At 8/23/06 03:49 PM, DnX_Danefex wrote: quick question for you guys
black sabbath or ozzy.
Ozzy, but I bet the majority will say sabbath.
At 8/23/06 03:49 PM, DnX_Danefex wrote: quick question for you guys
black sabbath or ozzy.
Ozzy, but I bet the majority will say sabbath.
At 8/23/06 03:59 PM, Shredding_Death wrote: Ozzy, but I bet the majority will say sabbath.
I'll also say Ozzy for the sake of the question, in that Rhoads was a more entertaining guitarist than Iommi.
But Nev... Iommi invented the world of metal... blah blah... I don't care.
Hopefully there'd be a hidden third option that said Dragonforce :D.
I think I might have joined up ages ago but I'm not sure if I did or not, anyway I'd like to join so ill list a few bands that im into.
Arch Enemy
Children of Bodom
Demons & Wizards
Iced Earth
Judus Priest
Blind Guardian
Older Metallica
I have a few others im to lazy to list right now. So ya thats about it
"Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."
~Henry Rollins
At 8/23/06 04:15 PM, -Nev- wrote:
rhoads sucked donkey balls. he sucked so much i dont capitalize his last
At 8/22/06 11:35 PM, Jombo wrote: Anyone hear Deicide's new song? It's really great, they have a music video fot it too at their website. (
I'm really looking forward to their new album, The Stench of Redemption.
I heard it a while ago and I must say I'm very impressed. Mind's not really Deicide really does sound more like Vital Remains to me :P. That's the first melodic solo i've ever heard in a Deicide song :P. Also, Jack's solo was terrible :(. But besides that, I enjoyed the song overall :)
At 8/22/06 11:32 PM, Phantom_Lord wrote:At 8/22/06 10:59 PM, Senor_Peligro wrote: nope, and after the monstocity that was St. Anger i really don't want to hear anything by any other one of the Big Four of American Thrash anymore. Honestly i don't like ANY thrash all that much, execpt Kreator, Annihilation, Venom, and Death. I hope they realize that they suck at music, PERIOD.AGH! Big Four are like my thing man. Except maybe Anthrax, they weren't as good as the rest, and Metallica went crap, so I guess that just leaves megadeth and slayer, but AGH! I always knew you guys were into the newer shit, but god, don't insult the big four! Well, actually just don't insult Megadeth and Slayer. They'll kick your fuckin' Kreator anyday (I like Venom and Death, and I don't know Annihilation).
Well, I don't like the big four because of the fact that 3/4 of the Big Four SOLD OUT. (I like Anthrax, they're from my neighborhood and they rock but) Annihilation was a typo i meant Annihilator, and DONT YOU DARE DISS KREATOR. Slayer was awesome AT ONE POINT. I have no idea why they became nu-metal, and listening to Christ Illusion once again makes me realize that it is only SLIGHTLY better than God Hates Us All. Megadeth just annoys me for their incredible lack of origniality. How do you like thrash and not like German Thrash, Sodom, Destruction, and Kreator? The Big Three of German Thrash. Those bands have been around since 86' and they are definetly not new. Please open your ears, you'll understand that there is more than the Big Four, and Vio-Lence is definetly worth checking out, if you like Bay Area thrash.
Here I am, bored with everything.
Oh, and if anybody's a veteran on MA, can you update Kali Yuga? I'm now signed to None More Black Records.
At 8/22/06 09:56 PM, The_DeathstalkR wrote: the stores here don't have any metal section of cds, they just throw everything; punk, pop, alternative, etc. all in the rock/pop section
I have been to a shop that did that. It made it a pain to have a look through all the CDs. :(
At 8/23/06 01:14 AM, Shredding_Death wrote: Oh god... Octavarium is AMAZING in my opinion, it's a lot heavier than most of their stuff, and still sticks to the same style, it's godly.
I'll just see whatever albums of theirs the shops have at good prices (I'm not gonna fucking pay £23 for 6DOIT >:( ). Octavarium or Awake will probably be the next DT album I'll get.
And all of you guys must have it pretty bad, I live by Philladelphia and there is this record store totally dedacated to metal, 2 floors, it has EVERYTHING. and no metalcore shit.
Wow, I wish there was a shop like that around here, but I bet there will never be something like that around here. :(
At 8/24/06 01:47 AM, The_Ghoul wrote: Oh, and if anybody's a veteran on MA, can you update Kali Yuga? I'm now signed to None More Black Records.
i'll see if i can get to that
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 8/24/06 02:19 PM, Senor_Peligro wrote:At 8/24/06 01:47 AM, The_Ghoul wrote: Oh, and if anybody's a veteran on MA, can you update Kali Yuga? I'm now signed to None More Black Records.i'll see if i can get to that
Already got to it, don't bother.
At 8/24/06 06:20 PM, CowsCanBark wrote:
Already got to it, don't bother.
