At 9/23/06 12:37 AM, Hemlok wrote:
I have been considering joining this crew for a while now and decided to see if I could. My favorite bands are in my profile and are in no particular order. I love many other bands as well, ones that I can name on the top of my head are:
Blind Guardian
Twisted Sister
Massive Respect for Dee Snider but not a fan
Quiet Riot
Meh not sure on hair metal
Yes but i've grown out of them : (
Black Sabbath
Iced Earth
Im a big fan of Horrorshow and Darksaga
Rage Against The Machine
Not metal
Good old school stuff
I actually think I enjoy one of your songs
Not one for this band they've got a decent sound but there metal core i think
There are a lot more then that. So am I in?
I would say yes but you need to post a couple more bands for us to see where you stand it's not a bad thing that you've got a couple of hair metal bands in there it's just not my thing either Goatchrist or Totallyspies(Duffknol I think?) will let you in but just keep posting till they evalute you.