At 6/1/04 08:47 PM, Fusionguy wrote:At 6/1/04 05:51 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: That many bands = O_OYou must listen to lots and lots of metal O.o! Oh and hola.
Yeah I do!!!! Like really much!!
At 6/1/04 08:01 PM, -HeadBanger- wrote:At 6/1/04 05:51 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: a million bandsDamn! That was a lot :) Well, I don'´t need more I think, thank you.
Where did you get to know them all?
Well I listen to a lot of group and by mistake some times I fall on random one... as simple as that but I have a large basic knowledge of it... here's my really really favorite :
BouncingSouls,CannibalCorpse, ,Kittie,Live,,Anonymus,ArchEnemy,,Castlevania,Children of Bodom,ClayPeople,Disturbes,Cradle Of Filth,CKY,DarkTranquillity,Dissection,Flaw,IcedEarth,Imperio,InFlames,Injec
ted,Iron Maiden,Kamelot,Klamydia,KoRn,Kreator,Luca Turilli,MadCaddies,Metallica,NightWish,Nirvana,Rancid,P.O.D.,Pantera,QuoVad
ca,Soulfly,StaticX,Stratovarius,System of a Down,Taproot,Blind Guardian,Mushroomhead, kamelot, dragonforce, hammerfall,Battlelore,Falconer,Summoning, Deftones, Rage Against the Machine,
I'm probably missing some ;)
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