Hi! I'm very new here, even though I've had this account for a while.
I'm RudieRadioWaves, or Rudie, or just Michele.
I draw, I sort of write, I attempt to code, and I like every type of media out there.
It's great to be here!
Hi! I'm very new here, even though I've had this account for a while.
I'm RudieRadioWaves, or Rudie, or just Michele.
I draw, I sort of write, I attempt to code, and I like every type of media out there.
It's great to be here!
i'm cayddn. after hearing a lot about this place i decided to check it out and see what the community is like. i don't really do much but i do like seeing other people's creations.
At 2/23/15 05:22 PM, TomFulp wrote:New to NG or the NG forums? Introduce yourself in this thread! What brought you to NG?
You should also check out the Forum Rules and the FAQ while you're here!
Everyone else, feel free to welcome new users are they arrive!
Yo What's up, i made my account in february and since im not a full professional, i do ms paint art, i pull some of my efforts to do something good for the community to expose my characters to the people of NG
if you guys want, since im new to the community, you guys can check my ms paint art
I'm Mint and I'm fuckin awbsom
I remember going on this site a lot as a kid but I don't think I've ever actually made an account until now, tbh I thought this site was probably on the verge of death or something until the game brought a bunch of attention towards here again. Very happy to see NG get attention again and I look forward to seeing what people make here going forward.
i freakin love newgronfdss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Tom, I am Clox or nowadays CF/Cat Face but the world easily recognize me as Clox more so Clox it is
I became a member more than a decade ago but I checked the website a few years more before I became an official member
Anyways I've been introduced to this site through game parodies and some original series in which I became a big fan, the oldest I can remember is the legendary SF VS MK series in which made me appreciate the hell out of fighting animations and in terms of original material I saw Oscar Johanson's Castle Stick series which I also became a big a fan of and I wouldn't be sure I would have found it before if it wasn't for it to appear on the front page
Road of the dead is one of the games I became a huge fan of (which makes me wish for a re-master or that game being ported to modern consoles) and made me appreciate independent creations long before indie games were a thing
There are too many great memories for me to put it in here but this is a 'New user introduction' thread and I never thought of checking out forums until recently so I am a big fan and I became a 1-year longtime supporter
Alright, that's it, for now, i gotta get back to work, I love this website so much <3
Me and my mother enjoyed Flash, Shockwave and Unity games for many years. I as a Kongregator from 2011-2016 and she on Facebook. We abandoned gaming entirely when it started to affect my grades and her free time. But here I am! And now I hope I can give back something of my own.
Hey, hi, should have posted here last night.
I go by Sarah or Sam. I'm plenty old enough to remember classic internet(34) and used to watch a lotta toons and play a lotta games on here back in the day. I. Technically had an account before this, but have long forgotten the information for it and this is my first time posting my own content and trying to become an active part of the community, so let's just consider me new in that sense.
I like video games, cartoons/anime, classic horror, and most importantly my CAT. I haven't posted much yet, but I do draw. Not much else to say, I guess. Hi!
I knew that NG existed for years, but I finally decided to make an account here so that I could properly enjoy the experience. Anyway, if anyone remembers an old game known as 'Worlds Adrift' I'd love to swap stories about our times playing it.
The Admiral
bro look at this guy theyre groovin
if you guys want, you can check in my art gallery a drawing where zoid is holding the megaphone from dave the barbarian
Hi! I ended up here after getting way too into FNF and seeing pico's school everywhere I went.
So far I'm liking it here . It's like older deviantart but 100x better
hi, my name is AJ. I'm just someone who likes FPS games and cats. I also love to draw (I have no idea how good I am at it though, but I think I have kind of a decent grasp on it.) and I absolutley love metal gear awesome and pico's school.
"i regret nothing (except shoving a cactus up my asshole)" - postal dude
Hello, I'm squibbly, I make animesque illustrations and I'm beginning to learn many mediums of digital art such as graphic design and 3D modeling. Happy to join such a neat site
hey!! I'm Smoketopus and I also have a lot of nostalgia for the site from when I was younger and it got me interested in first making flash content and animations, I made this account a couple years ago but i'm only just now finally starting to use it to post my art of robots and stuff haha
its nice to meet nyall
Uhhh hi, its me, creating-creator!
