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New User Introduction Thread!

482,829 Views | 3,983 Replies

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-08 07:53:28

Hey my name's Jon/Yolk and I joined the site earlier this year but I couldn't do that much because of school, it was my last year and they were tuff. Now that it's all over I want to be more involved in the site since it seems interesting and I've heard good things, I'm a little tired of algorithms but I still post on the gram lol

I however do know quite a bit about NewGrounds history and culture so I'm not completely lost or anything (God bless 3 hour video essays)

Currently I'm trying to improve my art skills and OCs but I'll draw fanart too when I'm feeling itiu_720036_10226820.webpOCs lol

I will also be attending art school after the summer! Yay!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-10 14:06:06

Hi everyone! I'm Squiggly or Seth, if you'd prefer, and I'm new to Newgrounds. I have many hobbies but the greatest amongst them is voice acting! I'll have my demo reel uploaded here in the next day or two but in the meantime I thought I'd at least say hello. Happy to be here and looking forward to the opportunity of possibly playing a part in some of the amazing projects that originate from this platform!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-10 16:49:02

hi! im ken, i joined newgrounds about a month or two ago and im an artist who primarily draws ocs and concept art for some projects i have planned for the near future. i enjoy spooky surrealist psychedelic shit and i like to incorporate that into my work. i also really appreciate how newgrounds has a nice little community from what I’ve seen so far :) it feels a lot more down to earth than most other sites if ya get me

Hey fellas!

I'm Tom Katsu, also known simply as Tom or TK, and I create art of the pixel variety. I'm the owner of a character named Paz, a stuffed crust cheese pizza woman, and I regularly make art of her and my other OCs.

I used to post my own art as well as commissions featuring my characters on my Twitter account, which I used as a sort of art database for that same Paz character, but I moved to Newgrounds soon after because the former flawless website kept adding dumb white backgrounds to every single transparent background piece I posted. And so, now I'm here!

Bonus information fitted for an introduction: I'm French, favorite games are Enter the Gungeon and Terraria, I used to write a ton but I fail to find the guts and/or energy to do so anymore, and finally I hope I can make some sweet encounters on here and share my passion for cheese-based curvy individuals!


Hello! My name is Dee and I joined Newgrounds last year so I guess I'm still rather new.

I'm just a young adult striving to be a good artist and animator.

✦ Dee ✦

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-14 06:37:28

i dont recall actually introducing myself in this thread at least not properly the first time around so lets get this over with.

hi, my name is AnEvilHeat. im mostly just someone who wastes time easily and procrastinates as a result but can generally be a good person to talk to with some jokes here and there. my main hobby i like is listening to music which has been a thing ive liked doing since the end of my middle school days. i like to explore genres of music and see what people can do to particular genres like punk, rap, folk, jazz, and pop. i also like to draw and watch shows mainly cartoons, like infinity train, the owl house and amphibia since ive liked to see the potential it has in storytelling and art. i first joined newgrounds because of its interesting history and impact on internet culture and thought it would be fun to make an account to experience even a little bit of it. i post my own art but its rather consistent in posting and im still amateurish in terms of trying to make music but ill hopefully get the hang of it.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-14 11:08:48

hello, my name is rayane and i think thats preety much it

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-14 16:00:27

Hello my name is Dingo, ive been here for two years and I don't know what Im doing lmao


BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-16 22:50:00

hi! my name is Corinthe, but you can call me Tablet or GamerGirlandCo!

i just joined earlier today and i'm super stoked to be here!

though, knowing i share server space with people far more talented than me makes me wonder if i am worthy of being here xD (jk)

i'm primarily a fanartist/fananimator, and i love metal music and cartoons!

i hope i'll be able to meet some new friends and make something of myself here :3

only time will tell if i make myself someday;

the screen is mine, cartoons are my destiny~

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-19 13:38:32

Call me Switzrr! Technically I had an old account from 2017, so I'll post in both this thread and the "old users" thread as well.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-23 12:01:00

Posted in an intro page back when I joined (post kong shutdowns) and someone referred me here but never did bother to do much since but i'm back so I guess this is v2. Hopefully will stick around and post as well as getting into some games too. See you around.

