At 9/28/06 11:31 PM, Hellraiser wrote: You are now officially banned from life
you are on a 3 day time out
How did they get so popular in such a sort time boggles my mind they dont really write amazing music.
At 9/28/06 11:31 PM, Hellraiser wrote: You are now officially banned from life
you are on a 3 day time out
How did they get so popular in such a sort time boggles my mind they dont really write amazing music.
At 9/29/06 01:24 AM, KozmoKramer wrote:At 9/28/06 11:31 PM, Hellraiser wrote: You are now officially banned from lifeHow did they get so popular in such a sort time boggles my mind they dont really write amazing music.
you are on a 3 day time out
Speaking of DF, I have found the band that outcheeses them by thousands of degrees. The band is called Power Quest. And they have officially made my ears turn to cheese.
At 9/29/06 02:06 AM, AtomikWarTerrorizor wrote: And they have officially made my ears turn to cheese.
Wow, thats what DF did to me, I wonder what this band'll do. God, i'm keeping my distance.
At 9/29/06 01:24 AM, KozmoKramer wrote:At 9/28/06 11:31 PM, Hellraiser wrote: You are now officially banned from lifeHow did they get so popular in such a sort time boggles my mind they dont really write amazing music.
you are on a 3 day time out
It seems like skills appeal to a lot of people. Unless you're a tr00 |3 |_ /-\ ( |< |\/| 3 ¨|¨ /-\ |_ |_ | § ¨|¨, In which case "technique kills all the emotion of the music." ;)
At 9/29/06 04:30 AM, Tuovila wrote: It seems like skills appeal to a lot of people.
Its not skill, its just add-on recording. They play the songs, then over-dub some dribble onto it.
True story
At 9/29/06 04:32 AM, Phantom-Lord wrote: Its not skill, its just add-on recording. They play the songs, then over-dub some dribble onto it.
True story
Newsflash. All bands overdub in the studio.
At 9/29/06 04:36 AM, CptnJarrrrrydn wrote: Newsflash. All bands overdub in the studio.
Good point. But Dragonforce....... um....... are not betterer. So there.
At 9/29/06 02:06 AM, AtomikWarTerrorizor wrote: Speaking of DF, I have found the band that outcheeses them by thousands of degrees. The band is called Power Quest. And they have officially made my ears turn to cheese.
ahem, didn't I introduce you to Power Quest?
At 9/29/06 01:24 AM, KozmoKramer wrote: How did they get so popular in such a sort time boggles my mind they dont really write amazing music.
Its cause Herman Li has fucking long hair. And hair length is proportional to amazingness.
At 9/29/06 02:06 AM, AtomikWarTerrorizor wrote: Speaking of DF, I have found the band that outcheeses them by thousands of degrees. The band is called Power Quest. And they have officially made my ears turn to cheese.
Lets look at the Line Up:
Steve Scott - Bass (DragonHeart (UK))
Steve Williams - Keyboards (ex-DragonHeart (UK))
Sam Totman - Guitars (DragonForce)
Dragonheart (UK) = Dragonforce.
So yeah... they practically are Dragonforce.
At 9/29/06 04:30 AM, Tuovila wrote:At 9/29/06 01:24 AM, KozmoKramer wrote:It seems like skills appeal to a lot of people. Unless you're a tr00 |3 |_ /-\ ( |< |\/| 3 ¨|¨ /-\ |_ |_ | § ¨|¨, In which case "technique kills all the emotion of the music." ;)At 9/28/06 11:31 PM, Hellraiser wrote: You are now officially banned from lifeHow did they get so popular in such a sort time boggles my mind they dont really write amazing music.
you are on a 3 day time out
That's not true... I don't know where you got that idea. Most black metal is actually very technical, be it the drums or the tremolo picked riffs, seeing as most bm is played at high speed. The difference is that black metal doesn't center around technicality, but around songwriting.
