At 10/10/06 08:17 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Its easy to see that you guys listen to underground music, cause thats the tipycal reaction that your kind of people have towards that type of music.
I don't want to continue a dead argument, so read this in the lightest possible way...
I don't.... and I still don't like CoB. Look at my profile, they're all popular bands in terms of their genre. Plus I listen to loads of Power Metal. Hardly underground tr00 kvlt stuff...
And there are reason's beyond popularity that can make people dislike a band. People who dislike a band cause they become popular are lame and I agree with you in that sense. Its only when the band play for the mainstream fans when they get truely gay and sell outy.
But I've never liked Bodom, so if you accuse me of not liking their latest efforts due to popularity or something then you'd be wrong. I've never even heard Are You Dead Yet (newest album?). I've mainly heard Hatebreeder stuff and its poor in my opinion.
At 10/10/06 11:00 PM, CptnJarrrrrydn wrote:
Just saw Cannibal Corpse. It was 100% amazing.
Kewl :).
My tickets for Necro came today :D. And I might being going to see Exodus and Biomechanical on the 1st November if I get tics.
And what are lulz.... I'm scared.. :(