I make art, cartoons, and in the future comics
Hi guys :]
At 3/9/21 05:40 PM, smoketopus wrote:hey!! I'm Smoketopus and I also have a lot of nostalgia for the site from when I was younger and it got me interested in first making flash content and animations, I made this account a couple years ago but i'm only just now finally starting to use it to post my art of robots and stuff haha
its nice to meet nyall
Robots you say? You should participate in this year's Robot Day.
Hey I'm Phoenix, or Phi for short. Or you can call me by my username if that works best!
I joined last month, trying to spread my wings around the Internet. I mostly draw Sonic, Doom and vocal synth fanart, but I also draw OCs as well as fanart of other franchises, but those are the main ones!
I'm also the author of a Sonic fancomic called SONIC MARS. If you're interested in that sort of thing there is a link to it on my profile. I have many ideas for both original and more fanart-based works in the future.
At 3/14/21 02:49 PM, CrystalPinesGF wrote:Hello, I like to make animations and I'm currently working on a secret fangame project, I don't know what I will do here but hopefully I can make some friends to talk to and learn more about this site.
Hey there! You can be my crystal pines GF any day...
For real though, Glad to have ya and I hope that fangame comes out great!
I hope we can be friends, anyone with binary in their bio is instantly cool in my book.
I need a tanning bed, a 3D life to keep me from the cold.
Yo, I'm Warp (name wasn't available, so I used another one instead lol)
I lurked quite a lot in here but my lazy ass never actually made an account...until now
I love Newgrounds a lot and I'm happy to be here!
Yo, I'm Hyena/Greila (whichever is fine), used to lurk from time to time but with the fnf craze I decided to make an account! I'm an artist and I'm from latinamerica. Nice to meet you!
At 3/17/21 06:13 PM, Greila wrote:Yo, I'm Hyena/Greila (whichever is fine), used to lurk from time to time but with the fnf craze I decided to make an account! I'm an artist and I'm from latinamerica. Nice to meet you!
im from latinamerica too, i'm a ms paint artist, check my new art i uploaded where marina and shanks (both OCs i made) meet daddy dearest
I never introduced myself and I'm pretty new to the forums even though I've been on the site a few years. My name is Jazzhat, in addition to the types of drawings and cartoons I post online I also like to oil paint and whittle. I'm experimenting with sound editing and mixing, which I expect to feature in future cartoons. Thanks for being an awesome community for the past three years I've been here!!
Hey, I just made this account a few days ago, I had browsed this site and might have had an account about 10 years ago though the email that would've been on is long gone and who knows what name it had. I just recently came back here to play a bunch of games I used to as well as some newer ones (you know THE one.)
I never really interacted on the forums much though I lurked. My name is Tanner, I don't really do anything really artistic as of right now but I've been working on getting better at sketches so that's possibly something I might start doing on here. I collect soda and really enjoy talking about games and music. I'm not as edgy as I used to be but apparently this forum isn't as edgy as it used to be either so I'm sure we can get along just fine :)
Hi! I'm Quad1996, I joined newgrounds because I grew bored of deviantart, too cringie.
and also wanted to share my art with a better community. I grew up playing flash games and played sometimes games at newgrounds. (btw, you can simply call me quad)
i am a 1 yr old littel infant toddler i shlap my brush all over da canvas baybeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo, I’m monkeyarch, cam here because ninjamuffin talking about how great NG was, so I wanted to check it out.
At 3/19/21 10:15 PM, monkeyarch16 wrote:Yo, I’m monkeyarch, cam here because ninjamuffin talking about how great NG was, so I wanted to check it out.
im also new, i made my account back in february, i make ms paint art, if you want, check my ms paint art gallery
Sup, i'm both nervous and new for random reasons!
Joined from the sheer coindence of a recommended song in youtube being one i actually like, and a game that i started liking having acheivements. Not sure if or how i'd use this account, but like in my profile, i'm an artist, kinda dead animator and a gamer! Oh and i welcome everyone else above me, <3
Hello. My name is H. Anibal and I am Latin American. I used to use NG a few years ago because of GD. I made an account at that period, but I never used it until now.