At 9/29/06 12:48 PM, Nev wrote:At 9/29/06 02:06 AM, AtomikWarTerrorizor wrote: Speaking of DF, I have found the band that outcheeses them by thousands of degrees. The band is called Power Quest. And they have officially made my ears turn to cheese.Lets look at the Line Up:
Steve Scott - Bass (DragonHeart (UK))
Steve Williams - Keyboards (ex-DragonHeart (UK))
Sam Totman - Guitars (DragonForce)
Dragonheart (UK) = Dragonforce.
So yeah... they practically are Dragonforce.
But cheesier. Just because they share 2 members doesn't mean they ARE the band. If that were the case, the entire Norwegian BM scene would be one band. ;)
At 9/29/06 02:34 PM, Terrorful wrote: lamb of god. is my favourite
Name more bands..Lamb Of God just borders on metal anyway.
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 9/29/06 04:45 PM, Hellraiser wrote: im already tired of the band, the songs sound the same to me now, i belive they play the ame riffs for every song, but change the lyrics
I'm scared to listen to anything other than Operation Ground and Pound because I like the damn song so much I dont want any reason not to like it anymore.
At 9/29/06 04:45 PM, Hellraiser wrote: im already tired of the band, the songs sound the same to me now, i belive they play the ame riffs for every song, but change the lyrics
They do.... Dragonforce aren't about riffs. They're about cheesey, lyrics, fastness and guitar solos....
..but most importantly... Herman Li's hair :D.
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 9/29/06 07:01 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: I'm going to Gigantour tomorrow. YAY
Joy. I get to go to a Homecoming at which I'll have to sit through all the radio crap that's been released lately. I cant wait for the crowd's reaction when Sexy Back comes on.
At 9/29/06 07:13 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote:At 9/29/06 07:01 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: I'm going to Gigantour tomorrow. YAYJoy. I get to go to a Homecoming at which I'll have to sit through all the radio crap that's been released lately. I cant wait for the crowd's reaction when Sexy Back comes on.
Sounds like a few people I know. I've been known to beat the crap out of anyone that I know who says that.
I'M BRINGING SEXY BACK. My sister will NOT stop saying that. I am thinking of selling her in prostitution if she says it again.
Some ether and a rag. I'll do it when she's sleeping. teehee
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 9/29/06 08:00 PM, Hellraiser wrote: Cryptopsy = fucking great band
my friend introduced me to them, from everything i've ehard, they kick ass
I find them horribly generic. I can't think of anything that distinguishes them from any other generic death band.
At 9/29/06 08:00 PM, Hellraiser wrote: Cryptopsy = fucking great band
my friend introduced me to them, from everything i've ehard, they kick ass
Death is better. Every song on Scream Bloody Gore will get stuck in your head for weeks.
At 9/29/06 08:18 PM, Hellraiser wrote: The only problem with that album is that all the songs sound the sames, i think its a boring album
That is the folly of man...
Finally got a hold of ATOTM by Blind Guardian today off of itunes its pretty good I also bought Necroticism from Carcass both great stuff i'm completely metalled out this week I have like two local shows to go too plus dealing with the "scene" faggy hair hardcore kids w/tight pants this isnt going to be fun lol.
At 9/29/06 08:18 PM, Hellraiser wrote: Scream bloody gore, the only problem witht that album is that all the songs sound the sames, i think its a boring album
If you cant tell the difference between 'Zombie Ritual' and 'Evil Dead' I dont know what to tell you.
Lol naming an album, "Evil Dead"? Do they have NO fear of copyright infringement???
I think I'm the only person ever who doesn't like the first two Death albums.
At 9/29/06 08:55 PM, CptnJarrrrrydn wrote: I think I'm the only person ever who doesn't like the first two Death albums.
Holy crap you didn't????????? YOU ARE HEREBY KICKED OUT OF METAL HELL!!!!!!!
Nah, it's cool ;)
At 9/29/06 07:01 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: I'm going to Gigantour tomorrow. YAY
Shit, you lucky bastard.
On an unrelated note, I completely hate Chirs Barnes shitty vocal style, he ruins nearly every song he sings with his lame stoned death grunts.