I posted in the wrong topic before, FUCK!!! I was 'sposed to post in here!
Anyways, I'll try to keep it short. Name's Ricardo, but you can call me Rick or Ricky. I go by many pennames, like icegodlike77, AsterAnon (if you go on /funkg/ on the cesspit known as 4chan) and AsterDood.
I started this account cuz not only cuz I was sick of Twatter, but also because I grew up with Flash games and animations, mainly Sonic and Mario related games, with some cameos of Megaman, Kirby, Final Fantasy, yada yada.
So! I've been loving the community 'round here, plus I also frequented the site back in the mid to late 2000s to early 2010s without an account. I started to slowly peek my head again, but what really kicked my ass in to create an account was Friday Night Funkin'. Although rhythm games aren't really my thing, I loved both OG and fan characters from the game and mods respectively. I've been an artist since I was a wee lad, and now that my high school is over, I've been wanting to learn animation to begin my career as a full-time animator, trying to make an animated series inspired by many animes, many cartoons, many Flash games and animations and many video games I played as a kid that I fondly hold dear in my heart.
I love this site, so many souls cut their teeth to make themselves known, always there to help a homie out, all while being edgy and cool like in the 90s.
I'll be staying here for a looooong while, so it ain't the last time you hear of Ricky the Broken Brow! Yahoooo!!!!
Hope you were interested in my Ted-Talk. I'll see ya round, tankheads. :)