I am fire

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-24 22:35:40

At 8/23/22 12:01 PM, MoeMoeLM wrote:Posted in an intro page back when I joined (post kong shutdowns) and someone referred me here but never did bother to do much since but i'm back so I guess this is v2. Hopefully will stick around and post as well as getting into some games too. See you around.

hello fellow former kongregator :)

happiness is around the bend

O prudente varão há de ser mudo,

Que é melhor neste mundo, mar de enganos,

Ser louco c’os demais, que só, sisudo

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-26 00:51:18

Hello! Very new user here. Hoping to post some art and see if I can learn anything about music!

Heyo, heard about this website, apparently this place is a literal museum its been on the internet for so long, figured i might see what the deal is.

Edit: This website was made before I was even born holy shit I am a 22 year old man and this site is older than me

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-27 14:47:33

hey everyone! new user here, I hope to make some good friends here :D I've lurked on this site for some time but I've never made an account until now

a knightly champion in another world

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-28 23:12:27

Hello! I'm new to newgrounds and I want to create NSFW art and join communities!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-08-30 17:26:55

i'm not quite super new here, but still, anyways,

hello stranger, my username is mawibblap, i'm russian computer mouse artist (yes you heard that right, i draw with computer mouse xd)

and i draw in mspaint (atho i do sometimes draw in other art program, but i kinda prefer mspaint xd)

newgrounds is my main platform to post my art on, i have an internet addiction, i spend way too many time on internet everyday, yes i totally need help lol

i think that's all i have to say 4 now (other than like idk, go watch smeshariki or something???)


☆ I may not be the brightest in the box full of light-bulbs, but that doesn't mean I can't light the way in this dark world.

(you can call me wilson, maw or mawi if you want, I'm also the one who made skibidi toilet club.).


(I also may or may not be active on newgrounds' steam chat room.).

Bury your panic, can you feel the static? Monochromatic.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-01 18:42:16

I posted in the wrong topic before, FUCK!!! I was 'sposed to post in here!

Anyways, I'll try to keep it short. Name's Ricardo, but you can call me Rick or Ricky. I go by many pennames, like icegodlike77, AsterAnon (if you go on /funkg/ on the cesspit known as 4chan) and AsterDood.

I started this account cuz not only cuz I was sick of Twatter, but also because I grew up with Flash games and animations, mainly Sonic and Mario related games, with some cameos of Megaman, Kirby, Final Fantasy, yada yada.

So! I've been loving the community 'round here, plus I also frequented the site back in the mid to late 2000s to early 2010s without an account. I started to slowly peek my head again, but what really kicked my ass in to create an account was Friday Night Funkin'. Although rhythm games aren't really my thing, I loved both OG and fan characters from the game and mods respectively. I've been an artist since I was a wee lad, and now that my high school is over, I've been wanting to learn animation to begin my career as a full-time animator, trying to make an animated series inspired by many animes, many cartoons, many Flash games and animations and many video games I played as a kid that I fondly hold dear in my heart.

I love this site, so many souls cut their teeth to make themselves known, always there to help a homie out, all while being edgy and cool like in the 90s.

I'll be staying here for a looooong while, so it ain't the last time you hear of Ricky the Broken Brow! Yahoooo!!!!

Hope you were interested in my Ted-Talk. I'll see ya round, tankheads. :)



I'd rather live with the problems of yesterday than the problems of the future. - Ricardo Aster

Just living a life of a world crumbling away.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-06 11:21:32

Hi I'm M-A-F, online friends used to call me Maffy as my nickname and I make art.

Here's one, (an old wip I never finished) the rest are in my profile and I made an account here 2 days ago.


Nice to meet you!

I make art

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-06 14:14:17

Hello, I'm aurelion1te. I like art and video games and Microsoft Paint and other stuff.

I might post art and stuff here but I don't really know, I'll probably just be lurking.

I've actually used Newgrounds for years now (maybe 2015/2016) but I've never actually made an account until march (which I suddenly decided to actually use now for some reason).

I guess that's about it, bye.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-09 00:33:50

Heyo! I'm Silver, and I'm just a normal person who makes music in their spare time. After setting myself up nicely on YouTube and SoundCloud, I decided to test the waters over here because I heard this place was pretty cool. I've known about Newgrounds for quite a while now, but I only just now made an account (because frankly, seeing how talented and experienced everyone here seems to be is kinda intimidating and kept me from joining for several months).