Thanks, man. Much luff <3
All Deicide haters, please check out "The Stench of Redemption". It will change your opinions.
I have recently come into a ridiculously large cd collection. My father passed away and left everything he had to me, which includes all his cd's, his guitars and amps, and his t-top firebird. If I can get around to it, I'll be sure to name all the cd's he's given me. It's incredibly unfortunate seeing as he was only 42 years old, but he was the funniest most intelligent guy I know. He knows I love music just as much as he does, and I think he'd want me to be more happy about this then sad. I'm short of a father and a best friend.
At 8/25/06 04:24 PM, EmpyreanTempest wrote: I have recently come into a ridiculously large cd collection. My father passed away and left everything he had to me, which includes all his cd's, his guitars and amps, and his t-top firebird. If I can get around to it, I'll be sure to name all the cd's he's given me. It's incredibly unfortunate seeing as he was only 42 years old, but he was the funniest most intelligent guy I know. He knows I love music just as much as he does, and I think he'd want me to be more happy about this then sad. I'm short of a father and a best friend.
It's kinda refreshing to see someone look at the more positive side of death, in that you say your Dad wouldn't want you to be sad.
So yeah, I hope all goes well for you and you have my sympathies.
Oh, and Empyrean, sorry to hear about your loss. I'm glad you're taking it well though. You're taking it much better than I would take it dude.
At 8/25/06 11:56 PM, Jombo wrote:At 8/25/06 11:50 PM, CptnJarrrrrydn wrote: Yay!Ha, that's awesome man, I didn't know you guys were that popular.
Cheers dude :D
Yeah, it's really's gotten to the point where it's self-perpetuating...I don't have to promote it at all now because there's hundreds of people on myspace doing it for me :P. And I think today we're going to hit the 25,000 play mark. From my point of view...that's a pretty mad milestone :D.
We're on an awesome label too, that certainly helps. And we've made quite a few interesting contacts =).
First of all I want to thank Nev and CaptnJarydn for the kind words. I know it's odd that I've accepted this reality so soon, he's been in the hospital since tuesday and they took him off of life support friday and I've been a wreck the whole time. But on Friday somebody gave me the cliche "He wouldnt want you to be crying." line, and normally you know that wouldnt help but for this situation it's absolutely true. I dont have one bad memory about my dad, he was just a funny and absolutely cool guy. He's the reason I am what I am today, he got me into all my favorite movies, and the first time I ever listend to Maiden was in his car and thats what got me into metal. I'll miss him sure but as of right now the memories make me more happy then they do make me sad.
And second, on a more upbeat note I'm glad your band is doing good, and for what it's worth I really like your music. I'm not an authority on Grindcore, at all. As much as it may piss you off the only Grindcore band I really know anything about is Napalm Death. But again for whats it worth I really like the stuff.
At 8/26/06 12:48 PM, EmpyreanTempest wrote: But again for whats it worth I really like the stuff.
We all know that Blowtorch Abortion are the best though. With song titles like 'Rebury Those Faggot Miners' and that wonderful monologue into 'Beating Women (Makes My Cock Hard)'.
At 8/26/06 01:09 PM, -Nev- wrote: and that wonderful monologue into 'Beating Women (Makes My Cock Hard)'.
Which has just been re-recorded for our upcoming split with Penil Suffocation and The Guantanamo Baycity Rollers ;D
At 8/26/06 12:48 PM, EmpyreanTempest wrote: First of all I want to thank Nev and CaptnJarydn for the kind words. I know it's odd that I've accepted this reality so soon, he's been in the hospital since tuesday and they took him off of life support friday and I've been a wreck the whole time. But on Friday somebody gave me the cliche "He wouldnt want you to be crying." line, and normally you know that wouldnt help but for this situation it's absolutely true. I dont have one bad memory about my dad, he was just a funny and absolutely cool guy. He's the reason I am what I am today, he got me into all my favorite movies, and the first time I ever listend to Maiden was in his car and thats what got me into metal. I'll miss him sure but as of right now the memories make me more happy then they do make me sad.
As I said before, it's hell good to see you taking this so well man. If I had been in the same situation I'd pretty much just break down and not know what to do. It's cool that you have heaps of good memories about your father though, so you don't have to be bitter in your mourning. I hope (and I'm sure) you'll pull through this alright mate :)
And second, on a more upbeat note I'm glad your band is doing good, and for what it's worth I really like your music. I'm not an authority on Grindcore, at all. As much as it may piss you off the only Grindcore band I really know anything about is Napalm Death. But again for whats it worth I really like the stuff.
Lol, it's no biggie man. I'm not really concerned with what people classify my music as, and who listens to it, as long as they enjoy it ;). When it comes down to it, we're barely grind anyway...the first "release" was pretty close though ;D
At 8/26/06 01:09 PM, -Nev- wrote: We all know that Blowtorch Abortion are the best though. With song titles like 'Rebury Those Faggot Miners' and that wonderful monologue into 'Beating Women (Makes My Cock Hard)'.
