At 3/31/07 11:05 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: speed/power metal
I like a lot of power metal, but my favorites are Angra, Helloween, and Stratovarius.
And I don't listen to much doom metal, but apparently, Black Sabbath is partially doom, so I'll go with them. The Everdark Green by Skepticism is also pretty good. There's Witchfinder General as well. They're somehow supposed to be doom. I haven't listened to much of their music, though.
At 4/1/07 12:08 PM, Kronik-The-Echidna wrote: Heavy Metal: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, GWAR, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple etc.
Oh, well if Deep Purple counts as heavy metal, then I'd include them, too. They're one of my favorite bands.