I'm somewhat of a rookie and I do have a moderately busy life, so I'm probably not going to be able to post that often. Still, I'm always looking to improve and have some fun! One of my stretch goals for my music is to make something worthy of being included in a video game—and although I may be a bit far from that right now, I'm hoping that with enough practice, I'll get there one day.

(Also, I have no idea how to Newgrounds, so...yeah.)

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-09 10:58:13

Hi im Comrade Russian, i just joined cause of how cool it kinda was, especially with the fact this website still has a pretty good active community even after essentially more than twenty years is really intresting to me.

i originally came here after a video about the darkest media on the web, and it talked about the people talking here about 9/11 while it was happening, which is pretty saddening stuff to read on your own (which i learnt by finding these posts for hours and eventually finding them)

despite the dark and saddening shit i read it was really interesting to understand the minds of those who experienced 9/11 as it happened, i was born a few years after 9/11 so it kinda gave me more knowledge about the attack, and pushing off the dark 9/11 posts i discovered i do genuinely like the way the website has came along, i used to go on it very rarely but i still do remember what the website was, so i just decided to make an account eventually and here i am lol.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-09 16:46:24

hello i have had an account for a few years but started using the forums recently

am youther i am an animator starting college next month.

i came here to newgrounds to see art, play games, and share and improve my stuff

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-09 18:48:30

Hi my name is Kacho, Im aIllustrator/Writer ,sometimes techguy and NSFW artist

from Mexico,and as for today Im joining the community


Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-10 17:01:24

Hello. I am a new user. Had a pretty good look round before joining and was generally impressed by the animation posted here, so respect to New Grounds and its many animators. I am a digital collage artist and animator from the UK who also produces electronic music. Have a great day.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-11 14:12:07

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to post this little bit on here about me; I am a relatively new users to Newgrounds as my account was created back in 2020 but was never used until just recently as a backup for my other platform accounts. I am a network architect who loves to tinker around with various things as well as play games along the lines of Destiny 2 and Minecraft when I have free time.

I don't really spent a lot of my time on NG itself but I do occasionally come on during the week or every couple of weeks a few times just to see what's been happening over here on this platform. I am most active over on Discord where I have all of my friends to chat with so if you would like to do so, feel free to send me a message to my account (username of ZeNinja864#6464); I would recommend however for those who are interested in doing so, to please refer to my little about me post that I made on my profile.

I have also dabbled in the realm of running my own community over the past year so I also have that going for me as of right now. I don't want to spam the thread too much with it, but if you're interested in joining it and maybe also the Minecraft server I am working on alongside it, check out the dedicated post I have on my NG profile for more information regarding it.

Other than that, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply to this post, send me a message on here, on Discord (again, username ZeNinja864#6464), or through any other means outlined in the About Me post on my profile.

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-11 18:11:26

Shucks howdy, fellers. I'm Patrick. I go by I'LL REVIEW ANYTHING on the internet. I'm a general creative doing all sorts of things. I haven't used Newgrounds in 15 years. I'm thirty years old now and I can't believe it's been so long since I used the site. I have fond memories of playing games here. After talking to Tom on Twitter, I decided to start posting our podcast here. If you're a creator, and want to be on the show, just let me know. We'd be happy to have you. I look forward to hanging out here and getting to know all of you!

The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.

BBS Signature

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-12 15:24:37

Hey guys, I'm CRxTRDude. I do art as a hobby among other stuff. I just recently seriously considered posting stuff in the net. Ive also posted in some places. And now I'm here. Ive actually played some of the games in NG before back when flash was pretty popular.

I also have dabbled in some programming but I haven't gotten anything on the ground, so Ive worked on art instead. Nice to see you guys here

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-12 16:27:30

Hey, I'm ReBuff! I might post music sometimes. I've got a bunch of stuff that I made over the past 3-4 years so I am going to be releasing some of that stuff over the next few days since there is a 4 song limit per day. Anyways, I used to have a Newground account a while ago which I had posted music to. After 7 years, I never got scouted so I'm kinda hoping that I get scouted on this account within the next 7 years.

See ya!

Response to New User Introduction Thread! 2022-09-13 03:33:36

hi. basically a repost of my post here.

i draw and make music as seven levels.

hoping to get some more exposure as an artist by using this site - we'll see where that goes :P


see you around.