Haha, I've never heard of them before. But I must have laughed for a good five minutes when I read 'Rebury Those Faggot Miners'.
At 8/26/06 10:17 PM, EmpyreanTempest wrote: Haha, I've never heard of them before. But I must have laughed for a good five minutes when I read 'Rebury Those Faggot Miners'.
We had a ball recording it :P.
"Hey man, what will make people really hate us?"
"I know! Lets write a song about those guys that got trapped in that Tasmanian mine!"
"Ok! :D"
As soon as I read that I thought you were Australian. But Western Australian? YAY! I'm in W.A too. And those miners were faggots.
For a long time I've been wondering why it's so standard for Metal Heads to dedicate themselves to either Black Metal or Death Metal and then call everything else gay. Whats wrong with a guy that likes Power Metal or Speed Metal more then Death or Black? And why does Thrash and Speed and Power Metal always get written off as "Boring" or "Generic"? Isnt it about personal opinion? I dont see a huge jump in the necessary talent required to produce the music. It just never made sense to me. I personally like a little bit of it all, and I dont see what all the insults are about?
Well, I'm back from my trip to St. Catherines. While I was there, I got an Iron maiden T-shirt, 2 Black Sabbath T-shirts, Napalm Death - Leaders Not Followers: Part 2, Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine, Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal, Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer, Slayer - Christ Illusion, and some other stuff.
At 8/27/06 01:47 AM, Jombo wrote:At 8/27/06 01:42 AM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Well, I'm back from my trip to St. Catherines. While I was there, I got an Iron maiden T-shirt, 2 Black Sabbath T-shirts, Napalm Death - Leaders Not Followers: Part 2, Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine, Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal, Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer, Slayer - Christ Illusion, and some other stuff.Nice to see you back. :)
By the way, does anyone remember Lykaki? She hasn't posted here in like 5 months lol. The newer members won't know her, but I know Goatchrist and Cowscanbark were here when she was around. She was the only female member I think, and she loved black metal. Hmm, I wonder if she died.....
Yeah I used to pop in and just read through the thread oh yes and kudo's to Kronik on buying the chainheart machine by soilwork one of my favorites.
At 8/27/06 01:47 AM, Jombo wrote:
By the way, does anyone remember Lykaki? She hasn't posted here in like 5 months lol. The newer members won't know her, but I know Goatchrist and Cowscanbark were here when she was around. She was the only female member I think, and she loved black metal. Hmm, I wonder if she died.....
I was wondering the same thing a while ago, but I was glad to hear she's alive, at least. :)
As for me, I was in Sonata Arctica's tour finale concert last night and it was awesome! It was held in Kemi, the band's hometown and the town I was born in. There were about 3000 people there but I was lucky enough to get to the 2nd row! They played for two hours and ended with fireworks in the sky. In my opinion, a band returning from a 160-gig world tour that lasted for 2 years deserves some fireworks. ;) I never knew Sonata's such a live performer!
At 8/27/06 01:20 AM, EmpyreanTempest wrote: For a long time I've been wondering why it's so standard for Metal Heads to dedicate themselves to either Black Metal or Death Metal and then call everything else gay.
Black metallers can't call anyone gay when you've got Dani Filth on your side :P.
Yeah I know CoF aren't black metal... but they wannabe. So he's like, tagging along and dragging the rep down.
Whats wrong with a guy that likes Power Metal or Speed Metal more then Death or Black? And why does Thrash and Speed and Power Metal always get written off as "Boring" or "Generic"?
Power Metal is pretty generic, but it doesn't change the fact its awesome. Sometimes it nice to just stop caring and just listen to music for the sheer cheesiness of it. And then do loads of epic stances and sing along 'Rise over shadow mountains, blazing with power!'
Thrash is also a bit generic, I mean... Exodus, Testament, Metallica... all sound the same, especially vocal wise. Its like an army of Hetfields.
Still I love both genre's. Two of my favourites along with Prog Metal.
I personally like a little bit of it all, and I dont see what all the insults are about?
Like you said, its opinion... so just ignore it. Its not cool to like something cause people tell you to. Like what you like and let others do the same.... and throw some 'Your Mum' jokes in there.
'Power metal is gay!'
'Your mums gay!'
At 8/27/06 07:46 AM, -Nev- wrote:At 8/27/06 01:20 AM, EmpyreanTempest wrote: For a long time I've been wondering why it's so standard for Metal Heads to dedicate themselves to either Black Metal or Death Metal and then call everything else gay.Black metallers can't call anyone gay when you've got Dani Filth on your side :P.
Humans can't call anything gay for as long as Marilyn Manson exists on our side :(