At 3/25/07 12:42 AM, TehPhilippe wrote: to share your problems with the hell or is it personal?
Just because I don't feel like typing that LONG ass story again, here is the AIM version.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: me, tieto, kelly, this girl bri, and james
BURNEDALIVEbaby: smoke 4 bongs
BURNEDALIVEbaby: around 8
BURNEDALIVEbaby: kelly and bri left around 11
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and after, tieto rolled this fat as fuck tulip with TWO joints on it.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: it musta been 2.5
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so now its like 245 in the morning.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and its me, james, quintin, tieto, and me
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and we are in my shed, and we smoke the wwhhhhhoooolllleeee thhing
*****: u said me 2 times
BURNEDALIVEbaby: i know
*****: damn
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and then i start feeling sick as shit
*****: lol
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and i just put my head in my lap
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so like 20 minutes pass and then tietos like YO I GOTTA GO GET YOUR BONG!!
BURNEDALIVEbaby: but my bong is in my room lol
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so here is tieto, high as shit climbing into my window .
BURNEDALIVEbaby: he gets it, comes back out. he knows my dad saw him. my dad told me he knew we were in the shed.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and he lets my dog out. while my dogs out, i puke.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: then puke again
BURNEDALIVEbaby: and again
BURNEDALIVEbaby: then i smell the smell and puke 3 more times
*****: damn
BURNEDALIVEbaby: (it smelt really, really bad)
*****: tht shit waz lacr=ed]
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so then they finish the roach in the bong. and then we just chill in there for like 15 minutes. then we are like TIME TO GO!
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so now its like 4 in the morning and we walk out
BURNEDALIVEbaby: tieto falls down and realizes how high he is.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: (he fell right were my dog shits and had shit stains all over his pants)
*****: lol
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so we walk out to my front stoop and tieto goes to sleep right there.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: we wait like 8 minutes.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: he gets up outta nowhere and is like OH SHIT KYLE! I GOTTA USE YOUR BATHROOM.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: im like NO.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: im like whatever.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so he gets up, makes it halfway through my driveway, pukes, goes into convulsions for like a minutes then just lays there.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: while this is going on, i have my head in my lap just laying there.
BURNEDALIVEbaby: i mean sitting
*****: lol sounds like a nite for tha books
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so james and quinton (they didnt smoke it right) are like MAN WE GOTTA GO CHECK ON TIETO so i say ok, get up and go check on him
BURNEDALIVEbaby: we walk back there and tieto is in the far corner of my backyard, squatting, puking, and then he just yells YO DONT COME OVER HERE, MY PANTS ARE DOWN
BURNEDALIVEbaby: lololol
BURNEDALIVEbaby: so we walk back to bens and go to sleep.
Pretty interesting story.
My friend obviously can't spell.