In the blackest times
Thru the most fervent of pain
There was always you
In the blackest times
Thru the most fervent of pain
There was always you
I almost forgot
But I've got ten minutes still
I'll have to work fast
¿El aula cuál es?
Debe ser aquí, creo
Parece que no
Je veux un peu d'aide
Aujourd'hui je ne l'ai pas
Et c'est vraiment drôle
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
I wanted to write
A haiku, but I think that
I've forgotten how.
This page is in French
This distinctly English page
That's what I was told
Ya no hay nada
Casi nada había
Hemos llegado
Je suis si assez
Tout m'est en train de briser
Le monde me deteste
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
When She Was There
Along the sidewalk
We just laughed all the way home
And she was right there
Oh how we chuckled
Our lives at our peak, our best
And she was right there
A laugh as golden
As the person it comes from
With ponytailed hair
The search continues
For a girl with half the smile
Still hard not to stare
But now I look back
On the years of tearless love
When she was right there
The road lies behind.
Broken, scarred, never again
Glimpsed by mortal eyes.
Just keep putting one
Foot in front of the other.
The road lies ahead.
Four in the after
Four in the after
The sun slowly sinks to blue
Like the titanic
Along the sidewalk
The dead leaf congregation
Dominating the trail
A friend says goodbye
While someone’s dog says hello
Seventy degrees
A pickup league game
Your school against another
Has started nearby
Home is not too far
You’re just about shivering
The girl walks over
Four in the after
She smiles, looking straight at you
She looks titanic
Evening statistics
Dressed to impress, for no reason
It was fixed for free
Discusión larga
Es nada importante
Quieren discutir
Une classe ennuyeuse
Et c'est la seule classe du jour
En outre, aux sept heures
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Batteries are done
My screwdriver is too big
I've got a wrist belt
"Ya lo miraré" dije
Allá en marzo
Grand accomplissement
Après presque trois ans d'efforts
Vraiment inspirant
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
When the plane crashes
And her brilliant eyes are
Ever turned to salt
Seems impossible
Not to believe, truth or not
That it was your fault.
A new song to learn
Seems mostly pentatonic
Shouldn't be too hard
Tendré un final
Vendrá, no lo notaré
Es raro eso
Ces gens ne restent pas
Trois cents minutes de musique
Dans seulement douze mois
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Last Chance
And as she walks by
To heaven we prey that you
Don’t screw this one up.
"Shouldn't be too hard"
Was tempting fate with that one
And look at me now
Casi dos meses
Pero no me confío
Es poco tiempo
Je les ai fait rire
Et il n'a fallu qu'une heure
Je suis fier de moi
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
What Has Happened?
They were good, great friends
Now forums take up this life
What has happened here?
Life is like the tide—
Chance meetings that ebb and flow
As the Moon wills it.
Much like gravity,
Unseen magnetic forces
Attract and repel.
While some few remain
Within our orbit, many
Remain more transient.
Though their presence will
Be missed, each encounter has
A ripple effect.
Reaching out, touching,
Then moving on, all the while
Expanding outward.
Played it perfectly
Have to record again though
With less weird faces
Se puede hacer
Hay que determinarse
Pero se puede
Trop de ce passe-temps
Mais jamais assez, il semble
Une malédiction
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Free time? What free time?
You gave up that sort of thing
When you came back here
Una idea
Podría ser muy tonta
Pero es algo
Je suis trop têtu
Ce sera ma mort un jour
Et je serai fier
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
An army of one.
Let the bodies hit the floor.
Madness Day is here.
Serial re-runs
Cartoons, chatting, clattering
I wish I was deaf
Hoy escribiré
Y será aburrido
No es mi culpa
J'ai des opinions
Je ne m'engage pas à les
J'ai la flemme de ça
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
The end of summer
I've been waiting for this day
Since three months ago
¡Hice un poco!
¿Ahora haré mucho?
No. Claro que no.
Cien pages de préfaces
Je m'apprête à les lire toutes
Et voilà ma vie
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
The job is to tell
A joke as great as her looks
For the sake of her
And then all is well
You both laugh at what you’ve done
For the sake of her
Stayed from three to nine
When I could've left at five
Thinking otherwise
Ya concluiré
Conclusiones: Ningunas
Muchas gracias
Joie vindicative
Pas de scrupules aujourd'hui
Ils ne me servent pas
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Six-thirty alarm
But got up at ten past eight
It's been a long week
Hoy fui al cine
Ahí pasaron cosas
Cosas normales
Déjà fatigué
Je pensais être préparé
Tort, comme d'habitude
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Early to rise and
Early to bed? Healthy, sure...
But socially dead.
Monday is coming
But there's been a schedule change
Just one hour of class
Tienen cosas que decir
Y dichos serán
Une compétition
Trois choses veulent mon attention
Ça fait trop de choses
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Your Job
Always remember
With the trouble of this life
Just enough to sob
As long as she’s here
And you’ve made her face light up
You have done your job.
You still haunt me, cunt
A mother should be loving
Not an abuser
i cant be myself
until i can love myself
i cant love myself
til i find myself
and i cannot find myself
if i cut myself
but i am in luck
for i cannot hurt myself
if i kill myself
Tired but determined
I'm two thirds of the way there
I can manage this
Hay que largarme
Pero todavía no
Porque soy tonto
Il y a des fois
Dans lesquelles je me déteste
C'est une de ces fois
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Only got one brain
And too much to do with it
Mostly my own fault
Un mal hábito
Es díficil de romper
Y vuelve fácil
Je m'endors en classe
N'est pas pour le contenu
(Mais il ne m'aide pas)
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno