Tell opeth that bonemill said "Its not the lowest form of wit, its the only thing that some idiots can get through their heads. Don't mock me whilst I cant defend myself"

Tell opeth that bonemill said "Its not the lowest form of wit, its the only thing that some idiots can get through their heads. Don't mock me whilst I cant defend myself"
At 6/23/07 09:15 PM, diahrea-man wrote: Anyone hear listen to old black metal or do you dudes basically listen to just deathmetal and the lot..>
I listen to neither.
I like prog, folk, power, avant-garde, thrash, doom, traditional/heavy or whatever, some stoner, and a tiny bit of sludge. I don't listen to death metal or black metal.
At 6/22/07 11:58 PM, TheVMaster wrote: Could anyone around here point me towards some good pirate/drinking metal.
for pirates, Running Wild
for drinking, Tankard
great stuff
two questions,
1. i'm trying to get into kreator, which of their albums should i get first?
2. can someone recommend me some good thrash and/or groove metal bands?
At 6/23/07 07:11 PM, Crowler wrote: Tell opeth that bonemill said "Its not the lowest form of wit, its the only thing that some idiots can get through their heads. Don't mock me whilst I cant defend myself"
I was not mocking him, but simply mentioning how I dislike the picture.
Also the conjunction of while and still would not sound as well as 'while'. He said " don't mock me while still I can't defend myself."
That's me mocking you. But seriously, no hard feelings mate.
And just like that....he was gone...
At 6/23/07 02:59 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:At 6/23/07 02:26 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote:I'm ignoring you.At 6/23/07 02:15 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Who listened to Ziltoid the Omniscient?If by listen to you mean vomit uncontrollably then yeah.
Anyone else?
I did.
At 6/23/07 10:15 PM, StealThisAlias wrote: two questions,
1. i'm trying to get into kreator, which of their albums should i get first?
Pleasure to kill and Violent Revolution
2. can someone recommend me some good thrash and/or groove metal bands?
2 Ton Predator
Slaughter (Canadian)
At 6/23/07 09:41 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
:: for pirates, Running Wild
for drinking, Tankard
korpiklannigreat stuff
Yea i've heard some Tankard, there pretty good. i've only heard a little bit of Running Wild, from what i heard they have a stong Iron Maiden influence
At 6/22/07 01:48 PM, TheBasics wrote: Yeah, percisely what I'm here for. Ok and to start of the learning experience, what do you consider you favorite band?
My top ten. No particular order.
The Black Dahlia Murder
older Lamb of God
Vital Remains
Amon Amarth
Defiantly check out TBDM and Nile.
At 6/23/07 09:15 PM, diahrea-man wrote: Anyone hear listen to old black metal or do you dudes basically listen to just deathmetal and the lot..>
There are a few black metal listeners around. I listen to death and folk metal. Most of us here listen to power metal. (I'm not a fan.)
Is Anybody Pantera Fans here?
4.Ozzy Osbourne
5.Cannibal Corpse
At 6/23/07 09:15 PM, diahrea-man wrote: Anyone hear listen to old black metal or do you dudes basically listen to just deathmetal and the lot..>
Depends what you mean by old black metal really :P
Carpathian Forest
Dark Funeral
Deathspell Omega
Hate Forest
Judas iscariot
Limbonic Art
Lurker of Chalice
The Meads of Asphodel
Negura Bunget
Order of The Ebon Hand
Peste noire
Samael (old)
Shores of Sheol :P
vlad tepes
thats my list of black metal bands i dunno what you would class as old in there :P
At 6/24/07 03:25 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: What's black metal?
black metal basically is to do with religion, satanism, paganism, spells and demons etc. the guitar work is usually fast paced alternate picking with the drums doing blast beats.
At 6/24/07 04:40 AM, insipidmortal wrote:At 6/24/07 03:25 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: What's black metal?black metal basically is to do with religion, satanism, paganism, spells and demons etc. the guitar work is usually fast paced alternate picking with the drums doing blast beats.
What's sarcasm?
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 6/24/07 04:46 AM, Oppugnant wrote:At 6/24/07 04:40 AM, insipidmortal wrote:What's sarcasm?At 6/24/07 03:25 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: What's black metal?black metal basically is to do with religion, satanism, paganism, spells and demons etc. the guitar work is usually fast paced alternate picking with the drums doing blast beats.
aww dont pick on the poor boy he only meant to help, funny about the guy he was explaining black metal to though, of all the people in this thread :P :D
At 6/24/07 05:18 AM, Charon wrote:At 6/24/07 04:46 AM, Oppugnant wrote:aww dont pick on the poor boy he only meant to help, funny about the guy he was explaining black metal to though, of all the people in this thread :P :D
What's sarcasm?
ahh fuck, i didnt realise, i feel like an idiot.
At 6/23/07 02:15 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Who listened to Ziltoid the Omniscient?
Not me.
You going to kill me now? :P
At 6/23/07 09:41 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: for drinking, Tankard
What's their best album or some of their best songs? I need to check them out.
At 6/24/07 01:34 AM, TheVMaster wrote: i've only heard a little bit of Running Wild, from what i heard they have a stong Iron Maiden influence
To me, they sounded more like the old days of Helloween and Blind Guardian. Well, Under Jolly Roger album did.
At 6/24/07 06:51 AM, insipidmortal wrote: ahh fuck, i didnt realise, i feel like an idiot.
i wouldnt worry its the newgrounds experience, you're gonna feel like and idiot most of the time on here, i certainly do :P
At 6/24/07 07:23 AM, Charon wrote:
i wouldnt worry its the newgrounds experience, you're gonna feel like and idiot most of the time on here, i certainly do :P
yea, i tend to do it a lot.
well, I'd like to take this chance to introduce myself. Its a nice start. I listen to folk metal mostly. Like korpiklaani, ensiferum, ulver, agalloch, and a few other metal bands (king diamond, iron maiden, deicide, krisiun, megadeth, racer x, etc.)
At 6/24/07 07:39 AM, insipidmortal wrote: well, I'd like to take this chance to introduce myself. Its a nice start. I listen to folk metal mostly. Like korpiklaani, ensiferum, ulver, agalloch, and a few other metal bands (king diamond, iron maiden, deicide, krisiun, megadeth, racer x, etc.)
well, you will have to wait for one of the horsemen (either Goatchrist, Ghoul, Batman or Idiosyncratic) to accept you officially but that looks like a pretty decent list to me :)
At 6/24/07 07:50 AM, Charon wrote:
well, you will have to wait for one of the horsemen (either Goatchrist, Ghoul, Batman or Idiosyncratic) to accept you officially but that looks like a pretty decent list to me :)
im also a musician, i play mostly black metal, folk, and a few covers every now and then.
I got a few albums today, all Axel Rudi Pell:
The Ballads 2-Meh
Kings and Queens-Win
Oceans of Time-Win
The Wizard's Chosen Few-Win, Win, Winity, Win.
At 6/24/07 08:01 AM, insipidmortal wrote: im also a musician, i play mostly black metal, folk, and a few covers every now and then.
Nice, nice. Welcome to the club, novice :)
At 6/23/07 05:48 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote: which album(s) do you have of them? i've only got Beyond The Wandering Moon but i love it.
I only have "...And So the Night Became" so far, and while it's certainly a bit overrated, it's a good album.
3 bands to check out:
Dublin Death Patrol
Carnal Forge
Got the gear, got the gas, got compression. My direction is cast to the concrete.
I am a motor musician, moving to the asphalt beat.
Finished recording a new song for The Serpant King (new album) called 'The Verge of Doom', it's an intro to the rest of the album, and opens up with some power chords, then progresses to a nice riff. (And by riff I mean a lot of quickly played E minor and partial G7 chords)
It'll pretty much be nothing but 7 instrumentals, a Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana cover, and a Silent Angel-Axel Rudi Pell cover. As for the genre, think acoustic rock combined with power metal, with the teeniest bit of punk thrown in for good measure.
Can't put it up on NG until I get a mic. At the moment, it's stuck on my brother's Zen.
Random fact for the day that I wouldn't have known if I hadn't have checked Metal Archives:
Matt Heafy from Trivium fucking plays in Capharnaum D:
Sorry, but my respect for that guy just went up a bucketload.
At 6/24/07 02:13 PM, jarrydn wrote: Sorry, but my respect for that guy just went up a bucketload.
Is it even possible? Matt Heafy in a band that doesn't suck!? Nah, can't be. :)
Got the gear, got the gas, got compression. My direction is cast to the concrete.
I am a motor musician, moving to the asphalt beat.
At 6/24/07 02:52 PM, maverick-mechanic wrote:At 6/24/07 02:13 PM, jarrydn wrote: Sorry, but my respect for that guy just went up a bucketload.Is it even possible? Matt Heafy in a band that doesn't suck!? Nah, can't be. :)
you mean this doesnt suck??? sounds pretty poo to me, i dunno i might have picked a bad track on youtube