair.
Writing about myself is a lot of work and I don't feel like it right now tbh. Can I make a second post later?
So, ahem. I’m Ryan. Formerly ryanson209, removed the numbers a few years back. Got the name from an online ex-gf (lmao) and also my love of DBZ. I joined Newgrounds in 2005 and have come and gone over time. I think my most active time was 2009-2012? The time when we had an unofficial chatroom was supes active. Left because I was trying to better myself… but turns out, Newgrounds is the worst because it will infect you and never leave.
How did I find Newgrounds? Well… porn. There was DBZ dress-up games, and those became a constant when I was a horny teen. Also I think Simgirls was my first real game I played on here? I hear it actually got finished a while back, which is neat. ((The game also indirectly lead me to one of my favorite songs, due to being based on an anime that used that song)). Isn’t that how it usually works? Porn?
I’ve said in previous posts, but I feel is worth mentioning again, is I have red hair. Full on ginger, hell yeah. Nothing but insults online, nothing but compliments in real life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (At least I was a model once. Once. When I was a baby. Won awards though!) I’ve also been injured severely a few times - gotten my arm broken, accidentally cut my toes with a lawnmower, and most importantly I’ve had my nose bitten off by my dog when I was 9. Nose is crooked now, breathing is tough (got a machine so I can sleep a lil better), also got a big ass scar. People say they don’t notice, but who knows. I also thought I was autistic, but two doctors have said I am not so who knows. They’re probably right, maybe I’m just awkward as fuck. Thanks, April Fools Day (that’s my birthday).
Like I said previously, writing about myself is hard. I never know what to say. I like pop culturey things, even stuff I don’t like I get fascinated with enough to look into it at least. I like being positive and uplifting if possible. I really REALLY LIKE music. I have made music, I have performed live (no big deal it was a talent show lmao), I have commissioned music, I have downloaded enough music that my last computer could not hold everything. Used to love NG music videos, before the big crackdown on copyrighted music. I bought some old music magazines just so I can read their album reviews later. I have my Shazam app nearly always on standby. I am currently trying to listen through at least 200 albums, and it’s an intimidating process because it’s just all there, waiting. Looming. LIke my video game collection which I’m also barely making a dent with.
People don’t remember, and for good reason, I’ve worked on a fighting game based on the BBS and other forums I’ve been on years ago when I was most active. It was canceled (I think the bios are in my news feed somewhere, I’m scared to look), though I’ve held on to the fighting game bug for a long time (Bloody Rage is unironically one of my favorite Flashes ever despite how unpolished and unfinished it is. The dream is to make a proper version of it). I’ve also done a handful of interviews, originally for myself for fun but all have been transferred over to the Interviewer. Haven’t done any in a while, but it’s still something I’m proud of having done (sidenote: me and other BBS users were interviewed, and just like my first post here I didn’t feel like writing about myself for the interview lol.))
I don’t know what else to say - I think my experiences and personality are unique enough that I must contribute something to the forums. What that something is, I don’t know, but maybe we can find out together.